What's the most expensive piece of software you've pirated?
I'll start
What's the most expensive piece of software you've pirated?
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N ice try
throughout the years, probably more than 300k
don't worry user. W10 tells us about all your pirated software :^)
Is CS6 better than Paint.net?
probably commercial IRIX software like softimage or alias stuff that probably licensed in the $8,000+ per seat range
for light touch ups it's probably overkill, but it's gud for batch processing images and more advanced features
I'm not sure the Adobe suite is worth that much, unless you're counting over the years.
For me it's been assorted 3D software, for obvious reasons, since 3ds Max 5.0, so I can only imagine the tally on that.
East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Platinum
Solidworks, $4,000
Matlab comes in second at $2,700
I presume you pirated all the toolboxes for matlab too, that'd easily put it in the five figures.
Who here actually paid $2600 for Photoshop instead of pirating it or getting an alternative like paint.net or GIMP?
I get the entire CC suite for 20bux a month, it's pretty nice.
tfw bought matlab student version for $50
got Autocad + Inventor free student versions
CS is probably the most expensive for me too. That was years ago though.
Never bought even a single software or game in my entire worthless life.
don't know if this quite counts, but i once did a "computer repair" at a super fancy euro boutique hair, makeup and nails place. They ran some custom software that did everything for them from inventory management to booking appointments and email marketing. no downloads anywhere for it, so website just a phone number and email adress becuase they're fancy or something. long story short, ended up social engineering a new download from a third party for some shit software that they charge about $10k for, so i could then to a restore to their old key and database.
I once pulled down an image of a BMW T43 laptop drive, and the SCO UnixWare backend for it, as well as the shop databases.
It's my understanding that BMW sells the system / software for about $400K.
IDA Pro with all the Hex Rays decompilers for ARM and x86, 32 and 64 bit. If you went and purchased it legibly, would cost you 10k+. Most insane pricing for software ever.
2360 aud per year
2819 aud per year
Autodesk are a bunch of jewcunts, as an architect you literally have to use their software, otherwise you don't have a job.
u r a Sup Forumsod
solidworks 2014
lifetime license costs like 5600$ for an individual person
Piracy is killing and robbing people on the high seas.
i still ended up buying it
Stupid companies, maybe
Literally everyones rents it
visual studio enterprise 6k $
Visual Studio 6 and a .NET version I don't remember, back where there was no free version.
What's it used for?
> stealing disks on the high seas for your shitty animu series
user pls.
except i pay 40 yurobucks because first world.
Never, I only download and use free software because I own it and am in control, however I do download music and movies, that's about if f@mpai
IBM Datastage, about 120K ameridollars
>2360 aud per year
you can't be serious
MS Paint is better than both.
It is a monopoly. I haven't seen any software that comes close to IDA Pro.
ArcGIS by far. that shit costs A LOT
>VPN & Seedbox
>Public / Private trackers
i dont nelieve you
Hook a nigga up.
CATIA once along with a load of proprietary add-ons. I only did it because of the extraordinary price, it probably takes another couple hundred grand to learn how to use it, very few people will ever go past Solidworks level.
cs6 or cc?
are the torrents up on p-bay legit?
Is there an open source alternative at all? Does it come close to replicating critical ArcGIS functionality?
ok for hours i thought the OP said "most expensive piece of software you've purchased" until just now.
It's for servicing vehicles. For that price I imagine it includes all prior, current, and future service manuals, parts price lists, computer tools, etc.
Cs6 is less maintenance to crack. I think with cc you need to re-patch it everytime there's an update. The best thing to do os download the cs6 trial from Adobe and apply the crack yourself instead of trusting a potentially malicious exe on pb.
You realize the crack is potentially malicious, too, right?
>getting your cracks from shit sources
Probably MATLAB or Mathematica, not too sure. I actually bought MATLAB as a student version years ago, but their support was so incredibly shitty (no updates, incompatibilities with new versions of my OS), that I just pirated it as a newer version, which is also buggy as hell, but whatever. I use ipython instead mostly now anyway.
>I think with cc you need to re-patch it everytime there's an update
Running cracked CC, never had this happen to me.
>at least 10'000$
great soft tho :^)
whats your opinion on sagemath?
>Vegas pro 12
$2500 (?) I don't know the exact MSRP for this
>Adobe Photoshop CS6 (long ago, now I use gimp/paint)
>Windows 10 Pro
I don't remember anything else,
Assuming this guy wasn't bullshitting, probably this.
FL Studio
Steinberg Cubase
They're all shit sources, dude.
Don't know too much about paint.net, used it for a bit but got more used to Photoshop. Call me a faggot
Which version? I thought the last good Cubase release came from Team AiR in ~2009?
Embarcadero Rad Studio think it was like 5k or more at the time
the one by the H2O group
I remember installing it on my first computer just for the lulz, as it was quite the rage (the way cracking denuvo would be today).
I was hopeful of some new developments in the audiowarez scene on reading your first post, but it was not to be.
Syncrosoft won. :'(
If I remember correctly, the Magix stuff (Samplitude, Sequoia) is also uncracked because of the dongle.
Ida pro
$1200 if I remember correctly
I haven't pirated software in forever. I just steal my anime.
Name good non-action anime.
Yuri Yuri
A windows server 2012 ISO that contained every variant possible :-) Including:
DataCentre $5000
Standard $822
Essentials $425
>every variant possible
>what is windows server core
Nice try kiddo
SAS. I seem to remember licenses at work being something like £7K per station per year.
>3 pieces for more than 3.500
what is this? what is this used for?
Nigger dick bennimax cuck analysis
Is it worth learning SAS?
Kind if stupid questino, everthing I've pirated was free :3
Probs office 2016.
Why pirate shit, lol.
Reminder that mook SELLS Sup Forums DATA ON REQUEST.
>NSA: Hi, here's $500, please give me the IP addresses associated with these posts
It's as easy as that.
ever since autodesk and adobe moved to subscription I just started pirating their shit instead of buying it
fuck everyone that does that, I wanted to be nice and actually pay for your stuff like I did before
I prefer gimp to paint.net
me and you both
although my new laptop came with a windows-key-in-the-bios thing
>not using a vpn
Like other people in this thread, solidworks.
CS6 is not that expensive. I pirated the CS6 Suite years back then bought it off ebay after.
>tfw only use free libre software
Never had to pirate anything.
They are both good. I really like Paint.net, my cousin is very good with that program, gonna get him to teach me one of these days.
Paint.net is really basic. I tried it after using GIMP and while it has a nice UI I quickly found myself short of features that I use. It's possible that those are available in plugin form but I found those a pain to search through on their website.
In my case, I had to recode the cluster and immobilizer for a 2002 BMW 540iT.
Correct, as well as 24x7x365 support.
GIMP can do the same with couple of addons.
but thats besides the point we are here to brag about expensive shit
3dsMax 2015
Ableton 9
>Not putting pressure on your employer to buy you a license
>He rejects his right to freedom and violates another person's (corporations are people) freedom
Synopsys Design Compiler
The pricing varies depending on the number of licenses purchased, support types, features. etc. I'm sure the contract agreements are protected as much as possible. The talk is though that each seat could be as high as $200k/yr.
>IBMs "i2"
> still nothing
link analysis so expensive only state law enforcement agencies can afford it, it seems , cant find it anywhere
>(corporations are people)
I'll believe that the day Texas executes a corporation...
win server 2k16
Waves VST plugins pack