IT cucks

IT cucks
>terrible working conditions
>constant threat of becoming irrelevant or replaced by pajeet
>you'll be (very) lucky to make even the base sallery of a physician
>society doesn't know what you do, and doesn't care

>Unpaid overtime? No thanks
>specialized knowledge plus a wide set of "softer" skills makes you irreplacable
>Like to work with tech? Radiologists make $300.000 a year
>society knows what you do and respects you for it

See me when you've developed back problems in 15 years

Different strokes for different folks m8

sage in all fields etc

This is such a specific comparison that it just screams OP is insecure in his decision to go to med school

How do I go from CompSCI MSc to radiology?

>not having to interact with stupid people
>write some numbers on papers
>society knows what you're doing
>will never be replaced by pajeets
>300k starting

why become a doctor when u can get a PhD in maths?

Bioengineers: fuck all of you you all suck

I'm not speaking from experience but wouldn't Math PhDs be the hardest to get PhDs in? You literally have to make something new up in Math.


Not if you're a nigger.

>be pajeet
>you can destroy any overpaid loopooers life by replacing him
>business loves you

So why you should poo in the loo again?

And? Are you too stupid? Stay in CS if you are.

As someone who actually has a job and work experience, I'm not worried about offshore or nearshore taking my job. They are gloriously incompetent.

I'm assuming OP means doctor of medicine, because you can get a doctorates in almost anything.

Can I get PhD in gender studies?

unfortunately yes

Labor is not technology.

>>Unpaid overtime? No thanks


>Like to work with tech? Radiologists make $300.000 a year

Rad-Techs do. All you do is interpret CTs, CXRs, MRIs etc.

I'm studying comp sci but I have friends in medicine. How do I make more money than them?

make autismcraft and sell it to ms

lol you fucked up senpai

sorry I meant comp engi

fixed that image

Is really that hard to complete words in a sentence?
How time did you save by not typing a bunch of letters?

Doctors are underpaid slaves here in Sweden so they search for a job somewhere else

It's not a bad field just get an internship at some point before graduating and don't be a retard

Gov gotta give jewgoldz to jamal and his 8 kids.
>mfw dweden will be 3rd world shithole in your life time