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and what if you overclock the rx 480 and/or have non-reference design/cooler?
Nice try shill
based nvidia
Nice try Pajheet
thats opengl you silly willy
>image says opengl
wow, sure glad I cucked, er, bought a 1060, now i'll be able to play 10 year old plebgl games The Way They're Meant to Be Played(tm).
Will opengl be eschewed in favor of Vulkan?
In a lot of benchmarks I've seen the 480 doesn't trounce the 1060 in purely DX 12 games unless they're AMD optimized which to me seems the same likely hood as using Vulkan.
Not an argument
>nVidia gained only 3% more performance in a low-level API that utilizes async, while AMD gained 20%
>haha this API suxx amirite?
>DAE we should forever cuck ourselves, just so the other side doesn't have better performance than us!
It's GimpWorks™ all over again, stay delusional nVidiots
Let's never progress forward and forever use outdated APIs!
A lot of direct x 12 benchmarks I've seen have only had the rx480 beat the 1060 in AMD games.
Vulkan is optimized for amd cards, it's fucking based off of Mantle
it's just low level API you cuck. there is no proprietary shit like gimpworks
It's also open-source, allowing nVidia to optimize around it, unlike GimpWorks™.
Your point?
fuck off with this Microshit garbage
mfw 1060
Garbage or not aside a lot of games use it, effectively putting it back to a status quo of whatever GPU manufacturer the game is biased towards.
the api sucks not because nvidia gained only 3% and amd 20%
for all it matters i´m glad to you amdcucks that you can now get more performance than before
the problem is that noone uses vulkan and everyone seems to use dx12 which is part of the pos botnet win 10
>nobody uses Vulkan
>therefore Vulkan a shit
>dx12 a shit too because botnet 10
So you're saying because "nobody" is using Vulkan now, it sucks? When was the last time you used logic, I wonder?
Do you not wish for developers to use it in the future, or what?
>new things are more scarce than old things
Yeah I can see Vulkan mostly being used by developers centered towards AMD. It's a shame because then the cycle perpetuates of Nvidia having more market share.
Because more devs won't use AMD and Vulkan.
When Vulkan is used an rx 480 seems a very highly attractive buy.
There are 28 games now and in near future using DX 12 which will perform according to publisher bias give or take a few frames, and 4 games using Vulkan.
learn to quote faggot
i said noone uses vulkan
vulkan is everything but shit it´s great but has nogayms because of dx12
dx12 is shit because botnet 10 yes that´s correct
> I've seen the 480 doesn't trounce the 1060 in purely DX 12
wtf are you talking about? the only dx12 game the more expensive 1060 wins in is the gimpwerks™ enabled ROTR, and only by like 2 frames. Even the futuremark shitty benchmark with gimped feature support has the 480 (AND 470!) above the 1060.
Even comparing the tier down 470 to the 1060, the only additional game the 470 loses to the 1060 on is TW:W, and only buy a few frames. The best 470s are like 50 bucks cheaper than the cheapest 1060s.
The only reason to buy a 1060 is that you're a massive cuck and you love the idea of being used like a cheap sextoy by your chinese overlords.
do you really think vulkan is going to overtake dx12? how naive are you? it didn´t happen with opengl either
>Multi-threaded command structures are optimized for AMD cards
>games should be single threaded so Nvidia shitty architecture can keep up!
what should I buy Sapphire nitro 470 8gb, or xfx 480 8gb oc with backplate??
they cost the same lol
>it didn't happen with opengl
not an argument
>the api sucks
>learn to quote faggot
Are you denying you basically said: "Vulkan sucks"
Don't forget FreeSync, I'll be here with my 75Hz IPS FreeSync monitor for less than half the price of the cheapest GSync one which is TN but I do admit it has a higher refresh rate, but that's all it has.
Nitro a shit. XFX only has the reference 480, no? That one a shit too.
I'd get MSI 470
If you can calm down on the memes for a moment.
Why? I mean, it's cheaper in price but come on. Nobody reasonable will buy 2 cards rather than 1. Unless Multi-adapter shit actually becomes a thing in all games. Which it should because it's a part of DX12, unless nVidia slips a few under the table to make devs disable beneficial features /again/.
If only you didn't crop out the bottom too, I want to see 1060 vs 480 and where the 470 is vs 380x and 390/970
i´ll be hopeful as your dubs are that vulkan becomes the standard
>If only you didn't crop out the bottom too, I want to see
no i was talking about dx12
looks like i just didn´t look past the post of the guy i replied to
sorry for the confusion then
i was used to seeing dx12 as an argument for amds performance
>$800 GPU cannot into 60FPS unless on Windows 10
But WTF, well optimized game, hard to believe it isn't by Bethesda
>optimized game
kill yourself fucking retard, it's just that nvidia was already efficient while amd was shit, it's easier to improve something that's shit, same reason why amd drivers mature over time, because amd writes inefficient shit drivers and it takes time for them to get their shit together
I thought nvidia cards didn't benefit from DX12
nVidia literally lacks a hardware scheduler for async, how are they already fully utilizing it?
