Invasive Ads on 4chin

Has anyone else noticed that every so often an ad will pop out from the bottom right of the screen. namely 'epom'.

Suddenly my performance dives whilst it rears its head.

What the fuck is going on? I thought it was malware originally but nothing came up during my sweeps. Did slanty eye new moot put actual interactive ads on here?

Other urls found in this thread:

you are interneting wrong, user

no, backup and reformat

Nigga you got malware.

No one else is getting it? I promise it's at the bottom right of the screen and it only pops up when I'm browsing boards and have idled in a thread.

There are a few other threads about this on Sup Forums from a while back.

I'm running N32 live and I always sweep with MB every week. I'm clean.

>I'm running N32 live
So you've got bloatware and adware. Very nice.

>I'm clean.
That's what the malware wants you to think.

Use an online scanner

What's from with Nod32?

I got it in a Sup Forums thread twenty minutes ago.

Here's some stuff:


Reformat, see if it is still there

You thought that "install gentoo" message you keep seeing here all the time was a meme, didn't you?

Only good piece of advice in this thread so far.

No...because I use clover.

That's just your bonzi buddy crashing.

You got adware nigga.

How fix?

Reinstall your brain. It seems to be malfunctioning.

Run Malwarebytes and Spybot S&D, noob.

Malware Bytes detected nothing.

Yeah but did you upgrade to pro?

Delete sys32, trst me

It's not adware OP, this place is infected
>with shit posters

Can you or any other kind user post some reliable online scanners?

Welcome to hiroshima's Sup Forums. No method is too low, no trick is too vile, if it can generate even an extra penny of profit.


so is it really hiro or is it adware

U wot m8?

you are on the wrong board

Its both