/wdg/ - Web Development General

If you're an unemployable NEET go to edition

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libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
>How to get started
> [YouTube] 2016/2017 MUST-KNOW WEB DEVELOPMENT TECH - Watch this if you want to be a web developer
> [YouTube] Javascript is Easy - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

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lmgtfy.com/?q=beginner projects for web development

If i study webdev for 2 hours a day how long until I am proficient enough to be hired and get money?

I already know Java.

I don't know why, but it always feels like when I program, I have to reinvent the wheel. I try to never use libraries, because I feel like its cheating me from doing work.

Did anyone else have this feeling? I'd like to make more things, but I always feel like shit for using something simple like Express.

It's only cheating if you're trying to learn something, imo.

I feel like that too sometimes and then I get deadlines and have to find shortcuts

True. Maybe if I had deadlines, then I would feel fine using shortcuts. But since I always make stuff by myself, I just feel like I should use only one or two libraries, and everything else should be built by hand.

I know it's ridiculous since I wouldn't build a hammer from scratch if I just needed put a nail in the wall. I'm trying to get into Ruby, but I always heard Rails was too easy. Maybe I've been in an abusive relationship with PHP for too long


seventh for php is best language
>inb4 real_mysqli_meme
use pdo, anything else is deprecated.
>inb4 $ for variables
literally nobody cares

You sound just like a friend of mine. He'll rather write his own code that isn't as good rather than get code from Github with 100+ contributors.

Not is it time consuming to do it yourself, you also don't have a mini community to help you make it more secure and find bugs that you didn't even know existed when you wrote it. Don't try to be a hero.

Anywhere from a month to two years? It's not really a factor of time, it has more to do with how quickly you pick things up, being at the right place at the right time, generally being likable and attractive, etc.

Learn the basics of HTML and CSS if you haven't already (you can easily learn it over a weekend or something) and get a decent familiarity with JavaScript. Then, since you already know Java, I would focus on Spring or another Java-based backend framework. Just having that could potentially get you a backend webdev job. If you aren't seeing a lot of Java web dev jobs in your area, try learning something like Rails. With previous programming/backend experience you should be able to grok it faster than from nothing.

There are also plenty of regular Java jobs around, and of course Android, if you just need work.

10th for PHP is a fractal of bad design.

What's the most fun thing you can do with PHP?

just use php7 idiot

blog using no framework

sql injection?

Moderately faster fractal of bad design.

You're retarded.

Next time you make a sandwich you're not going to bake your own bread, and you're not going to farm the wheat for the flour that makes the flour. And you're not going to build an oven from scratch.

Everything we build rests on a framework of stuff that has come before us. I suggest you get over it.

Also sometimes the only viable option is to use a library, such as in the case of timezones:

I realize that. I use libraries like Bcrypt. But for the most mundane things, I feel like having a bunch of dependencies just makes it look like I'm cheating.

But yeah, I'll have to adjust

What do you guys think about ASP.NET? Companies where I live are offering a shitload of money for anyone with knowledge in that framework

>tfw love Python and was enthusiastic about giving Django a chance

Can't make myself pass the second chapter of the introductory tutorial where you build poll app.

I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe I'll try some more Node again, but I guess I just can't get interested in backend. But I want to learn it because only frontend shit is useless.

I fucking hate tons of different folders and hierarchies and code all over the place. I would literally just rather have everything in few files. I know this is not how it works in the industry but it's just so painful for me to organize everything in my head that way.

But I also feel that the reason why I can't get a will to do anything web backend related is because it is just so boring. I'd like to make something cool for web, but mostly this stuff is boring as hell.

>tfw game programming would actually probably get me the most satisfaction.

I'm just not passionate enough for CRUD apps.

Why not build a web game then, and have a backend to store data? Best of both worlds.

>using no framework

pls don't make the same mistake i did

Try Flask instead of Django.

what is problem with poll app?
urls doesnt work? right?

That is one of the only things I'd want to try. I probably should, just not sure how to approach it yet. I'd maybe use Node, but probably with some framework like Phaser. Making some online MP like Agar or those snakes would be cool. I actually have one idea...

Then again I feel like I should be learning this boring shit and make something that workplaces will actually care about, considering that there is a high chance I'll get stuck in this industry, due to my degree (if I don't switch to design department).

I wanted to, then heard a lot of negative shit about it here. Don't know. I'd not like to build everything from scratch either, but Django and Rails seem too bloated for my taste.

Oh no, it's not that I was stuck in the tutorial, I just can't bring myself to go through it, since the end result doesn't interest me almost at all.

Start with the game, do something you find interesting. There's no point in learning it if you're going to hate it and feel burnt out.

Please respond

It's fine. If you like it, go for it.

It overcomplicates shit in ways other languages/frameworks don't, imo.

Remember to keep things aesthetic, aesthetics are just as important as functionality.

