Sup Forums Humor/gore/wtf thread

Post what you got

Best thread on Sup Forums currently. I bump this.

This went into my current set up, i bought those cards for 10 dollars each.



whatre you going to do with them?


and it would be you download chrome






Leddit fag, takes one to know one but that was on the front page

The real joke is the and cpu though

Quadro cards support mosaic, so im going to run 8 monitors, at least once i move back to my dorm. I have it running crunchbang++ with 4 monitors at the moment.


true dat





piracy must have been a real bitch in the 90s







>Girl with colored hair
>Spending 25,000 she doesn't have yearly on a professor bullshit degree
God I hate being in the same age range as such fucks.

It's okay user, post pics of your speccy to calm down


Why? What do you care?

I'd really like to know wtf this is

Is it jelly? Silicon? What?


Whew, I feel better, prepare yourself, it's an old one.


Whew, I feel better, prepare yourself, it's an old one.



>Imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food



Is it 144Hz?



Just a crappy 60hz panel, my setup needs to be totally revamped, with at least a new FX8350 build ans 1920x1200 display.

deliberately misunderstanding jokes isn't funny and doesn't make you look clever



for what purpose


Don't copy that floppy

some routers are overclockable, and cooling their CPUs can help just like it does with any other computer.

Using water is way overkill, which is the joke. usually people that want a faster router for some reason just cut a hole in the gase and stick on whatever heatsink and/or fan they have lying around

A funny IT comic strip. Now I've seen it all.


haha who is this guy he looks like a hobo

He's one of the best [s4s] artists the world has ever seen.

This is so rad


>Thinkpads best at anything
>Implying the Toughbook line isn't the superior choice.

>tfw tried to download satan

ever tried carrying that thing around?

>housefire meme
newfags image

I don't get the AMD housfire meme, the FX 8350 is a high end cpu and it's only a 125w TDP, yet people completely forget about the 130w chips intel's made like the pentium D and nahalem i7, which was a good fuckin CPU, but it's a housefire too.

cool use of old quadros, too bad your software setup is aids


Poor thing, it starved to death in there. I would never wish that upon anyone.

almost didn't recognise it as an antec 900.

That's fucking awesome, I wonder what kind of horn sound it plays.

The housefire ""meme"" was born with nvidia 4xx series, then people who clearly didn't lurk enough started using it for amd. Intel beats it hands down with netburst.. but it's long time ago

It was probably really profitable in the 90s.

It seems like people care excessively today because the internet and camera lenses on cell phones let others easily examine everyone all the time.




because they cant seem to release anything less than 200w nowadays and all of their stuff worth a damn is 200w

im using a 435w power supply with haswell i7 and gtx 960
you couldnt do that with AMD products.

>tfw i love AMD and dont want to see them die, but some times you have to put the dog down.


Fucking this.
>Buying thinkpads when you could be using a TUFFB00K

One of the finest threads I ever saw on this Korean cinema site.

I will admit that the 9590 is the most retarded CPU ever, but you can build a kickass 8350 rig for cheap atm and it's more than enough for my games, i'm saving up for one.

>8 monitors
Please take a picture of your battlestation when you're done

Was netburst's temps that bad? I get that they got destroyed by athlon 64s but I have an old system that I'm experimenting with (p4 2.53ghx overclocked to 3ghz) and it doesn't go past 60 degrees under load and that's with a stock cooler. Is there something that I'm missing?

>liquid cooling required
i cant justify purchasing hardware that old dude, im sorry. i know the 8350 is a great chip, and it was amazing when it came out, but zen is just too sorely needed right now. anyone in their right mind would not buy AMD for a new build right now.

When your rig looks like this, anything looks decent, and for real cheap I can get a bitching gigabyte 990fx gaming board, 32GB 1866 ram to set me up for years and my gpu wont be bottlenecked anymore.


my friend. my rig does look like that :^)
even an i3 right now is more attractive, because it can be replaced later.
the heat was awful when you did comprehensive tasks. forget about anything rendering, making music, or doing computing. the cache and pipeline was massive, and alot of the time it had errors and had to recompute, thus the heat.

When I said that it doesn't exceed 60 degrees under load, I meant while stress testing. I also tried x264 encoding with handbrake and the temps were a bit lower than while running stress tests.

can anyone tell me if you can buy the monitor by itself?

The meme of pentium 4's being space heaters wasn't that they're a board melter, they just don't perform well for the 95-130w of heat the do make, hence why they become so worthless after core 2 duos came out, the pentium 4 didn't get a second life as a budget CPU like the core 2 duos and quads because the were so outclassed by them back in 2007.

Rest in peace mr lizard

oh god thats the first time ive seen that i genuinly laughed to the point where i cried

well with ddwrt you can overclock it lol.

I know that the performance is shit, look at pic related, the latest baseline for that CPU is my machine and that's with a 0.5 GHZ overclock. I just expected them to run extremely hotter than what I've seen due to all the memeing.

Heath death not starvation.


Wtf? The hard drive is in the wrong way and upside down

Jokes on her that she does not know a ThinkPad workstation, because they all look the same since the 90's.


Kek, spot the newfag, AMD & housefire.

>not encapsulating your sd cards in ice for better data retention

Stay pleb

>tfw you download argent energy

poor guy how did he get into the computer?