Aired in 2010 and these are recommended specs for a VN. I get not needing the power, but its still pretty far behind that years common system specs.
Japan's tech lag
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People in Japan are still using Macintosh Color Classics, so I hear.
I'll never understand why some people got obsessed with this Japan "tech lag" meme.
We're talking of VNs. If a pc is powerful enough to play hd movies, it's powerful enough for VNs.
Do you expect them to list unnecessarily high recommended specs for no reason?
Nothing wrong with efficiency. A visual novel made by ((( Western developers ))) would require an i7 and Titan X to run half-decently.
Wait these are system requirements to read a comic book? What the fuck?
>not windongs
missed opportunity
Why the fuck would you need more for a visual novel
All that shit is is literally some pictures and text with music playing in the background
The mere fact that it requires Pentium 4 and as much as 1-2 GB of RAM just to have some pictures show up is astonishing
It's a fucking VN dude. You do know what those are, right?
It's a fucking series of pictures with text. Honestly even needing a whole GB of ram for that is ridiculous enough as it is.
Sup Forums takes up more resources than a VN would need.
Japan is a highly competitive society. They generally have less disposable income compared to the US and UK.
In the US, you can have a median income ($50-60k/year) and have plenty of money leftover for toys, going out, etc. In Japan that's not the case.
>Japan is a highly competitive society.
You mean everything is overpriced.
These are pretty much system requirements to run listed operating systems. C2D was 4 years old in 2010.
Yea and Windows 7 was out by then, I'm imagining this isn't set in 2010, strictly.
Why do you expect me to read chingchonganese?
Well, it was out for a year. It's not like the script or whatever was written week before it was released.
Some software you can download now doesn't even say that it runs on W10 and it's already been a year since its launch.
Japan hates 3D pig disgusting. 2D requires pretty low entry fee.
Why would it even matter? Memesters will argue over literally anything.
((( Kill yourself )))
I've found that a lot of modern games list minimum specs that are way too high. They do this simply because they didn't bother testing on any hardware older than 5 years. Or because the average user's computer is burdened by mountains of bloatware.
ever heard of directx dumbass?
>not ubundows
>fictional game from an anime
These are the minimum specs for SoniComi released in 2011
>Windows Vista/7/8/10
>Processor: 2.4Ghz Dual-Core
>Memory: 2 GB RAM
>Graphics: 512MB VRAM
>DirectX: Version 9.0c
>Storage: 4 GB available space
One of the things that push computers to get more and more powerful is vidyia.
Japs play on their vitas, ds and playstation.
The ones that use PC to play something are the hardcore otaku that are into VNs and they are just text games with pictures.
Japan has a very small niche market for super expensive shit though, like abee cases and I kinda dig them since they are nips lian li but even harder to find.
>Processor: 2.4Ghz Dual-Core
what did he mean by this
((( Hes right )))
windowbs 15 is botnet
>have computer with minimum specs
>also have bloatware/computer is so full of dust that it thermal throttles to shit
>cant play game
>writes bad review
>complains to tech support
Anyone have that dude complaining on the star wars forum that his computer cant run it even though he has a nvidia 510gt
What's Windoms?
>tech lag
What's the rush, amigou? Unless you're playing 'Super Man Murder: Modern Kill 2017 Gold Plus EDITION' there's very little reason to have 16G of RAM and an after market video card.
I was in Japan in 2014. I saw a ton of small shops/offices use 17" CRT monitors. Had no idea what Win version they were using but dirty old-ass keyboards & CRTs made me think they're still in the Win 98/XP era.
technological stagnation equals economic stagnation
>A visual novel made by ((( Western developers ))) would require an i7 and Titan X to run half-decently.
But most japanese pc-games are programmed like shit , they are developed with 100% propietary technologies and most of the time they use an obscure japanese VN , Shooter or Fighting game freeware engine.
Why the fuck would you need a powerful computer to play a visual novel? Do you even know how simple are those?
