Name a better OS

name a better OS.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anything is better than winpoo

Anything is better than Botnet 10



windows™ 10™ redstone™ 1™, now™ with™ more™ botnet™

Windows 8.1

Windows 7
Windows 8.1 + Classic Shell

These three.

All of them


my comrade

Windows Vista

my ass



Redstone doesn't let me access my external hard drives. Using mint until they fix that shit


You mean linux


Windows 93



Or you could call it that. I just didn't want some retard interjecting me.

Practically speaking, I really can't anymore. I bought a new laptop that came with Windows and just never bothered to reinstall *nix on it. I felt kind of bad at first. But I get a stable, desktop-oriented OS, a huge range of software that for the most part "just werks" without having to spend my time tweaking config files instead of actually working, and now I can run *nix programs without any problems using the WSL. If you want a stable desktop OS and the greatest range of software (Windows and *nix), there's not really any other option. Wine is buggy as hell, dual-booting is a pain in the ass, virtualization is fine but requires running an entire virtual machine when you just want a couple of programs, and choosing to just run *nix means you lose out on anything that's developed for what's currently the most popular and widely used desktop OS.



All of these, minus windows vista & 8.

My negroe

Come on, OP, even Amiga OS beats Wangblows 10

Clem's mint linux

>picking just one
Great ruse OP

Windows me

Really? This bait is very stale.

Windows Server 2016

Server 2012 R2

Any other Windows OS since 95 with possible exceptions of ME and 8. Mac OS 8-X. OS/2 warp 4. BeOS. Linux Mint. *buntu. Fedora. Etc.

Not out yet. RC5 shows potential, but still has some very stupid network bugs in virtual environments.

windows me

You mean Windows I

Windows XP & WIndows 7

This and Debian. Why Debian? Because ISS ditched Windows for it. If there's one thing on this planet I trust, it's people smart enough to be picked by NASA to run a 150 billion (as of 2010) space station. And they chose Debian because it's more reliable/stable.

Although, Win10 is really good once you shut down the botnet...which is REALLY fucking easy. I'm not sure why so many people haven't figured out there's simple, easy to use programs to do this. But I still only use OSX for day to day work. Win10 is really only good for htpc/gaming.

debian is now using single point of failure called systemd


Windows 11

You mean Windows





try to cancel upgrade from windows, without using business edition
I just don't feel like I'm using my computer, with windows 10, I just feel like windows uses my computer, you don't have permission to do certain things. And in the future this might be worse

Windows vista

There really isn't
Everything just werks

How is dual-booting a pain in the ass? Takes like 5 extra minutes with any normal install.


>How is dual-booting a pain in the ass?
Having to reboot to access your other OS

Why should I use Windows 7 over 10? Serious question.

The only logical reason would be that you're easily spooked.

I ain't afraid of no ghost. Sup Forums just seems to hate it so much and advocate 7 as the best Windows ever...

That's because Sup Forums is full of children whose parents will get mad if the family PC gets upgraded


Literally anything

fuck off pajeet