>tfw Motorola has been going rapidly downhill since being acquired by Google
>tfw it has only accelerated after Lenovo acquired it from Google
Is there anything that can save Motorola?
>tfw Motorola has been going rapidly downhill since being acquired by Google
>tfw it has only accelerated after Lenovo acquired it from Google
Is there anything that can save Motorola?
>Is there anything that can save Motorola?
even memerola meme Sup Forums shill are gone forever now from Sup Forums, motorola can't be saved...
Wow. That really puts things in perspective.
rip nokia
rip motorola
Motorola fucked themselves financially with making shitware-loaded shitphones and making them Verizon-exclusive on top of that while they were independent.
They should just be put out of their misery.
it just goes to show, you can't be too careful!
I don't know, but my Moto G 2014 sucks the highest caliber of dicks.
I want to believe
Motorola's fine. Just like Nokia and Ericsson. They all did the same "trick", getting rid of mobile business.
As far as phones are concerned - well, the bubble should burst already, there are too many vendors now.
nokia and ericcson have the antenna bussines what is the money income on motorola?
LTE, ASTRO, TETRA and radios. It's for some critical availability infrastructure. Olympics in Rio are supported by it.
I still like their phones.
Fuck you Sup Forums.
i have no idea about those, thx m4n
Don't buy the new shitty Moto ___ devices, bitch to Lenovo and organize communications. Same thing we did with ThinkPad. Had autists not bitched fits on them, there would be even less original IBM design present than there is now
well 3 years ago lot of memerola meme/g/ thread almost everyday shilling, now is /spg/ with new meme xiaomi redmeme 3 and redmeme note 3.
but i love my droid 4. their keyboard design was godtier before they got sold off to google to make all touch garbage
i will admit that stock rom was ass and that its 1000x better with CM on it
>droid 5 never ever
it hurts.
Moto x pure 32GB, 128GB micro sd. Over 30GB with spotify offline songs. pretty comfy. 2 day battery too
I think theres and update for lollipop but i honestly dont want to update.
>Since being acquired by Google
naa, m8. it was going downhill for 20 years before google.
Iridium really fucked up Motorola.
But, how fucked does the management structure have to be to not be able to stop a $5B project that's going to go fuck their shit up immediately because it's "too big to fail?"
I hope Motorola goes full chink like Xiaomi
What's wrong with it
This reminds me is there anything made in America anymore other than Apple
Battery life on 4.4 was much better, but all the stuff that 6.0 adds makes up for it in my case.
>what is Foxconn
I mean designed
No. Nothing can save lenovo either.
Avoid both of those brands like the plague.
photon q reporting
3 years and its still chuggin