/gcg/ - Graphics Card General - "Can we discuss them like actual human beings?" Edition

What are you rockin' right now? What are you buying?

Just got an used 280x to replace my 760, only to realize what I run heavily favors Nvidia's design. Literally the same performance between the two, when the 280x should be able to surpass even the 960. Not only that, but also this specifically sends the amd's power consumption through the roof.

Oh well, fuck up to learn I guess. Shame really, wanted to try amd this time after 2 nvidias, but what I need it to do really doesn't do it any favors.

Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X. Special version that was not factory clocked to get it here faster during the coin mining epidemic of 2014. It was slightly cheaper but it does not overclock well (1120/1600). I would like a MSI RX 480 to sidegrade to until Vega. I know it sounds silly but I just fancy a change of GPU and want to see if I can burn past 1400Mhz using the new Afterburner when it arrives.

Running a 280x, and I still do not see a proper reason to upgrade.

Depends on the games you play I guess plus what your systems specs are overall. Rise of the Tomb Raider and The Witcher 3 brings my R9 290 (as described above) to it's knee's when maxed out. I hate having to turn shit down a notch or two to get playable fps. Plus overclocked it sounds like a fucking vacuum cleaner.

I have an R9 390 and I'm thinking of ditching it and getting a GTX 1070 instead.

I'm not sure it'll be worth it with Directx 12 and Vulkan getting more and more popular in the future.

970. No point in upgrading to 480 - that card is 5% ahead in some games, dead even in most of them. No point in upgrading to 1060, same price, 15% performance gain over 2 years - yea no. 1070 is too expensive for my personal taste so I guess I could sell my 970 for something like 150 quid and add another 200 but honestly I don't feel like it. At this point I'll probably till 2017 when real HBM2 cards come out.

Awaiting a Fury Nitro ($350) to go with my 6600k to kill demons in 1440p.
first build no bully

will wait* till 2017. Why to fuck I have tendency to eating entire words is beyond me.

Yeah might as well wait it out.

Just replaced my GTX 460 with a 770 for 100 bucks

did I do good?

I was also expecting it to last for a while, but it was surprising and disappointing to see how much it fell behind on my use case.

I run 2 monitors, I game from time to time, but the only thing I'm playing right now is Ark. On the second screen I always have some Twitch stream open.
Now, there are no current benchmarks for Ark, so from some older ones the 280x would gain around 30% compared to the 760. But the game is still an alpha and it's clearly being tailored to nvidia, as the 2 cards have right now literally the same performance.
Then there's Twitch, still using flash for some fuck reason. I have a power meter around, so I tested the consumption of both cards.
Running an i7 4790, 16gb of ddr3, ssd+hdd on a seasonic 620w, I tested the power draw for the whole desktop, minus screens. I got 90W for the pc with the 760. I knew the 280x would be higher, but expected around 120-130 or so.
I even repeated this 3 or 4 times to make sure, turned out the 280x was making the pc draw 170W just from streaming a flash video. That's a lot, especially when our electricity is expensive as fuck, and the pc is most of the time like this.

From quick math I did, the extra 80W would end up at around an extra 60€/year. Give it 3 years and I could use it to buy a new card.

Reinstalled the 760 for now, and the 280x is up for sale. I really wanted to try amd this time, but the difference is just way too much.

Just upgraded to the R9 fury nitro when they went on sale from a 6970
From the crimson control panel turn down Witcher 3's tesselation to x16 or x8 the default for goyworks is x64

I have an old 7850 1gb i got for free, ive only kept it because I would would for the new generation (radeon 480 and gtx 10xx) to finally upgrade.

Then comes the 480, which seems half assed, and then the gtx 1060 which isnt that much faster anyway.

fast, but inefficient, not even sure if my I5-6500 can power it (it favors i7's)
fast, efficient, but DX12/vulkan performance is still a dark horse, the issue with nvidia abandoning it later.

The 480 and 1060 is the max my budget can take, and it needs to last a few years, and I cant hardly wait another year for HBM2 memory models.

