This hits way too close to home.
Cut my life into pieces
Haha I get it cuz you never left home.
Well actually, I did move away for my freshman year in college. I later moved back though and now attend a University in my town.
>the kids playing outside
I'm at that point right now, except I already unpacked my boxes and bags
time enjoyed is never time wasted my friend
> not upgrading to extra-large for an additional 2 dollary doos
nobody likes you when you're 23
What do you mean
i think its from dink 185
>This is my last resort
23 is just the start my friend
I didn't go to high school and proceeded to start this image from age 13, right up until 23. All infront of the PC.
I didn't get my first job until 23, I had to because my mom ran out of money. I worked my first job fixing computers as lead tech at a mom&pop shop until I was 27. Now, I'm 30. I deliver pizzas in a c5 corvette. It's kind of silly but I make a lot more money delivering pizza than doing anything I was actually good at, because everybody fucking loves pizza. My social abilities soared.
I have had sex with 14 women now. 10 of them either craigslist or escorts, but I forced myself to get experience to replaced the missed out relationships. I keep trying to gain experience while improving myself in every way I can, yesterday I had a tiny asian escort where I had 3 inches of dick left over that I couldn't fit. Tonight I have craigslist... actually a 2nd visit from the same 20yo girl that has a 9/10 body, absolutely fucking lucking out. I'm nervous because I still haven't had enough sex and I -know- how attractive this girl is now. She's over in an hour. Fuck.
Oh yeah great song.
How do I get out?
This was me right up until 19 when I realized something was terribly wrong and saved myself. I was in the process of planning a custom gaymen rig when I began to wonder what the fuck I wanted to do with my life and decided this was not it.
>I didn't go to high school and proceeded to start this image from age 13, right up until 23. All infront of the PC.
>I didn't get my first job until 23, I had to because my mom ran out of money.
Story of my life atm. Need to get a fucking job soon but can't seem to be able to get out of my comfort zone ( browsing shitty boards, playing shitty games on and off ). Fuck I don't want this anymore.
I know who you are, your name starts with a J.
Nope, C
Nice pasta fag
Someone post the one with Lucky Star poster and an nvidia housefire.
I decided to go outside. Now I have a and work a shit job full-time.
Kill me.
Nope, J
You seen confused.
same here. Except i dont live in a relative's basement.
You don't lad
This is me except I didn't have a computer until I was 15 so I just kept playing games for a long time
Until the light takes us
Fucking kek. Fuck the sun, it gives you cancer and shit.
>finally about to move out and get a job after 6 years of being a NEET
i feel like i've made a terrible mistake Sup Forums
but it's too late to change course now
>that bottom picture
stop giving me a boner with your gay shit Sup Forums
>only 20 years old
means he was 10 in 2006. Holy shit, nigga probably grew up watching Boku no Pico, and turned into a degenerate faggot as a result. Good job!
OP do not listen to this man.
He is a shill trying to get you to fall for the vaginal jew. Do not follow false prophets.
no senpai
accept it
shh i never watched anime or any of that bullshit
Wow turned me into a furry, and furry turned me into gay. its simple.
I live in an expensive apartment with huge glass walls and great views. My computer room has huge blackout blinds so that I can sit in the dark all day.
I will gladly accept if you show me more.
what are you, new?
can i join you in your degenerate trap orgy sessions
w-we can talk about technology
n-no homo
That's pretty gay desu senpai
no outsiders allowed
and we aren't even traps
ofc it is honey
i use the word "trap" to rationalize my latent homosexuality, just like everybody else on Sup Forums
You best cherish your fellow faggot user, not everyone is so lucky
bois > traps
trap meme needs to end
i do.
and i feel very lucky for all my close friends i have too
got some real awesome nigs to be thankful for
Still using that same old pic from last week.. give us something new user
>that shitty """""mouse"""""
nah senpai, he can keep his legs to himself
madkat trash should stay in the garbage
Stop making me jelly you homo
ill do new memes when i get horse dick in the mail ok?
there is no mouse in the picture
its behind legs. and i certainly don't own anything mad by "madkat"
are you blind? or just retarded.
I'm going to rape the both of you
still asserting it's you? huh
here's the trip if you really want proof
>Not only is he a cute trap with a cute trap boyfriend
>But he's also loaded
Why am I even alive desu.
Jealousy is literally oozing out of every orifice.
Where do you even find cute traps?
Well, someone should do 33 with more monitors, thinkpads and a VR headset
At the trap shop
im not loaded
and im not just doing that thing rich people do when they say they arent loaded when they totally are.
im broke af
>Where do you even find cute traps?
idk i only like cute boys
>tfw don't even know who you are or what this board is
nobody usually takes the bait so i didn't really know what to do after that step
>im broke af
as somebody that is ACTUALLY broke af, I'm pretty insulted desu.
no broke person can afford cute girly clothes with cute teacups and a top-tier PC set up.
stop lying to my face user.
well im not africa tier broke but i just spend my money on socks and stuff instead of rent and am always late on bills
pc was bought bit by bit very slowly and most of it was bought back when i actually had income
You can smd for some money son, if youre nearby :^)
im a richfag, just wear that what youre wearing on the picture
no ty i have self respect.
Oh dear son, sucking someone's dick for money doesnt mean you dont have any self respect. I guess youre too young to understand though
Are basements popular in the USA? I live in the UK and literally not one person I know has a basement.
Settle down, okay?
Yes, though mine is just a hole in the ground filled with spiders only used as a place to hide from tornados.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying! If the tornado doesn't get you, the spiders will!
>you will never play dress up with your cute trap fuckbuddy
>those two boxes not even the right way up
You don't deserve friends.
Where do I go for 3D traps on Sup Forums? I usually fap to 2D but want to try something new, should I just look around outside Sup Forums?
Why the fuck is there no Sup Forums dating service?
Everybody here seems to be into traps/crossdress gay stuff anyway, so no problem that 99% of users here are male.
Someone make a logo?
y not?
idk i dont like traps
could work
met some real gayniggers here
That feel when I made this pic over 6 years ago and it still gets reposted sometimes.
I originally posted it on Sup Forums back when we used to have MS Paint comic threads.
nothing wrong with that
>turbo button
i kekd
make some funny oc now
because nobody likes you
you are unlovable
I actually have that lucky star poster
i was 8 when i saw a turbo button on pc. you had a shit pc when you was 10 op. XD
cheer up, dude..
Move out of the basement then and open the curtains.
Two simple things that even you can manage. The next step would be shaving.
>Age 5
Playing outside
>Age 10
Playing outside trying to learn how to skateboard
>Age 11-12
Discovered Runescape abandoning skateboarding and going outside
>Age 18-23
pretty much the bottom picture now. Destroyed myself. Skateboarding was gay anyways.
boys make the best girls