>pictures (sometimes animated)
>displayed text (w/ fade in and out, and other animations)
>music playing in the background
That's basically it. If anything, those specs are overkill.
Hell, I can run the S;G VN which requires a more powerful computer on my 2005 shitbox with no dedicated gpu just fine.
the m is supposed to be an upside-down w.
Japan is in the 90's, did you not see their Yahoo website?
>pc games
Does japan even produce pc games?
>taking fictional system requirements seriously
You know they didn't put any actual effort into that stuff. Those sweatshop animators just slapped in techy-sounding words so they could ship the episode out ASAP.
Meanwhile, in the US version:
>This Girl Is Speaking Out After Six Flags Allegedly Enforced Sexist Dress Code
>Trump's love affair with presidency is over
>Unhappy with Trump, some Republicans put forward longshot alternative
I can't speak Japanese so I don't know about their great games so I'm going to ironically ask if they even make them dur dur dur xDDXXDD
Lack of nu males and hipsters in Japan has prevented them from moving on to "clean, modern, perfect for browsing at Starbucks" web design
Yes, but they're all VNs and sex games.
Which is not necessarily a bad thing, the demand for GPUs in Japan is primarily driven by the desire to run high-graphics on these 3D sex games
These days normal japs don't even keep home PCs or wireless internet. Phones do all they need.
Japan was viewed as the most advanced nation in terms of tech. but now thats been shown to be a lie.
like finding out your father. the pinnacle of masculinity in your childhood, was a tranny all along
It's a fucking dating sim
They're very advanced but the general populace doesn't care much about smartphones or top of the line PCs.
They still are, but the normal people just don't use it. It's just tradition to use something something which already works just fine.
VN's aren't that heavy.
Better than heavy clusterfucks everyone else makes. Sure it could be even more simple but you get my point. Web pages don't need to be 30 mb/page
>low visual content density with useless animations and effects in the backround
>I saw a ton of small shops/offices use 17" CRT monitors
Based Japan didn't fall for the LCD meme
brb moving to japan
>Sup Forums manchild more concerned about muh graphix muh ultra 4k 1080fps than the gameplay itself
Fucking faggot, if it works and it's fun there's no reason to bitch about it, go play your rehashed shooters for a millionth time.
going in my yahoo mail account
your postbox is empty do you whish to watch a video
...sure i just check my mails to watch Shity videos
video starts auto playing
>. It's just tradition to use something something which already works just fine.
I don't see a problem with that. Even people in the US are not upgrading their computers that much these days.
I wish websites now was still like that. Modern "web 2.0" websites now try to vacuum up as much as your ram as possible and takes forever to load because of all the JavaScript bloat that have to load.
r u meme or r u scream
Japanese aren't consumercucks that upgrade to the shiniest fashion accessory every month just because
oh look, something that at least looks readable compared to flat meme designs that you have to scroll through for miles and take 2GB Ram and a 100mbit connection to load properly
>Japanese aren't consumercucks
oh how weebs make me laugh
they're as bad, if not worse than the US
>they're as bad, if not worse than the US
keep spouting memes
In reality japs will use the same shit for a lifetime if they can because culture and their COA while consumertards in the US will shell out every obsolescence cycle for the newest Chinese plastic that is irreparable and designed to last two years
you okay?
No he means you gotta spend all your hard earned yen at the fucking bar every night so your boss will give you a promotion
>Juhpahn iesn't into teknolohgi becaas it doesn't mage gonsumer shitware
I love this meme. Japan is king in industrial and commercial electronics/parts. The consumer line electronics market is saturated and not at an early point in its life where profit could easily be made from being on top of the industry
Are you high? Sure, the Japanese don't care much for household PCs, but they'll have 8k broadcasting in the near future. They call it SUPAHAIBIJON.
If you want a true ass-backwards industrial country, look at Refugees Welcome Land. We don't even have proper HD broadcasting yet.
((( no )))
Of course it's a lie.
They rely on European research for further advancement.