Where my Opera bros at?
Just made the switch and am trying to figure out if there's any reason to reinstall uBlock Origin or if the native ad blocker is reliable enough.
Where my Opera bros at?
Just made the switch and am trying to figure out if there's any reason to reinstall uBlock Origin or if the native ad blocker is reliable enough.
Other urls found in this thread:
ublock origin is not an ad blocker.
you can see yourself out.
>blocks ads
>lol but it's not an ad blocker
No, John, you need to leave.
>2 replies
>2 posters
you can use a shovel to carry dirt, but i think it would disingenuous to call it a dirt carrier.
nice try.
What exactly are you trying to prove here, smart user?
I came back to opera after being tired of the chrome/google botnet and firefox gets worse with each new release.
I'm very happy. it's fast, no bloat, can use all my chrome extensions on it, built in adblocker tho I still prefer https everywhere+ublock origin+umatrix.
At this point opera is sort of a chrome+ and without the botnet.
>le uhide maymay
ublock origin is a fantastic tool. im not implying it doesnt work as advertised. that shillfest was the worst.
im saying its not an adblocker because its not. it does far more than that, and it is not designed with adblocking in mind. that is just a side effect of it doing what it is designed to do.
How can I use chrome extensions in Opera? Do they really work? I heavily rely on mouse gestures and the internal ones in Opera are limited
opera died at 12
use vivaldi
There's an Opera extension called Download Chrome Extension which lets you install extensions from the Chrome Web Store. I don't use that many extensions, but I haven't had a problem with any Chrome extension yet.
Opera 12.16 masterrace reporting in
>using a Chromium web app as a browser
i use both 12 and vivaldi at work
but at home i use 12 exclusively but it's getting harder and harder still with it getting more obsolete by the day (had to write my own userjs to fix hitbox)
Is it still reasonably light? I used to use it when my single core desktop got a bit too old and FF took nearly a whole minute to run.
Matter of fact I don't know why I'm not using it still.
>b-buh-bu-b-bu-buh-but uhide!!!! hahahhahahahAHAHAHAHah xDDD i sure got 'em with that oen guize!!!1!1!
It's been awhile since I've used Opera. Does it still have single key shortcuts and the magic wand?
>Congratulations to being 15 years late to the party.
You pruned a TPG thread for this faggotry?
>using opera after the chinese bought the company
>wanting the chinese to spy on you
Is this a troll thread or do people generally not know that opera is dogshit tier now? Even chrome is a better choice now.
the deal didn't pass and even if it passed, the dev team will remain Norwegian.
in any case
I'd rather let the chinese spy on me
chink botnet>usa/google/microsoft/fbi/nsa/prism botnet
>even chrome is a better choice now
confirme google shill.
>not an ad blocker
It even says block in the name motherfucker!
>using Opera unironically
>same retarded shitposters in every thread
Sup Forums - The Biggest Shithole On The Internet
>the deal didn't pass and even if it passed
Wow looks like you Opera shills aren't even trying anymore, just outright lying about the whole thing.
18th July 2016
$600 million
I reinstalled Opera after only using Firefox for the last few years only to discover that's it's basically an even slower variant of Chrome, these days. Oh well.
Also, what the fuck is it with tabs being blank when going back to them after not viewing them for a while; they stay blank for a few seconds and then the content appears? It isn't loading the page content again because it does it even after disconnecting from the Internet and it sure as hell isn't doing it to keep RAM usage low because it eats a shit ton of RAM. Is anyone else getting this?
>Video Popout
>Where people consume video the most
>We took a deeper look at how people multitask while watching video in different geographies. The results of this research show online video preferences around the globe based on aggregated and averaged data from Opera 38 usage. The data collected does not include privacy-sensitive data.
>The top-10 countries span four different continents, showing that the online video boom is truly a global phenomenon. It’s also interesting to see that people in some countries – such as Italy, the UK and Germany – spend much more time watching videos during the weekend, while others, such as China or Spain, tend to multitask more during weekdays.
So it's not a botnet, r-right guys?
Opera blocker does not block everything. Just install adblock plus on top of it. Opera is still dope as fuck regardless.
>adblock plus
you misspelled ublock origin
>dev team will remain norwegian
dev team isn't even norwegian anymore lmao
fuck off ching chong mao zedong
Is there any way to use the a custom new tab page in opera? It's form comfy reasons.
I installed the extension, but it's not working
this fucking browser doesn't even have an "open link in new tab" option when double clicking and highlighting a link
How to fix Opera's Adblocker
Go to Settings, enable Advanced Settings, Enable Adblocker, Go to Exceptions and remove all exceptions, add custom lists if you need to.
or just install ublock origin and enable everything. boom. done.
then you don't have to use opera's VPN to block ads in exchange for analysing your data so they can tune your content (ads) recommendations with their Discovery News service
The point of Opera's adblocker is improved performance over an addon solution.
The VPN mode isn't even accessible yet in Stable.
Is there the performance difference really worth it?
My only complaints is that I wish the private browsing window was a little fucking easier to distinguish from a regular browsing window.
Would it be that much trouble to put a little icon somewhere on the navigation bar so I can easily tell the difference?
neat, thanks user.
That was Page Load Times
This is Memory Usage.
Go through the Opera Blog posts if you want more.
>he doesn't just drag highlighted links to the tab bar
>he doesn't just Ctrl+click links
I'm pretty sure he was talking about non-hyper links. Why would you ever highlight a hyperlink?
>not using middle clicking
>he doesn't use Cmd+c, Cmd+t, Cmd+Shift+v
Middle click never comes to mind, I'm still used to Ctrl+click from when I couldn't middle click.
serious question, why do you use Opera?
Actually, why do any of you use browsers besides Mozilla or Chrome?
Aren't they pound for pound the two best browsers?
It's just Chrome with a nicer interface and some more useful features. What reason is there not to use it?
Anyone else with scrolling being fucked in Opera?
Edge and Chrome feels smoother, I'm not even using battery saving mode
>Using Opera
Opera died after 12.
Turn off smooth scrolling.
Native Hangouts extension for Opera when ;_;
I'm using the beta. I don't use Ublock because it seems redundant