Sigh... this new series of cards werent the bang I expected.

Just got am R9 Nano for my mITX to run 3440x1440.

Observations so far:
Has coil whine. Fan drowns it out but it is noticable.
Fan is pretty loud to hold it at 75C under load.
Probably should have got full-size Fury.

Now playing with undervolting it as much as possible to try and get the temp and fan level down.

which third party rx 470 is the best?


why is it a better deal than the nitro+ or the asus strix one?

I don't see a need to upgrade my 750ti

Are those 2 or 3 years old? That's good they hold their value as long. Some guy on craigslist is selling his for $70 because he 'upgraded' to a 960, kek


>tfw 61.4% asic quality

The one you can get cheapest. Except for the Nitro they're all quite decent otherwise.

1070 here
I'm good for a few years

I had to settle for the second best.

i think they were released in '12? I'm not too sure

Would an rx 480 be enough to run games at 1440p at 144hz freesync? Seems to be pushing it, I'm considering a 1070 instead but it's about a $150-200 difference at this point.

Nah user, that shit is only 2 years old. It released in 2014

Seriously doubt it, at least for max settings.

Definitely not.

Why the fuck do you want freesync anyways? It's shit and induces a shit ton of input lag.

Why do people do this? I have the Z170-A and seems just fine.
Nope. That coupled with how I can't buy the one I want led me to drop another $70 and get the Fury instead. I believe as more demanding games come out that the 1440p performance would start taking a hit. So I didn't want to go at 1440p half-cocked.

I know that feeling, but since mine is about to kick the bucket I took the plunge and finally ordered a new card. Tahiti really was the 2500k of GPUs, I wonder when we will see such a great one again.

That depends.
Dota, modded Skyrim, Overwatch and CS:GO? Sure, no problem I'd guess.
Witcher 3 and whatever other tripple A game is "in" currently? No chance, you'll have trouble reaching 144hz with a 1070.

I wanted to SLI my 970, but because we're expecting a RX 490 at the end of the year, I'm waiting for that (hopefully) and then get a couple of them.

My 1080 can barely handle 1440p 144hz in most games. I doubt a 1070 is going to be able to do it.

980 ti here, gets 21k in regular firestrike (graphics score) w/ 1440p 144hz monitor

If i do upgrade, i'll probably get a 1170 (not a typo, I do mean 1170) just to hold me off till next die shrink. Unless the 1100 series will be a die shrink, at that point i'll wait for 1180ti.
Or I may go back to amd gpus if they do high end right.

TLDR. Don't see the point of upgrading for another 2-3 years

Still have my 7950. Still don't know what to upgrade to.

Just got a 980Ti, came out roughly equivalent too 400USD, way better price/perf than a 1070 here.

Love it so far, finally I can play games that my 2GB 770 crapped out on like Hitman™.

Because I wanted a better sound card, and more stability while overclocking.

currently have PowerColor Radeon HD4850.
Too poor to upgrade

Fair enough.
Honestly I wish I'd just went with a poo in loo processor to learn how to OC with and take it from there, but the longer I waited, the more all of the higher-priced components just seemed more normal to me.

Figure we'll see a 1060Ti or 490 soon? something that sits in between the 1060 and 1070 in terms of price and performance.

>buy used 390 for 300€ from a guy who payed 380€ for it
>starts crashing on me
>eventually after 2 months of arguing with warranty service, get it refunded - full 380€ back to me.
>after deciding what to get for one week - ordered 1060 for 320€ just now

how did i do

Damn. Well I guess I'd be fine with an IPS 1440p 60hz setup, but everyone's always telling me I should get a 144hz monitor for competitive games.

I'd have gone with the 1070 tbqh familia.
At least here it's just 430€ for a decent partner model and it's much more powerfull than a 1060. Except for that, good job.

I think i'm leaning towards a 1060, and i know it's dumb, but half the reason is because it's one of the quietest cards available.

Please don't. 490x will be a dual GPU card, not only it will run like ass in any game that doesn't optimize for xf and SLI but having two of them means even more diminishing returns (IF it will be even possible).