Damn nVidiots
what does your poorly labeled graph mean to me? which tomb raider is it? if its the newer one, which API is it using.
Either way, I fucking said 1060 wins the gimpwerks™ enabled ROTR, and if its the old tomb raider, then its not DX 12, so I don't know what the fuck your point is.
they're utilizing their hardware more efficiently, they're more power efficient
They do to a degree, hence my earlier point of saying that it's really business as usual aside from specialized games.
>completely missing the point
Look at the RX 470 Nitro and the RX 480 you retard, it's not a nvidia vs amd thread.
You're angry, take a chill pill.
>mfw got a 8 GB Nitro+ RX 470 for ~$30 less than a reference RX 480
AMD benefits from dx12 as well. In fact both dx12 and vulcan are largely based on AMD's work with mantle.
In any case, AMD will supply msft, sony, nintendo with their next gen console hardware so all games will be based on vulcan or dx12...doesn't matter AMD has all bases covered. Why do you think their stock has tripled?
Stock benefit doesn't mean much to the consumer.
The 480 launch has been very poorly managed, they're inefficient and hot. I say that since I put off getting a 390 due to the temps and watt required.
Now I'm getting antsy and close to cancelling my 480 for a 470.
Kind of sad since the talk of efficiency.
I forgot to add I never said AMD don't benefit, I said it's business as usual depending on what game is supported by who.
>legacy drivers in 6 months
No thanks
>shit drivers forever
no thanks
does Sup Forums pronounce RX "are ex" or "are ten"?
>I dont understand GPUs: the post
i pronounce it r-x
6 . 7 G I G S
Polaris is efficient compared to older AMD cards. Just because NVIDIA is superior in power efficiency, doesn't mean AMD is a toaster. AMD has its strengths and by this time next year 470 will probably surpass 1060, AND it's not a dead end: you can xfire it once prices settle down a bit. Then you have a 1080 matching pair of gpus for less than half the price.
>noone uses vulkan and everyone seems to use dx12 which is part of the pos botnet win 10
>DX12 is only supported on windows 10
>vulkan is supported on every platform.
>Despite saying that apple won't support vulkan, it seems that porting to OS X from a vulkan game will be easier
>people that participated :
>AMD, Apple, ARM, Blizzard, Broadcom, Codeplay (en), Continental, DMP, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Imagination Technologies, Intel, Lucasfilm, Mediatek, Oculus VR, Oxide, Pixar, RTT, Samsung, Sony, TransGaming (en), Unity, Valve, Vivante
>unity and unreal engine support vulkan.
Yeah I guess vulkan will not be used at all.
True, on the same graphs it is matching the 970. I just get a bit spooked with thinking how much I use it.
Still, nothing to do but wait until the bastard things come in stock.
But nowhere near as much as DX 12.
ROTR is a terrible game to consider DX11/DX12 performance differences. The engine was designed from the start for DX11 and the DX12 version is simply a port-over, not a ground-up DX12 engine. Considering it is a highly biased Nvidia game it shouldn't even be used for benchmarks, much like Ashes and Tomb Raider (2013) and Hitman Absolution and P.Cars and FO4 and barrel fulls of other games.
If any game inherently has a vendor bias it shouldn't be used for benchmarking the differences between different hardware.
Sure, without hardware async capabilities, you'll see how Volta changes in perf/watt in 2018
Not a whole lot.
>The engine was designed from the start for DX11 and the DX12 version is simply a port-over, not a ground-up DX12 engine
Not the same user but isn't Hitman the same? Actually, isn't every game and benchmark the same except AotS and Time Spy?
its a dx12 title by name. it does offer async support and other dx12 improvements, such as multi-gpu, but it doesn't use them heavily.
it mostly just brought over the less driver overhead and better cpu multi-threading.
it also uses tessellation and hair works HEAVILY. very heavy. amd can do 2x, 4x, and 8x tessellation competitively against nvidia with fiji and below, but anything higher than those levels and they fail. fiji can go up to 16x better than hawaii but still not as good as nvidia.
polaris improved tessellation performance and can now match nvidia in 16x usages, but still not as great in 32x and 64x usages, like tomb raider.
pic shows this. the stock 480 shown was on older drivers, but the newest 16.7.3 increased polaris performance in tomb raider, which the nitro were ran on. yes the nitro is clocked hire, but the increase is higher than the percent of overclock.
its why the 480 shits all over the fury x with the latest drivers (the older drivers had a tessellation regression on polaris).
also note the increase the 1060 has over the 480 isn't as large as in dx11 titles.
directx is pajeet retard
Ah, I get your contention now. Problem is with NVidia having the most market share aren't most of them going to be biased to serve most of the market ?
Or does the biasing begin when one GPU company approaches a publisher?
Not being flippant genuinely don't have much of an idea of when a game begins to be biased towards one or the other.
Developer or GPU manufacturer impetus.