No I'm not even shitposting

Why are modules are being pushed so hard for JS web environments?

It makes sense for the nodeJS faggots to use CommonJS, sure. But what does requireJS achieve for browsers? It introduces its own globals and its adding another external script to your site. AMD is beyond retarded, loading scripts when needed is going to add delay, when instead you could just throw core functionality in one JS file and have that cached for 30 days.

Seriously, what problem is this "solving"? Only retards have issues with accidentally redefining existing globals, because either they didn't properly look in to what external library they're using or they're using too many external libraries. But of course dumb fucks will say they absolutely need requireJS or different module loaders so they can load up their 1MB+ SPAs with hundreds of external modules

In what other way would you organize projects with more than a few hundred lines? Normally you bundle all those modules in one or two files during the build process anyway, so the files will be cached

I need good inspiration for designing my small business website, a lot of the ones on "website inspiration" websites are for larger companies or just not functional.

Its a tiny 1 location service industry business, how do I find similar good websites of the same ilk?

>In what other way would you organize projects with more than a few hundred lines?
With a good IDE and a good JS transpiler, but the latter doesn't exist

>Normally you bundle all those modules in one or two files during the build process anyway, so the files will be cached
Exactly, so now what's the point of AMD?

Dj-dj-django creates everything for me. I w-wouldn't know how to do any of that from scratch. Should I be worried?

I think this is why people want to do stuff from scratch. Now I feel like a monkey.

git is /wdg/ so help me out here. I use sourcetree with my bitbucket account. Just now I cloned a repo from my bitbucket using mingw with nothing to do with sourctree at all and when I do a pull it doesn't ask me for password. The repo is private. How's this possible? Is the password somehow cached in the OS somewhere?

You can always dig deep and see how shit rolls. Read up on ORM, basic database design theory and HTTP. When you have a good understanding of that you will work even better with django.

Just use gitkraken u melt

That's not my question user. How does git save credentials on Windows?

Try doing the same shit with pure flask

When you guys start a new website, what do you do, like total step 1?

Never made a proper website that I intend on uploading but now I need to, what is your process.

No one wants to use an ugly website.

why is asp.net core the best?

anons help me decide, puthon/Django or ruby/Rails?
Which one should i learn?

Neither. Both are 'old tech'.

Use Phoenix and Elixir.

you chose the wrong career if you don't want to be a starbucks-tier expendable monkey

why is it the best? its a fucking enterprisy framework which I wouldn't really use for my own projects but it's great for big companies I guess

what are your projects?

php blog from scratch :^)

>buy domain name
>make website
>watch youtube video on filezilla tutorials
>wew lad

I'm more focused on design and frontend. I've learned about databases in college and had backend class but didn't use that knowledge that much so atm I don't really know it that well.


do you dream in code, user?

whats a good react project to make so i can get a job as a react developer? Seattle here

Do you have ssh key authentication set up? That's probably the only way this happens.

known hosts and your keys are stores in the .ssh folder of your user directory

no, user. the code dreams of me.

- create repo
- create composer.json/package.json
- add known dependencies
- set up deployment
- test
- start programming

I fucking hate this shit.

Am I a fucking piece of shit for using PHP. I honestly hate using it myself. Should I build dynamic websites with a different language? Should I learn Python and use that instead?

Guess you could automate parts of it, but then again, you don't do it every day.

I wouldn't start a new project without deployment and dependency management, though. But maybe that's just me

see post 7 in this thread

>using FTP
Not going to make it.

Are you asking how to begin developing something, or how to deploy a website that you've developed?

>I'm more focused on design and frontend.
I'll have a venti skinny caramel macchiato to go.

So, I can keep using PHP?

you're welcome, faggot. next time try fixing the links yourself

as long as you use php7 and follow good practices then yes.

Use whatever you want. If you do learn Python try not to fall for the 'Pythonic' circlejerk meme.

Personally I enjoy Node.js. Using Javascript on the frontend and the backend is comfy, since there's no context switching at all.

Great post, my friend.

Can someone explain to me how a backend works and how it works with the frontend?

I need to launch a website withing a month and it needs database interaction. I have some python skills and I know HTML and CSS.

Also I don't have enough time to make the backend myself so I need to find one but I don't know how.

Seriously though, being design focused is stupid. Web development is a programming discipline. Designers are a dime a dozen, and most optimal frontend patterns and best-practices are pretty well established these days. But decent frontend people are hard to find.

Do you know what a ServiceWorker is and how to implement one? Do you know how to layer your page so that the GPU compositor handles animations and transparency rather than having your CPU repaint the screen every time something moves? Do you know how CSS rules are interpreted by the browser so you can write the most efficient selectors?

is for designcucks.

still, managing projects and keeping endless node_modules folders is a waste of time and space.

It sounds like you need to pay someone to build a website for you. I'll do it for $2000.