Right now I got an Asus GTX 960 Strix 2GB. I'm getting some extra money soon and will probably upgrade to a 1070. I've been looking at the Gigabyte G1 Gaming one and it seems pretty good. Some reports of a little coil whine, while some have no coil whine issues. Otherwise it seems like an average 1070, good performance and average noise, efficiency temperatures.

What do you guys think about that card? I got a Fractal Design Define R5 case which has the bitumen sound dampening, so I guess if I had a card with coil whine it would probably not be as big as an issue.

rx 490 is vega 10, it won't be released until q1 next year at the earliest. longer if HBM2 gets eaten up nvidia's tesla cards.

If I were going for a 1070, I'd go all the way and get a Zotac/EVGA for the longer guarantee.

If you really want to learn, buy a cheap as shit second hand PC from ebay and go wild.

[spoiler]I've spent 20 000 hours+ in WoW[/spoiler]
[spoiler]levelled at least 100 characters across many retail realms and private servers[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I have a 980TI and 3440x1440 monitor with over 50 games in Steam library that I haven't even started playing[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Never been a neet and it's not like I don't have time (literally working 36 hours a week) while being a single but holy fuck I think something breaks in you when you've spent so much time on video games. Only games that still give me joy are MMOs and autistic strategy games like EU4, Stellaris and Civ5. [/spoiler]

Do the companies have their own warranty program to the cards? I live in Finland and never really done any warranty stuff on anything I own so I know jackshit about warranties and where they apply.

Have a 7850. Definitely will get a 470 if I can find one for less than $200

I bought a AOC Q2577PWQ for £220. It's AH-IPS panel, with 5ms response time. 1440p 60Hz, but I've got it overclocked to 80Hz.

>want to see if I can burn past 1400Mhz using the new Afterburner when it arrives.

reviewers can't even get 1400mhz and they're using golden chips, most normal 480s will struggle to reach 1300mhz.

I'm thinking of buying Sapphire RX470 because too poor for RX480

Since you're from an EU country, the seller is obligated to cover you for the first 2 years, which coincidentally is the length of most warranties in the EU.

Well you can extend your warranty for 20€ to 5 years with EVGA (40 for 10, which I chose, since I'll actualy be using it for so long, or rather, my family) and 5 years after you registered your product on Zotacs page, at least it's like that in germany, maybe some dude from finland can confirm.
If the EVGA goes to shit in say 7 years (which isn't that unrealistic) you usually get a card of the new gen as replacement (if it's a 480 you're sending in, you won't get a 1080, obviously, but something like a 1050, which is nice I think).

Unless Nvidia decides to pull another 660 Ti, 1060 Ti's not happening.

There are rumors the RX 490 could be a dual Polaris 10 card, like what the HD 5970 was to the 5870.

bullshit familai

No it won't retard
Post one piece of evidence, just one. This is just a Sup Forums meme gone too far

my GTX1060 arrives this wednesday

how much time do I have before its delegated to Legacy status? Heard that Volta is coming as soon as in April/May 2017

Planning to upgrade from a r9 380 to either a gtx1080, gtx1070, or 2 way r9 nano xfire. Target is ultrawide 1440p at 60hz minimum with all settings maxed. What do? Or should i wait for amds big league card like the 490 or whatever to come out first and then reconsider?

>there will never be another nvidia dual gpu card
I just want a gtx 1090 lads

A few weeks?

390 here, going to rx 490 since im on freesync

I'm currently using Asus Strix GTX 970. I'm planning on upgrading to EVGA GTX 1080 FTW but I'm currently waiting for the availability to get better.

R9 270 died two weeks ago, waiting on RX 480 stock

i borrowed a sapphire r9 380 from a friend, and i was thinking on buying a xfx r9 380x, should i still go for it or get something like the saphire(used).

in my country the gpu market is all fucked up so there are not many good deals.

>struggle to reach 1300mhz

What? Most custom AiB come with ~1350mhz out of the box.

pls respond

Rocking this baby.

