Where do I go for torrents now ?

where do I go for torrents now ?
Kat and Torrentz are dead now

Other urls found in this thread:


rutracker (chrome auto-translate)


Because I didn't have that Wojak I will answer.
As the other guy said extratorrent.cc or for anime nyaa.se


And any of the other infinitely spawning Kickass mirrors.

Bit Che

you don't

torrents are dying

wait for megaupload

>mfw when I'm still waiting for that link to load

They comply with DMCA takedown requests.

so did kat

private trackers


rutracker is excellent, best you will get outside of a private tracker

great now all these Sup Forums fucking cheeto-eating losers are gonna swarm to rutracker and it's gonna be taken down next

fuck you virginal cunts


rarbg for movies. Anything else, i don't know

thanks for the read



Don't need to go anywhere


Torrents are an antiquated, shitty way of transferring files. It requires you keep files on your PC forever, even if you stop needing them, for the "good of the community".

I wish we just moved to Mega or other direct download solution in this day and age of massive cloud storage.


Pretty sure that's qbittorrent

that's a pretty shit argument. bandwidth isn't free, so torrents are an extremely efficient way of transferring files because the load and thus the costs are spread among the users.

>server dies
>file dies
>have to ask anon123 to hook you up with GoT.rar

I really feel bad for those who aren't on movie / warez web forums. One step above private tracker fags.

You can try here btw I don't know what the name of the site but you got plenty of Options.

Hopefully I can get a job soon so I can start buying blu-rays. Public trackers will be completely gone in 10 years.


That is someone's personal startpage, you absolute madman

extratorrent looks nice. Thanks

>no isohunt.to

Nice try jewtorrent shill

>ITT: spoonfeeding

>not delegates

One job and you fucked it up.

With all of these "torrents are dead" threads I was starting to wonder if I was the only one using extratorrent

avatarfag fuck off

I never though someone would save it.

That's really great, do you have your home screen on github or anything?

I have it on a spare HDD I had laying around.



why hello there fellow kid

I guess the KA admins continuing to say there are no legitimate KA sites up was just a lie and your site surely is not a honeypot

What's the big deal? It's not like you should log in or sign in or give away your account details into the system

don't share this

it looks like a customization of the gokou ruri homepage, which is on github, just google it.

I miss KAT because of the tutorial section. Anything to make up for it?

I remember the good old times when that tracker was limited to bulgarian IPs only. New owners fucked it though.


Surprised noone has mentioned this

tutorial for what?

holy shit, I had this all along and never knew!

Are you people retarded? Pirate bay is still up

just random tutorials. some computer some photography etc it was like others>tutorials

I know KAT had all stuff aggregated nicely but you now simply have to find different places for different things

kickass.mx and .to are TPB mirrors skinned to look like KAT. i was pissed.

You can use Russian torrent place such as rutracker (open registration) / nnmclub (open registration) / rutor (registration not necessary )

thatsite.net is "shitty" user, just a warning

Why you niggerdick. I've been using that for ages now.it works and gets the job done. I figured it was a proxy or something.


Use adblocker though if you're too retarded not to already.

>Kat and Torrentz
Were bad anyway

Kat could've gone down 6 months ago like an un-cucked hero who didn't submit to the Media Kike. Instead, they went down like the DMCA cuck-whores they were.

The Pirate Bay

>not downloading HD
Why don't you just eat a convoy of trucks full of shit?!


It was a fucking example you mentally disabled fuckbucket

Is rutracker good for software downloads? I don't trust the russians on that.


or qbittorrent with search function
View > Search

You don't need to wait. Mega is here.

Don't bother with torrents. Use filesharing websites. It's faster, less restricted and uses a lot less bandwidth.

I've downloaded a few Jap porno games from rutracker without any issues.

enjoy your ransonware

How can I do this in utorrent 2.2.1?

Python has ransomware, friendo

elaborate pls?

:^) weird how it didnt infect me at all then

Aint got no time for that you virgin furryfucker

Isn't it private tho?
And how was it better exactly?

I stopped seeding rutracker torrents when they opened the system to random leeches. I have no doubt rutracker will be gone within a couple of years.

Can you recommend me 1 - 2 you use?

I want to get windows 10 enterprise to fuck around with it.

Katz isnt down the domain name is just different



It hasn't even been an hour you memer

I use the following:
Music: rutracker, metaltracker
Movies: the yify website
TV: the ettv website
Anime: nyaa
Software: tpb but the only thing I've really pirated is the Microsoft Toolkit win10 activator

They torrents are really poor quality, you won't fit a 1080p movie into 800MiB and make it good.

>you won't fit a 1080p movie into 800MiB and make it good.

good thing 1080p yify torrents are 1.6GB then

What torrent site for 4k movies?

private trackers

>where do i go
try these :^)

>movie / warez web forums
>One step above private tracker fags

lmao, at least try. Also enjoy your shitty low bitrate transcodes.

So does windows

Nothing, it's just salt

Not compatible

Nice try, you aren't going to smoke me out by saying wrong things.

I don't see any ransomware in CVE details

Don't know about the malwaretorrent though :%)

Any alternatives to bit che fo freedom/linux?
I know about qbit's search but i already use transmission, so I don't want to install another client. Does qbit use their own search engine or do they use some CLI tool




seriously though, kill yourself at the earliest convenience

I just use it when I/gf wanna watch a movie immediately. Other stuff I'll hunt for quality but on a short-term basis it's pretty great.

would be nice do this in transmission...

>well yes, I perpetuate the most cancerous element in filesharing, but it's ok because it's so convenient!
>also, did I mention that I have a le grillfiend ;)