Place in the Internet where

normies never come. I need a safe space, I want it to be like pre-social media internet. Does such heaven exist?


>safe space

>where normies never come

I mean safe from normies I don't care about all the degenerate shit.

>That Optiplex
Damn, I remember having the GX1 with a PII and 128MB of RAM, good times.

Also such a place doesn't exist anymore user.

TOR sites, just find one that is undocumented and is for aspies

name a good one faggot

plenty of chantards on rizon, plenty of idlers too. smdh irc is kill.

If I knew of such a place I wouldn't be here.
If I did know and was still here for some reason I sure as fuck wouldn't post about it.

one of the chans
darkweb forums
tox and irc


Anything that isn't smart phone friendly and hard to use is generally anti-normie. IRC, TOR, pre-2007 BBforums. Just pick a subject you're interested and find somewhere but expect these communities to be slow.

old or specific forums. some of the really good places require a lot of effort on your part, especially in smaller or old communities. the average Sup Forums poster would be run out pretty quick and i don't reckon you're any different, op, or you'd know more. also why you won't expect anyone to give you real answers.


Yes, unplug your computer.

forums are pre "social media." if it counts then chans are a form of social media.

lol. ham radio is social media.

postal service is a form of social media

so are cave paintings

there OP, the only solutions is to kys

yes, chans are social media too. Not social networks though
radio only goes 1 way, thus no

The Deep Web?

if you need to ask, you don't belong there and if you somehow learn of their location, stay out. You are as bad as these """normies""" and I bet you don't even know where the term even originated from. Hell, I'm quite sure you've bashed the source of the term when it was popular to do so.

chans that aren't Sup Forums/cripplechan
really specific niche things

wtf are you talking about? radio is a fundamentally social hobby, it goes both ways. anyone can listen in on whatever frequency, and if you have a licence, you can talk to whoever.

Quads of truth. Fuck off OP you're just looking for some obscure shit so you can feel special you quasi-hipster garbage.

lol you think radio is just FM/AM. here you go fucker, knock yourself out

Your mom is social media.

yeah, specific niche things. if you don't have interests or hobbies or specialized knowledge from all this time wasting your life online, then you won't find these places

>if you don't have interests or hobbies or specialized knowledge from all this time wasting your life online, then you won't find these places
This. OP is just following the trend of being counter-culture in an attempt to appear trendy.

Usenet is extremely retarded.

COLA is a whole other level of autists on full throttle.

Come in, join the snit circus.

I can tell you OP, but not here. Text me later and I'll let you know - here is too dangerous, there's normies about.

>lol you think radio is just FM/AM
You mean broadcast.

indeed i do. if one were to claim that radio is "one way," then I assume their only experience with the medium is broadcast from cars or homes. so they'd likely be most familiar with am/fm broadcasts on consumer devices. cool pedantic correction tho

Ok retard.

If you use the internet long enough in a specific way, you might get lucky and stumble across such an enclave that's still clinging to life. They surely exist and are harder to find than during their heydey, but you're going to have to look.

all sorts of shit is in broadcast. a number of satellite transmissions are broadcast. i provided a colloquial meaning, which is fine. kys. i'm not convinced you actually know anything