Bought it 3 weeks ago since it was the same price as an RX 480 Reference edition. Its Bretty gud, achived solid 1180Mhz with No artifact (Artifact starts at 1190-1200).

Temperature around 77-80 C° at factory fan curve. It reached 83 one day but that because it was a fucking hot day (39 C°)

When Overclocked, its around 82 and 85

My NZXT S340 has a pretty bad airflow...

Idling around 63 which is kinda weird because my Sapphire R9 280 Idled around 35-40.

MSI Gaming App is a joke, please don't use it (Causes Microsutters)

You dun fucked up m8

Good price/perf for $100, you did alright.

I probably wouldn't have paid 100$ for that upgrade, but other than that you got a decent upgrade, although the 770 isn't that fast either.

I'm in the exact same boat. except have a 3930k(Managed to get it for $200 in '12) But i'm in no rush. Been leaning towards the 480 though to try out freesync.


Don't do crossfire, it'll make your life miserable.

Re-paste it. If it's idling at 60+C something is fucking wrong somewhere

That's what i keep hearing, but can you give me any details as to why?

just got a gigabyte 7970 ghz edition with arctic accelero xtreme for $95 off ebay

sidegrading from an asus gtx670 in my hackintosh
>dat fp64

Sorry man, I can't help you with that.
It really depends, are you more a scenery guy, or do you like smoother action scenes?
IPS is better for scenery, TN for smoother action.
1440p at ultrawide will be hard. I wouldn't buy any SLI/Crossfire crap. Maybe the new titan. It is able to play the newest shit on 4K I heard, so 1440p should be no problem.

Currently running a Tri-X R9 290. Do we have a release date for Vega yet?

A decent amount of games don't support it and never get updated to support it, and it can cause problems in games that do support it such as some graphical glitches or bad frame pacing.

Not directly related to crossfire, but my SLI setup also gave me issues with multiple monitors and running SLI together.

Should I spend $140 on an i3-6300 and a used $150 R9 380X, or spend $60 on an Athlon X4 845 and a $230 GTX 1060 instead?

i still like my 390, though it does heat up the room after a few hours, just wish i didn't buy the gigabyte version (it was the cheapest and i bought it on a whim)

definity glad i didn't go gtx 970


Adding to the question - is having higher minimal fps but lower overall fps better than lower minimal fps with higher overall fps?

higher overall fps is key because some scenes tend to fuck up different architectures

Explain in a non-retarded way

benchmark scene a

amd card: 34 min fps because higher vram

nvidia card: 16 min fps because vram too low

benchmark scene b

amd card: 19 min fps because slower tesselation

nvidia card: 35 min fps because faster tesselation

overall benchmark score

amd card: 55 avg fps

nvidia card 55 avg fps

Bought an MSI 4GB RX470 for $168 shipped off jet.com, but the site seems sketchy as fuck. Here's hoping I get my card.

So is the RX 480 really in short supply because of memecoin miners?

A 1060 has more VRAM than a 380X, but an i3-6300 is more powerful than an X4 845. So would an X4 845 with a 1060 be better overall than an i3-6300 with a 380X?

this varies per game basis.

overall you could say that amd cards are more future proof.

good dx12 and vulkan implemented game will easen up the cpu demand for games so you should go with whatever card is cheaper for the performance

Yes, they've been buying them by the literal dozens each.

Powerful for what? Depends if you will be primarily gaming or not. For most games, CPUs are not the limiting factor so the cheaper processor and faster GPU is better
For general workloads it's the other way round

I hope you learned your lesson. Never buy AMD, they are garbage cards.

Guys could one justify buying a 1070 for 1080p? I wanna upgrade my 680 because it's no longer cutting it for high/ultra. I was thinking about a 1060 at first, but it would cost around 300 for a decent one. The cheapest 1070 from palit is 420 bucks which isn't that much more, honestly. Or is that card too overpowered for 1080p?

I thought the cryptocoin bubble popped long ago. I guess this means I won't be buying a used card either, since I don't want a card that's been running at 100% load 24/7.