What is your preferred desktop environment?

What is your preferred desktop environment?


Use compton to fix the screen tearing issue.


I like LxQT but I can't stand Openbox. Doing some research before I find a replacement.

I used GNOME starting with 1.4. The 2.0 release was huge. Used and loved GNOME until 3.0.

When GNOME 3.0 came out, I knew my days of using it were over. This was before MATE and Cinnamon showed up.

Tried XFCE, couldn't do it... ended up switching to i3, been running it for years now

Right now I'm using Debian LXDE with i3wm instead of openbox

XFCE or MATE when available

>using a WM made by Pajeets

Is there anything that looks and functions like cinnamon, but isn't cinnamon?

Openbox. I ran Crunchbang on my shitty netbook for years and took a liking to it.

I've tried to switch to a tiling WM a few times but I always just get impatient and switch back.


Nothing comes even close to HUD.

i like unity but i feel like it could be so much more customizable.


It really could, but once you get the hang of it it becomes great.



XFCE + Compiz

You have to go back Pedrito

>not using Windows 7
>calling yourself an adult

I love XFCE, but the tearing it's unbearable.
I'm a #KDEmissile now


spectrwm is perfect fpr me

unironically enjoy Unity

I liked LXDE/LXQT but I don't have a toaster anymore


LxQT of course.

Unity HUD was really laggy until xenial came out.

>OP asks what user's favorite DE is
>Retards naming WM's.

Typical Linux users of Sup Forums.


Aquais thegraphical user interface(GUI) andvisual themeofApple'sOS Xoperating system. It was originally based around the theme of water, with droplet-like components and a liberal use of reflection effects and translucency. Its goal is to "incorporate color, depth, translucence, and complex textures into a visually appealing interface" in OS X applications.At its introduction,Steve Jobsnoted that "one of the design goals was when you saw it you wanted to lick it".

Shitty quality background, Allah is disappointed



fucking newfags can't handle purely terminal environments

Been using a GUI since '86, a GUI with a shell window is much more powerful than your basic CLI.

> nvidia optimus
i feel for you user.

>desktop environment
Openbox + tint2, dunst2, rxvt-unicode, slim, conky Thunar and compton. Oh yeah, lxappearance-ob too for muh looks.

Other than that, just utility programs, as file-roller, p7zip, thunar-volman, udisks2, etc.

even lxde feels bulky compared to (your)a configured openbox

Xfce or mate. Its good for you

I like the bait folders made just for the screenshot on the right.


I don't use the Nvidia card since it eats up the battery, I only have it for CUDA and OpenCL.


Oh shit I'm fucked

I never really use it either, i just setup it up because before i did the nvidia card was idling and crunching battery, but at least now with all the stuff setup, bumblebee shuts it all off.

thanks, i even applied the default wallpaper and removed my super cool numix themes to look different #doitforthescreenshot

Honestly I've been trying to learn how to use and customize i3. It's actually really fun and works well with how my head likes things organized.

Furthermore, I'm more involved with config files which, let's face it, really just makes me feel more l33t.

gnome3 4-ever

kde, but my work uses ubuntu for some reason, so I stick with mate + kwin.

I like Gnome3. I tried out KDE and it drove me mad, it did look sorta pretty though.

What's wrong with cinnamon? Also Mate, installable on arch and available as a flavor for everything else.

OSX 10.10


MATE looks exactly like Gnome2 did 10 years ago.
I know that's the point, but why the fuck anyone would want this is beyond me.

Pantheon from Elementary. It's just so comfy.

KDE or Cinnamon

I use herbstluftwm. But of desktop environments I totally love unity7.

xfce+openbox+compton and tint2 as a panel

The "C" stands for "Comfy".

Pretty much the same. I've always preferred window managers to desktop environments.

what's xfce's job in that setup then?

What are some neat unity OS? Ubuntu gnome got kinda annoying and I need something for my laptop.

Waste of vertical space


You mean Germans?

Are you poor?

gtk theming and easy settings

Enlightenment with Wayland

I've used KDE since 2003, so KDE.



It's a waste none the less. Fuck off pleb.

Openbox w/ tint2.
Easy to rice and pretty comfy to use from somebody that used to be a Wincuck.

I hear lots of people shit on Openbox though. I don't quite understand why.

I use Cinnamon on my t420,
LXDE with Plank on my oldass netbook, feels really light for the shit machine that it is
Explorer.exe on my main machine.

I've usually used xfce but started using lumina lately. Anyone else try it?

just werks, just good



This looks comfy. I might try it out in place of XFCE.

> Implying I use a desk top environment


my nigga


Holy shit there are two of you little degenerates now?


4dwm, is like CDE but without the taskbar. Don't know if is available, but maxxdesktop seems to be a great copy.

I use the K Desktop Environment :^)

windows 10

Looks comfy

Woops, meant to say Irix desktop. 4dwm is the window manager.

Yes, and beautiful.

What's the old-ass system this was based on, again? Been trying to remember the name all week.

That looks nice :)

based on CDE, the Common Desktop Environment (both use Motif)

Holy shit welcome to 1997

Motif window manager? Both CDE and Irix are based on that.

you can disable the taskbar in CDE



Nah I was thinking of Nextstep, not sure if they're actually related now.

Motif is not a window manager, but a windowing library, like GTK or Qt

The closest thing to Nextstep is GNUStep+Window Builder

Yea I still want to try Window Maker one day.

I know. But would be good to have separate all the components of Irix and CDE to customize.

Just look at the icon catalog in Irix, is not like I wouldn't use it even in other DE's.

They are not related.

Yes, Motif is the toolkit, but there is an actual window manager which those are based on.

>They are not related.
Well the toolkit and dock look pretty similar.

What WM does lumina use?

It appears to be Qt based so does it use Kwin?

Would be awesome because i dislike Plasma and most of KDE but i LOVE Kwin and its compositor features are much better than Compiz
