No session manager

>no session manager
>all tabs are lost if it crashes
what the fuck, how is this acceptable?
It's literally a chromium reskin and they can't implement that?

Technically it's not a reskin. They only use blink for page rendering. Everything else is their own code more or less. That's why Opera was not vulnerable to black box module injection that chromium suffered from some time ago.

>>all tabs are lost if it crashes
I've never had it crash. So this isn't an issue. Go figure.

yea but I still can't restore lost tabs

first time happened today, as usual thanks to 4chanx

Functionality is not an essential feature of an Android broswer. Quantity is.

Make sure you have at least 6 is rotation at all times or you really aren't elite enough to own an android phone and should go back to iFagOS.... amiritebros?

>Android broswer
this is about the pc version


Why the fuck would you use Opera on a PC?

because chrome is shit
chromium is shit
firefox is shit
your other hipster tinfoil browsers are shit
everything is shit

Because it's lovely

>wants a firefox feature
>uses a shit browser instead
opera died and then turned into a chrome clone long ago

>firefox feature
>chrome clone
then how does chrome/chromium have the ability to restore pages if the browser crashed?
or even if you just close the browser



ctrl + shfit + t

also "lost tabs" are in your browser history

too bad it doesn't group the nicely like other browsers, "
>recently closed : 3tabs


non-existant in new opera

>opera shitposting thread once again
are you getting paid for this?

does it really hurt so bad that it's clearly the best browser out there?

>all tabs are lost if it crashes

I have never had it crash on me hehe.

but I still use because there doesn't seem to be anything better, I'm just sad this useful feature still isn't properly implemented
I'd be happy with an extension as well, but there doesn't seem to be any decent one

because it performs way better than any version of Chrome or Firefox on my machone