Sup Forums literally BTFO

JavaScript is for All of Us
And we’re a community that wants to help you succeed in the JavaScript world. WeAllJS is a community composed of a Slack chat, Twitter community, and its adjacent meetups and groups. We’re committed to being supportive, attentive, and inclusive.

WeAllJS is an experiment: We believe that the tech industry as a whole can do better to welcome people, and that we all benefit when everyone has a seat at the table. The community is organized by individuals of various backgrounds experienced in both technical topics and in community building and social issues. It is a project filled with hope and love.

The community welcomes anyone, on any intersection, who feels JavaScript is a part of their professional or personal life and wants to have access to others - anyone from Node.js students to browser experts to Ruby/Rails developers hooking into JS tools, or sysadmins looking to deploy it. Or just those who are curious about it, really.

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How does this blow out Sup Forums, exactly?

cis coders are now deprecated

>Everyone is welcome!
>We do not welcome discrimination, harassment, or any other form of harm
JS developers.

Javascript is the cancer of the Internet. I'd rather install Windows on all of my devices than use Javascript.

Remind me how the mere existence of some javascript sjw community blows out an immovable object like Sup Forums

Have you read everything on that site? It is very controlling. It is not a coincidence that the term "Politically Correct," borrowed from the early Soviet Union, is applied to people like this. The attention they give to identity seems like it will detract from any discussion of technology they might engage in. It is also attractive to people who are easily offended, who generally don't make it much further than "Hello, world" in tech.

my belief is to hate niggers and spics

>Everybody is welcome except the people we don't like

cool. Very uniting stance to take. Im sure this won't flop.

>the attention they give to identity seems like it will detract from any discussion of technology they might engage in
Sort of like Sup Forums, who talk about SJWs doing something on their own website instead of technology

Actually it's more like "everyone is welcome as long as you don't make everyone else feel unwelcome." In case you haven't noticed, the only people who like sexists/racists/harassers are other sexists/racists/harassers. Normies would rather not be harassed for their gender/sex/race

javascript irritates me but all the local meetups for developers are javascript based. They never really specify it, style themselves as general programming meetup groups, but for every project javascript is assumed, like javascript = programming now.

Call me when you have an organization for a language that doesn't have a book that has to outline the GOOD parts of your langugage

Bait that has to be explained isn't good bait..

>some people think JS is a good language

Why can't Sup Forums get their semi-hourly rage fix on their own board?

>login pages
no thanks


This affects me how?

>tech industry
>can do better at welcoming people
Tech industry only needs tech people. If you don't understand tech you're not welcome.

SJW progressivism is a fucking cancer. This shit is spreading everywhere. Is nothing safe?

How the IT world mostly works

>Pure Meritocracy for employment
>Companies run by Technocrats or Capitalists

How SJW want it to work

>Everyone equal in status and pay but not skill
>Imaginary percentages of equality based on skin and gender need to be set up so 20% of all the employees need to be black and then 20% need to be transgender

This is all controlled by straight white male execs who want lower wages and more disposable employees

If your programmers are social rejects, the deformed and disabled, the mentally ill freaks, they'll have an incentive to not leave your "accepting" company, because they think no one else will treat them well
But you must ensure that they are replacable as possible, so you can always tell them they are paid so little because anyone could do their job

>Not using doublethink against the doublethinkers

how the IT world REALLY works

>HR means you start out in a classist system where the easiest means of entry is having a degree or social connections aka status, regardless of skill, because reviewing applicant portfolios takes time and companies want you to exert effort and not the other way around
>companies run by committiees and idea guys who happen to be good at managing money and negotiating witht their fellow kikes
>marketing, product placement, backdoor deals, and incompatibility, not quality, are used to create and ensure dominance

>implying I care what SocialJavascriptWarriors

>get women's studies degree
>try to get a tech job
>wonder why you aren't hired
>create a start-up so everybody can join in on the fun
>company filled with single-digit IQ retards
>doesn't get investments
>goes down the plughole
>founder now in debt
>starts Patreon page for her personal support group
>rakes in thousands a month
It just werks.

