Let's get this started people.
Let's get this started people
That made me lol or like Sup Forums culture dictates - kek. i love this website so much that picture was literally the funniest thing I've seen all week you've made my day so much omg
>tfw nobody responded to my shitpost
Dont worry, Sup Forums hasn't turned this garbage. yet. But /r9k/ is very much close to garbage.
Please go elsewhere.
I don't get it. an enterprise authentication server encrypts user passwords. lrn2shibboleth
Only retards need antivirus
how the fuck did you manage that?
lol we should make a subreddit for these
LOL'ed out loud.
Oh shit i didnt realize that file size
I actually didn't.
And learn to crop your images, you fucking retard.
EPIC FAIL!!! i didn't.
Spoken like a true retard.
>I use a smartphone
>the search continues
Did my best, hope you enjoy.
fuck my data quota
You need to die a fiery death.
The only way to win is to not play, friend.
>not even secure tc
you shut your whore mouth
I started C++ not long ago and don't use templates especially often; please explain this.
>that extra white background on the right
jesus christ what did you edited the image with...
There's no explanation, he's just meming.
i lost the game.who else oldfag here?
I've only seen one nice secure tripcode. Also secure tripcodes are generally for jerks. I personally share all my tripcodes with anyone who wants it
This is what happens when you save a jpg as a png.
you son of a bitch
>on the first day
So you installed Windows 10 after a few months and think you're better somehow huh?
Get a load of this retard.
Tell, how did that went for you user?
top zozzel help me getta hold of this nozzel
Thank you all for this awesome thread, the upvotes and the reddit gold. Hope see you around another day!
>62KB into 1.57MB
Dont even need to make a comic about you.
fuck man