No one gives a shit about those technical details because projects have deadlines and you'll most definitely be using a framework instead of doing everything from scratch. And specially when it comes to animations: GSAP.

Also, it's not stupid to be "design focused" whatever that means. You definitely need knowledge from others fields nowadays. A good designer who doesn't understand code is just as useless as a good programmer who can't typography. It's not a choice. So get off your high horse retard, I hope you get a decent job.

No I've been tasked with creating this website, it's just that I have very little experience creating a fully fledged website. I know bits here and there, and I'm just a bit rusty

>I'm unemployable because I have an autistic need to do things the hard way and waste time

>Designers are a dime a dozen

>most optimal frontend patterns and best-practices are pretty well established
what point are you making?

>what a ServiceWorker is and how to implement one?
how does this apply to your weird dorky critique? service worker's are great but not a requirement for all projects.

Sounds like you don't have much real world experience.

> makes it look like I'm cheating

literally autism

can someone help me with rails setup?
I just installed rails with sudo gem install rails
when i run
rails --version
i get
bash: rails: command not found

what do i do, do i need to set path?

What's the best language to learn being a poorfag going into his freshman year of college. I have this year off.

JS. don't listen to Sup Forums

First hmtl, then css, then php/mysql, then Javascript, then frameworks like bootstrap and a cms like Wordpress. And then you can start fucking around in whatever you want like jquery.

>I'm trying to get into Ruby, but I always heard Rails was too easy.

Then use Sinatra and work your way up to what Rails gives for free....

>Web development is a programming discipline
the words of a true code monkey

>AMD is beyond retarded, loading scripts when needed is going to add delay, when instead you could just throw core functionality in one JS file and have that cached for 30 days.

Lel. I refactored Edmodo Spotlight to use RequireJS, and we saw performance increases from literally 3-10x.

>Exactly, so now what's the point of AMD?

He's saying you can have the benefits of dependency injection and lazy loading with the same benefits of caching and bundling...

Whats your opinion on code/api/scaffold generators?

So I think I got my first job. Of course it's building a fucking WordPress site.

I say "I think" because I've not filled out a W2 yet and this guy has a test for me. Basically I am building a website for a fake restaurant. Now I am under the impression of it being a test, however all of the assets that I was given, it looks like it is an actual client's website.

I've got cpanel access and put WordPress on there, then I got sent the assets. Now it is pretty clear that this is a real client. Basically I don't want to get screwed by this guy by working for free under the guise of a test. I don't think the guy will fuck me over, but since I'm making everything on his server. He can say that I won't be a good fit and have a client's page done for free

What do? How do I not get ripped off? How do I bring up the fact that I don't work for free and still be able to do it delicately enough to where I can still get that very important first job? Am I right to be worried about this?

upload sheel in random folder, if he fuck you up, you fuck up the site. Set the mail function to send you ip of server every day

I don't follow. You'll install the libs either way. But without dependency management, you're maintaining and versioning stuff by hand, including keeping track of their dependencies as well.

With a package manager, you let a tool handle all that shit for you, and all it requires is a simple JSON file. How is that a waste of time?

I cannot see how it would be a waste of space either. Without, you'd be adding all files to version control in every project you have. With a package manager, you can at least gitignore your packages, so they don't end up in version control and only on dev instances. This is objectively better

It all depends on the size of your project, though. I'm not gonna push you towards npm/bower/composer for a simple static web page with a bit of jQuery and a CSS framework.

nah I don't know if I want to do anything malicious or anything. I just don't want to get fucked over. How often do web developers have to deal with bullshit like this?

Year ago, i was working on some php+java project and German fuck wanted to fuck me up for my last payment, so i deleted everything from server.
Fuck the scammers.

>No one gives a shit about those technical details because projects have deadlines and you'll most definitely be using a framework instead of doing everything from scratch

t. Pajeet

>how does this apply to your weird dorky critique?
The point being that frontend isn't about faffing around in Photoshop and dragging and dropping widgets into your page and shitting it out onto the web without any thought for how it works or performs, unless you're literally trying to get your job outsourced overseas.

pls respond


lmgtfy.com/?q=beginner projects for web development

Yeah I guess that's only fair if they want to fuck you over like that. I was just curious if this is a red flag or not and whether or not there was something I could do in order to safeguard my creation?

>I think this guy is scamming me
>How do I not get scammed while also getting a job with someone I think is trying to scam me?

Walk away. Find someone else to work for.

You're fucked. Have a good one.

Bury a php file to rewrite the index and clear all databases with password authentication.

You need a trigger if you want to get paid.

Nobody ever said frontend is about dragging and dropping widgets on the layout.

Anyway, you're a typical Sup Forums sperg, waste of time to talk with you.

Does Djangomans use generic views? Going through the tutorial and everything was nice until I saw this fucking shit. That level of abstraction is now too much.

>le pajeet meme