You people just literally spend all day finding anything that you could possibly get irrationally angry about even if it doesn't affect you in the slightest, don't you?

Go jack off to some chinese cartoons or something, I can't think of anything that is a bigger waste of your time than getting angry over pointless and trivial shit. God fucking damn.

Until you're ready, willing, or able, to patch a fiber plant in a ladder rack at 4 in the morning, kindly fuck off.

Also, Operations mater race reporting in.

>The community welcomes anyone

>Group for technology-related subject
>"community building and social issues"

Reminder that if you vote for Hillary, you are facilitating this shit.

>Publishing of non-harassing private communication.
Any of the above even when presented as “ironic” or “joking”.
Any attempt to present “reverse-ism” versions of the above as violations. Examples of reverse-isms are “reverse racism”, “reverse sexism”, “heterophobia”, and “cisphobia”.
Unsolicited explanations under the assumption that someone doesn’t already know it. Ask before you teach! Don’t assume what people’s knowledge gaps are.
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional or community setting.

some rules pulled from their page

How is that not a meritocracy?

>Until you're ready, willing, or able, to patch a fiber plant in a ladder rack at 4 in the morning, kindly fuck off.
>Until you're ready, willing, or able, to dig the building foundations at 4 in the morning, kindly fuck off.
super lel

>Operations mater race reporting in.
Mom, the handyman is here.

>Twitter community
>social """"issues""""
Literally SJW central.

The universe is a meritocracy if you look at the big picture, but that's not what anyone is talking about. Techies want to be rewarded for being good at their jobs, not for being good at politics or good at dealing with bureaucracy.

Any attempt to present “reverse-ism” versions of the above as violations. Examples of reverse-isms are “reverse racism”, “reverse sexism”, “heterophobia”, and “cisphobia”.

Fucking blow me

No, it's more like "Everyone is welcome as long as they don't hold any opinions that some trans or gay person disagrees with even if they make sure to only express those views outside of the project". We've seen quite a few cases over the year of this so you should always view this "anti-harassment" crap with a significant amount of suspicion.

I'm genuinely not joking here. These people will literally claim that someone disagreeing with them is enough to make them feel uncomfortable and demand that they be removed from the project even if they only expressed the views outside of the project. Worst case so far is probably Brendan Eich who was fired from the Mozilla foundation for views he took care to never express in any public forum or even in private.

read closer

>easiest means of entry is having a degree or social connections aka status, regardless of skill

>Any attempt to present “reverse-ism” versions of the above as violations. Examples of reverse-isms are “reverse racism”, “reverse sexism”, “heterophobia”, and “cisphobia

I'm not sure I fully comprehend what this means. Do they mean it's unacceptable for somebody who fits in within those groups to be discriminated against?

>sjws using programming language created by someone they forced to step out of mozilla not long ago
like pottery

The idea is that minorities can't be prejudice because they don't speak from a position of power and prejudice requires power to be real. So it's okay to use slurs or mistreat people as long as it isn't a protected group.

Lmao youre fucking dumb
"Racism/intolerance/prejudice" encompasses anything they don't agree with

That flies in the face of the "equality" that they repeatedly mention. They're redefining what what racism and prejudice mean in order to give themselves a free pass to discriminate and mistreat groups of people they don't like. The irony is immense.

ayy lmao name 5 things they have made

Considering you can't fix it yourself...

And at what I make, I don't care what the title is.

Yes, redefining words is a common tactic. Politicians in America sometimes say "government school" instead of "public school". This gets people to reduce funding because they don't understand the issue very well and they see it as a way to save money.

This is it.

It is for feminists and sjw fags with macs and the annual meeting is in Starbucks.



Wrong reply. Meant for OP.

>part of your personal life

Damn, my first shoops are old enough to vote, and I still wouldn't consider it part of my personal life.

>Also, Operations mater race reporting in.

Thanks for doing the hard work while I script you a little more out of your job every day.