Android users have nothing going for them. The results aren't surprising.
Avg age 30- non representative sample - in the trash
Found the Android user
Android users are regular people that can keep a steady gf and wife that bitch. While iPhone users need external validation, making them buy the most expensive phone for no reason except to impress others and to try to fuck as much as possible before they realize that no one gives a fuck.
That includes you OP. Stop trying to validate yourself through the sex you might get from your phone. Your phone makes no difference, it's your fat neckwear that is keeping you from getting laid, and your personality that keeps you from finding a nice girl to settle down with.
Sour grapes: The post
>seeking approval of random autists by posting fake graph on a mongolian basket veawing site
You might as well kill yourself
>> No response: the post
>> External validation needed: the thread
no one would ever make up stuff on the internet...
>implying most Android users aren't poorfags with laggy, bloated phones
>> Implying iPhone users aren't middle class trying to appear wealthy with a tool that has a max price of a thousand dollars. No one cares about phones except high-schoolers and over compensators
Underachiever detected
>m-muh $650 makes me rich guise
Having to get a loan to buy a phone must suck
>faggots use mostly apple
>faggots are highly promiscuous
I have a job, a girlfriend, an apartment and an S7 edge. Good effort though.
Project more
Shit I never knew I was such a slut. All of those averages are hilariously low. I thought normies fucked like rabbits.
Posted from my iPhone. My Xiaomi is on the desk.
this is fallacious as it would be zero sum between men and women, unless there's a lot of lesbians
You're probably a smug STEMtist though, making you insufferable to 90% of the population.
Projecting again... I'm a normal, nice guy. I'm sorry your life is so miserable that you need to try and tear me down on an Australian Surf Board
>While iPhone users need external validation, making them buy the most expensive phone for no reason except to impress others and to try to fuck as much as possible before they realize that no one gives a fuck.
>'m a normal, nice guy.
13 average partners
and that is AVERAGE
i can't get even one
Well... normal is relative. I'm not a fuckin normie, but I'm well adjusted. I know how not to contain my autism.
That's why you're here.
Higher IQ people also have fewer sexual partners. It's no coincidence.
People with no smartphones have the highest sexual activity. Just look at all the people in Africa and India. I guess that means you've been BTFO by Pajeet.
>niggas cop dat sick iphone sheeeit
>fuck literally everything that moves
[citation needed]
>i have more sex so im better than u xDDD
Most black people use android and they fuck like actual rabbits spreading their STDs to everything. I would think that android would be way way higher just because of that.
what a bunch of fucking losers
jesus fuck such degenerates!
This graph is so old that it has a blackberry and an old-ass Android phone in it
This meme is almost as good as the meme where anons try and grow their forskin back.
Well, the graph clearly shows that Iphone users tend to have more sex. Probably due to the fact that homosexuals don't take sex as seriously and fuck more
wrong image.
> being that mad poorfag
What is with the argument that iPhones are somehow way more expensive than the rest? Androids are just as expensive now if not more expensive.
Lol not him but seriously who cares it's just phones why u shillin desu senpai
>starting at $100 with 5-year slavery plan at your local AT&T store
>middle class
More like poorfags trying to appear wealthy