How to detect fake FB profiles? Any tips?

Hi! It's the first time I post here.

4 day ago a girl from an asian country (im european) added me on FB, she said he found my profile somewhere in a commentary and she liked the puppy that appears in my profile and added me. We were talking about random stuff (cars, food, pets, age...) along those 4 days until today she told me she like foot fetish (WTFFFF you say that to a guy u know only for 4 days?) we keep talking, I ask here for a photo of her feet (lol) she sends me the photo and then she sends me a photo of her without clothes (a selfie in the toilet). This is crazy and i think it's an obvious scam. Sine she added me I check her profile (it's from 2014) and looks legit caus has content, photos of "her" uploaded by friends (I check their profiles too and looks okay). Also I check his photos in google and found nothing.

I'm still suspicious this is an elaborated scam but i'm not sure cause I don't find proff. Any tips to find out is she's real or behind his account there's a scammer?

thank you!

Go back to facebook.

check the likes theyve got if the things theyve posted has fuck all likes good chance its fake

location is another okay one to go by if they say in bordeaux but a large swath of their friends are in glasgow its a good tell

Consider suicide.

she doesn't have a lot of likes, most profile like have 1-20 likes and there's one with 35 likes

She has the friends list hidden, like me but looking at the commentary (so i can see if they're friends) most people look to be from same country as her


yeah i know it's very lol but it's true LOL

I just came here to seek some help, at the Sup Forums

yeah seems iffy if its consistently 15-20 likes across all posts especially after 2 years randomers will like and comment
my advice go with it might be legit but when she even hints at the subject of money walk away

Ask for a time stamp, tell her it gets you hard (to avoid suspicion)

Let me make this abundantly clear to you:
We do not care about your stupid normie problems. We do not want you to be here. People like you are a cancer to this board. Generally anyone who has a facebook account falls under this category.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way:
It's a trap. Stop being such a naive fool. If I had to sum this up in addages
"A fool and his money are easily parted" and "death of the dumbest" seem to fit. You're either going to wind up losing money or dead, regardless as to whether or not it's really a woman - which it is not.
Find a woman who actually lives near you and stop trying to get your dick wet over long distances.

Here are the three things that you have done wrong.

1. Having a facebook
2. Using facebook
3. Being in contact with someone over facebook.

Reflect upon these actions, don't let it happen again.

>using social media
>any year

>how to check if it's fake
Here's how, do women randomly throw themselves at you irl?
It's a scam, she'll make you cam with her, cap you nude and blackmail you like the cuck you are.
(I use she in a general way, it's probably a dude making tons of fake profiles to snag dumb as fuck dudes.

reported for violation global rule 3.
fuck off to facebook, really. We came here to discuss cute girls and the teachings of our lord stallman.

I've think and you're right. FB is full of shit so I deleted the account.

I should waste my time in something more productive. Thanks for your help, better to chosse an easy solution to a problem.

>I should waste my time in something more productive.
So close user. So close.
If it were productive, you wouldn't be wasting your time. You'd simply be spending it.
Also "more productive" doesn't really apply here because your productivity while on facebook is already nothing.

Found OP


Spear fishing sure is easy when the target is retarded.

do a video call on messenger and see for yourself fucking mongoloid fb shitter

>OP left without posting her feet pic