Funny thing is when someone shown a list of AMD sponsored games there were ones I wanted. Deus Ex, Hitman etc.
>But nowhere near as much as DX 12.
People don't want windows 10. If a developer had to dev a new game, do you really think they are only going to support windows 10 and tell to 70% of users to fuck off ?
They'll just support DX 11 and eventually take the time to support DX12.
Or they can support vulkan and code their games once for every system that exists.
>i don't understand basic computer science: the post
it's never better to do things asynchronously if you can utilize your cores "linearly" just as well
you said it yourself
and that´s how it ran the last time
they´ll continue dx11 and in a couple years they´ll go with dx12
since when is efficiency a goal in mainstream game-design?
>market share
market share of sold cards, yes, but there still are a ton of amd cards out in the wild.
>hurr steam survey
steam still doesn't cover all of them, and steam still shows more amd cards in the wild than what the sold quarterly market share accounts show.
also for dx12 titles, amd has been working with far more developers and publishers in porting over to dx12 and vulkan than nvidia. they actually have been doing a great job this time around.
there have been far more dx12 & vulkan titles coming out and in production than dx11 during the same time frame after release of the new api.
dx12 & vulkan adoption has been growing fast, very fast.
as much as people shit on windows 10, its adoption blew vista and 8 out of the water in terms of adoption rate and has been steadily growing.
steam's hardware survey is pretty interesting:
>Windows 10 64 bit - 44.67% +1.73%
>Windows 7 64 bit - 30.03% -0.58%
gamers embraced and love the botnet
Sup Forums doesn't want windows 10, and Direct X 12 will be used for the consoles as well.
Don't some games have an option for both DX11 and DX 12.
Do unsold cards even matter, that sounds a bit pointless.
Sadly, I can't get the steam survey to order by total of each manufacturer.
>only getting 144 FPS in a 1993 game
>be me
>Buy cheap PC
>OGL doom on ultra 6fps
>Vulkan doom on ultra 60fps
Vulkan is fucking magic.
man the fury cards perform so unpredictably
vulkan adoption has not been growing fast sadly which is the problem
and it´s well known that the normies and gaymers have "nothing to hide"
doom is satanic
please don't play this game
>unsold cards even matter
obviously yes since there are still a ton of people out there with amd cards in their pc's.
amd might be selling only enough cards every quarter to hold around - 15 - 18% of those sold cards in the video card market, but there are also millions upon millions of users out there with amd cards. users who bought their cards from years ago.
also you don't need to do that. steam survey tells you right at top
nvidia: 57%
amd: 25%
intel" 18%
if we went by quarterly market share nvidia would be 85% and amd 15%. nvidia has typically always had higher market share than amd / ati. even during the days where ati buttraped nvidia, such as the 9800 vs fx 5800 days.
go back to 2011 and it was nvidia 59% and amd 33% and intel 6%.
here's one from 2009.
>Nvidia is dominating AMD (referred to as ATI in Valve's data), with over 65% of sampled Steam users packing Nvidia GPUs compared to just 27% for AMD.
But how do they matter if they aren't being used? I'm probably a little confused here.
>be retarded
>point out that you're being retarded
>lol youre angry, take a chill pill
>btw here's another graph that shows how retarded my original statement was
im legit not mad, I don't have to be you after all.
What nigga? How is doom satanic when the whole point of the game is to slaughter every demon and destroy hell?
vulkan just started though. vulkan didn't officially release until february this year. dx12 released with windows 10 in july 2015 but developers had access to it for a year before release.
valve is vulkan only and all of its titles are being ported over, id who now is owned by bethesda ported id tech 6 to vulkan and are using vulkan only going forward, and UE now has a vulkan backend. both id tech and UE are commonly used engines in the industry and having vulkan support built in will help boost vulkan adoption. why use dx12 only when you can use the vulkan backend and run on any windows version?
yeah you are. you some how took my statements of:
>market share of sold cards, yes, but there still are a ton of amd cards out in the wild.
>steam still doesn't cover all of them, and steam still shows more amd cards in the wild than what the sold quarterly market share accounts show.
>obviously yes since there are still a ton of people out there with amd cards in their pc's.
as i only talking about cards not sold and sitting on store shelf's instead of taking it as exactly i wrote:
>obviously yes since there are still a ton of people out there with amd cards in their pc's.
people keep their cards a long time. there are still a lot of users out there with 7970's and 290's in the pcs and using them. all of witch are dx12 compatible.
hence why i wrote:
>amd might be selling only enough cards every quarter to hold around - 15 - 18% of those sold cards in the video card market, but there are also millions upon millions of users out there with amd cards. users who bought their cards from years ago.
>if we went by quarterly market share nvidia would be 85% and amd 15%/
>but total market share
>amd: 25%
But it doesn't, it points out that it's neither ROTR, or the old tomb raider.
And in fact the 1060 is exceeding.
Calm down dear.
So, how is anything any different than what steam spy shows? Nvidia is used by more people on steam.