helloworld.exe (153.51 MB)
Helloworld.exe (153.51 MB)
welcome to the electron/node-webkit world.
Needs room for all those telemetry hooks
Don't worry! Memory is cheap!
>requires data collection agreement and features telemetry
what's wrong with this?
What's ok with this?
I have nothing to hide
That reminds me of the first time I compiled hello world from a tutorial and it was 4.2MB. I freaked out and figured I had done something wrong as I expected more like a 4.2KB binary.
Good times.
It still works without an MS account.
what the shit how
Kek, missing the point
why does the checksum change each time i re-compile my code?
>This bait again
Heh, I remember I freaked out the first time I noticed this, I was sure that the checksum would be the same
Turns out the binary format Windows uses saves the compilation time in the binary
Funny, in Linux the checksum of the resulting binary is always the same, another proof that Windows is an insane OS
They need that information to give you the precise value for pi at your specific latitude and longitude.
Take off your khaki, pajeet
If that's true, please post your name, SSN, bank account number, PIN for said bank account, date of birth, telephone number, and primary email address.
They need to know usage scenarios to know which features are used frequently and are impontant, and which one are used infrequently or even see so little use they should be removed instead.
There is nothing wrong with collecting metadata.
perhaps there is a 'template' like in .NET which could be stripped and produce the same checksum each time, or am i doomed?
1) Such data collection, if it is to be done at all, must be optional
2) Even if you trust company X with metadata, that doesn't mean it's secure, or that company X will sell data to company Y which you didn't give permission to
3) The user is usually unaware of what the metadata is
4) Its a fucking calculator
There is everything wrong with collecting vast amounts of metadata for the sake of collecting metadata.
Using a product is always optional.
nothing is optional because the universe is deterministic so any choice you make was always going to happen
>hello_world.gb (32kb)
That's pretty good.
What's wrong?
>hello_world.py (22b)
>type in "8008" and giggle
>anti-obscenity committee raids my house and takes me to the gulag
im being executed in 3 days
goodbye everybody
...For a calculator?
Not even once
>he doesn't see the purpose of NW.js/Electron apps
better uninstall your "bloated" webbrowser and start browing Sup Forums via lynx or curl
if you think 8008 is hot try adding a 5
>hello_world.sh (18b)
>open with dialog pops up
>nothing that looks like a snake is in there
>need to download a 30MB package and dependencies to execute a 22 byte example
such is life as a python artist
>inb4 already have it installed by default
>you can also install the full version of matlab "by default"
don't forget the 20MB interpreter
The kernel is like 70MB.
Who cares at this point.
Hello world should not be anywhere near the size of the kernel
Hello World in C++ shouldn't need to be big...
This cropped screenshot is larger.
Yeah, it'd be like 2MB if your operating system had decent package management and dynamic linking was viable.
>29 bytes
Why haven't you designed your own computer yet?
If you static link libstdc++, the binary's going to be huge. If you're programming for Windows, you HAVE to static link it, or otherwise ship the DLL with the binary.
>hello_world.txt (13b)
GCC executables tend to be rather large because of static linking (especially if compiled with debugging information on)
On my computer (64 bit Windows), the standard C++ Hello World is 660 kb with GCC, but using stdio and printf instead of the C++ libraries gets the size down to 15.5 kb (regardless of whether I compile as C or C++). However, the Tiny C Compiler will produce the C Hello World as a 2 kb executable. Any idea why TCC produces such a smaller executable, even though the code is the same? In all cases I'm compiling without debugging or profiling information.
If you have nothing to Sine, you have nothing to fear.
That's pretty rude, just because she's flat doesn't mean she's a boy.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a boy.
I'm strongly considering that. I have three extensions just to debloat websites and the browser.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.
>what is unneeded software coupling?
I'd assume the compiler is doing some sort of optimization that increases the size of the file. Set the compiler to optimize for size and it will probably beat TCC.
Silly user, boys don't wear skirts.
Alright tell me how I can measure the velicity and position of an electron at the same time
I don't think so, this happens even when GCC is set to optimize for size. It may have something to do with the version of the library - GCC uses the GNU C library, which has to be statically linked in, as you can't assume everyone running Windows has the GNU C library. Whereas the windows version of TCC apparently uses the Microsoft C library (as every TCC-produced binary has "msvcrt.dll" if you open it in a text editor). So perhaps TCC assumes everyone has that DLL so it can link it dynamically?
He's just scottish.
it's ok dude the universe destined you to be a retard from birth
>MY interpretation of quantum mechanics is the right one
Those are some hot opinions, lad.
wew lads just admit you [spoiler]sprinkle when you tinkle[/spoiler] and move on
>hello world.hs 31B
>hello world binary 1.13 mB
>meme cat is both alive and dead
it's. a. fucking. calculator.
What could you ever have to improve, and why can't you ask your users if they want to be spied on or not?
>dependencies: nodejs, npm
user please, it's a personal calculation assistant. We aren't using the abacus anymore.
> being this autistic
he said the kernel, not bzImage :^)
Yeah, that's why I don't use Microcuck shit.
I don't think you know why ironic or shitposting means. I'm illustrating a point. Everyone has something to hide.
Oh, okay.
Why Microsoft users are willing to do backflips with their software rather than just using something else is an eternal mystery of the universe.
Compiled C++ version, 17kb. 32 bit. Profiled for the hell of it.
g++ -I. -Wall -std=c++14 -DNDEBUG -s -g0 -march=native -O3 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects -fwhole-program test.cpp -fprofile-generate -o test.exe
g++ -I. -Wall -std=c++14 -DNDEBUG -s -g0 -march=native -O3 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects -fwhole-program test.cpp -fprofile-use -o test.exe
int main () {
Is that the new motto of Chrome?
it doesnt really matter m8
Servers you right unperson! unthink double plus ungood!
This is what is known as "bundling" (Moxie Marlinspike's term) aka making a deal with the devil.
He has nothing to hide from Microsoft.*
Okay, done.
No, not done.
See my point in >2) Even if you trust company X with metadata, that doesn't mean it's secure, or that company X will sell data to company Y which you didn't give permission to
It's dangerous to allow companies to collect massive amounts of data and build profiles on their user. No computer system is secure.
The only reason people are ok with this is because it's mostly invisible to them. But when companies know people's kids better than their parents, red flags should be going up.