Why do people hate Windows 10?

Why do people hate Windows 10?

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Posted this from my Windows™ 10 machine using Chrome


this is the marvellous argument you can expect from the losers that dwell here

Because it doesn't use *nix kernel.

>forced updates


now fuck off retard

It's a meme

le ebin botnet xD

wow a youtube video as source

leave your mum's basement you pathetic millenial

Better question is why would you even consider moving to Windows 10? Clearly the Microsoft shills are here in force.

I'll give you some free advice: port DX12 to Windows 7 if you want to stay relevant in the gaming market. We're not going to move to Windows 10 for it. We can continue using DX11 and Vulkan, and the companies making games won't be making them DX12 exclusive because they will lose money doing so.

>the CCC is not a valid source

yeah, fuck off.

>this russian shit again

It's shit. Useless shit. Sorry to rain on your parade all of you Office and photoshop fags, but it's true.

kys u idiot

>both me and gf use w10 for gaymes tho

you are posting on a site that is closed source and writing captchas made by google and probably using google for everything

is that all you have, go and choke on cheetos you fat piece of shit

oh look, it's another troll thread.

nothing to see here folks

but i don't type any personal information on Sup Forums, wtf is your point?

Sorry, Windows/Botnet.

lol, you post personal information on Sup Forums every time you make a post

yeah, no. i don't.

Their parents will get mad if they change the family pc os


Uh yeah, you actually do. Don't be so naive to think Sup Forums doesn't trace information.

You mean meme spouting.

identify me, then.

- Spyware
- Windows 7 is OS, Windows 10 is service
- Too heavy
- Bugs

spyware has become a feature

What exactly is the "spyware" though?

Because it's a piece of butthole

Too much worthless shit, forced Cortana the Siri ripoff that I'll never use, you have to jump through a million hoops to disable the "botnet" features and you'll just have to do it again after every update, you have to restart your computer every other fucking day because of updates, you can't really customize the look of your desktop in *current year* without shitty third-party software, and Windows STILL has no native way to change your MAC address or connect to a specific BSSID.

W10 = poo in loo

It's mainly the mandatory updates and telemetry and the incredibly pushy way Microsoft tried to get people to install it. There's also the fact that the only major improvement over 8 for most people is that it removes some of the garbage that 8 introduced.

>Why do people hate Windows 10?
Doesn't offer any benefits over previous versions. Yes it does collect all kinds of data about you, you cannot deny this fact.
You lose all control over what it does, to add insult to injury they have extremely patronizing attitude about the whole thing.
>we're happy that you're here, we're setting things up for you, can you tell us when you use your PC so we schedule updates at a convenient time :^)
Fuck off Microsoft, you deserve to lose market share to OS X and Linux

Its pretty good but I don't have anniversary update. Never updating ever again. I'm happy with what I have right now (windows 10 before AU)

Sending your browsing history, keystrokes and screengrabs to Microsoft on a regular basis

Gold jerry


It's spyware. It's also no longer an operating system you use to operate your computer but an operating system Microsoft uses to operate the user and the user's computer.

It's interesting that while there are all kinds of initiatives to make all kids into little programmers at the same time the big normie operating systems take control away from the user without asking the user's permission.

autism and inability to change few settings

Can you use torrents?

how do you feel Sup Forums

tech illiteracy

Unfinished mess from a company with incompetent developers incapable of understanding feedback and the data they leech from normal users.

Botnet, can't use torrents. Even trackers and irc channels blocked the users

if you install winaero tweaker and spybot anti beacon and disable all the bullshit windows 10 is pretty alright

i agree it's retarded to have to do these things to make your os usable, but it is what it is

loss of control

The tech illiterate love it

Anyone with a brain hates it for valid reasons

why did people hate XP

being true because nothing is local anymore

literally the only reason someone who isn't retarded would even consider using Windows is video editing if they can't afford a Mac.

Literally there's nothing else. You want to program? Windows literally the worst option. Go with linux.

oh, and before you say "b..but what about gaymes" I already said "someone who isn't retarded " so that's covered

cause it's not Vista sp3, er, I mean 7

>you can only edit videos if you own a Mac

Okay, pal. You sound like a college freshman.

I said that if you need to do heavy video editing that would be the only valid reason to use windows but that's only if you can't afford a mac because it's better on mac, and god knows it's hell on linux. Literally the only good thing windows does is gayming.

Why do people like Windows 10?

identity: autistic

>attempt to remove windows.old folder
>ok, simple just delete it
>no permission
>look up how to do it
>ok you gotta use disk cleanup
>use disk cleanup
>still there

It only took one day for me to downgrade back to 7.

Patently untrue. All my old IRC warez channels and private trackers still work.

I don't trust anything anybody tries to force on to me
Also there is no need to update my OS yet and 10 isn't even compatible with some of my software.

Because I'm a systems engineer and the UNIX tools that I know and love (vi, sed, grep, awk) run on every server, desktop, network device, car, phone, printer, laptop in the world.

Windows 10 isn't a 'Swiss army knife' operating system like its precedents. Windows is now a walled garden, except unlike macOS, there's no proper package management system, and due to the lack of a native SSH client, it's more or less incompatible with most computers in the world. Microsoft knows that 'power users' have already left for macOS, Unix, or FreeBSD, and is aware that they're not coming back.

because its nonfree software(im not talking about your shekels buddy) and because it invades your privacy.except for these its a very good OS.
ubuntu gnome here.

>represents the microsoft's future
We don't hate win10, we hate what it is.

bro theres black magic design fusion 8 for linux look it up.

If you're doing 'heavy video editing' of your vacation movies on your parents computer, I'm sure Windows is fine.

Professional studios use expensive Linux tools or a set of Mac Pros.

You get paid for this, don't you? Throw me another canned response if you can.

>not doing a fresh install with every major update

my system always ends up fucked beyond repair if i upgrade/update too many times

>he didn't click clean up system files and select old windows installation from the list

but besides botnet stuff it is pretty good OS, right?

It brings nothing new. It's just a slightly revamped version of Win 8.

Why it's okay when Facebook and Google does it? And why people whine when Microshit does it?

Because it's on the local operating system. I dont own a Facebook or Google account so I could care less what the fuck they are doing.