Lets seem em'
Lets seem em'
You're in the wrong board!
No I'm not
Desktop threads were banned a long time ago!
Is this the new anime thread?
Can you guys recommend me a good anime?
I can't rice without anime
One Punch Man :D
fucking xddddddddddddddddddddd
Yuru Yuri
No they aren't.
Yeah, they are. Has it been awhile since you have been on Sup Forums? They are auto-saged.
>They are auto-saged.
Apparently not.
is this the new desktop thread
show ur mpc stats
i can't rn
I got my act together and fixed :)
fresh install
Looks good johnathan
this is my desktop
Your conky looks like dogshit but other than that 8/10 pretty comfy.
>stock arschbang
>all those panels
Other than the weeb shit 6.5/10.
MATE is a pretty nice DE. Your desktop is pleasant. 9/10.
Oh look! Dildos with wigs!
Poo in the loo.
>>stock arschbang
>>all those panels
It's a joke
>MATE is a pretty nice DE. Your desktop is pleasant. 9/10.
my home city
fuck off matt
>poo in the loo
But I don't use windows?
>all those linux losers
Kek. How does it feel to be banned from the pussy?
>/q/ - Lets seem em'
but you're on Sup Forums
what do i win
1 rupee has been deposited in your account
Thanks, except microshit can suck my dick. I'm using windows only because it's the only usable os on my machine
Agreed, I play too many games to use Linux w/ Vulcan... And I have AMD parts
Gnome is comfy
men you must be a long lost faggot relative of mine
we have same taste in manga, girlfriends and desktop environments
More like cucky lol
This is a DESKTOP
< 3
comfy ;^)
you are beautiful inside and out
No. It's not a joke you retarded fuck.
Very nice.
no u
You use OShomoseX.
It's only fucked up in the screenshot. Doesn't look like that on my display. Spectacle is just shitty.
>It's not a joke you retarded fuck.
Well yeah it kind of was. I think I would know considering I'm the one that made the thread.
OS X is better than Linux.
When did this happen? Not that I miss them
Thanks dude
Haha! This desktop is also completely serious. No joking around allowed!
In what way? The lack of control or the fruity faggot theme?