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I'm moving to Berlin right now.
Would learning node.js irreversibly rot my brain?

$80k is average for a software developer. What's your problem?

>learning node.js

Just kys

JavaScript is the best language and Node.js is a very good and performant when done right

>wahh why am I unemployed, I know how to do Fizzbuzz in C! A real programming language! Not a hipster language like JavaSHIT!

>JavaScript is the best language and Node.js is a very good and performant when done right

>t.pic related

Nice bait faggot

>t. unemployed basement dweller

>t. unemployed basement dweller


I want this "t." meme to stop. Can you faggots contain yourselves?

how good is the support for concurrency?

>I want this "t." meme to stop. Can you faggots contain yourselves?

get the fuck out of my face you pleb

It's not bait! There is beauty in javascript, it's like lisp but adapted to modern things.

What does the "t" mean?

If you didn't get doubles, I would of taken you're life.

*sheathes katana*

t. newfag

Good for you. I moved a month ago, best decision I made in a long time.
I guess you'll be fine, just don't give in to the sjw bullshit and steer clear of fishy Wohnungsgesellschaften.
Node will be gone at some point, replaced by the next fad, but nobody can steal your algorithms.

MeteorJS is meme-tier at this point.

They had an interesting idea until 1.2 - then they listen to the gender-queer faggots in the general JS community and completely fucked it inside out.

It's unrecognizable these days, and completely complicated compared to what it used to do.

And for what? To make the sjw-tier faggots in the js community happy.

Fuck Meteor.

Elixir/Go is where it's at!

The bait is strong in this one, though I read something like *sheathes banana*, which I think is more appropriate.

>mfw am a Front-End UI/UX developer making $65k working near Alexander Platz

Am I getting fucked by the startup I work at ?


t. is Regards in finnish

>mfw am a Front-End UI/UX developer making $65k
>Am I getting fucked by the startup I work at ?

>mfw am a Front-End UI/UX developer making $65k working near Alexander Platz
>$65k Front-End UI/UX developer

Please tell me you are baiting

this is why I don't get people shitting on web dev in Sup Forums


you can learn your Java or C++ on the side and after a while start looking for something intellectual, but prepare for the reality that with those languages you might be earning less kek

Because they can't. They think they are super 1337 coders for being able to write FizzBuzz in a "hard" language like C or Lisp or whatever, but cannot write anything of actual substance.

>Because they can't. They think they are super 1337 coders for being able to write FizzBuzz in a "hard" language like C or Lisp or whatever, but cannot write anything of actual substance.

Literally this


Well, It's not hard, but easy is not the right word either. Web development is a clusterfuck.
It is a hotbed for duplicated effort, atrocious languages, tools, frameworks etc.
To be a webdeveloper requires being able to navigate trough all of this shit and somehow be able to extract enjoyment from it.
If you have been exposed to actual software engineering and architecture you'll have a hard time adapting.
Even CSS, a fucking declarative style language, is crap for gods' sake.

You act like those problems are nonexistent in other fields.

>You act like those problems are nonexistent in other fields.

In my field (embedded) not really, it's fairly static.
But webdevelopment goes against everything good we have learned about programming in the last 60 years.

it is easy though

of course you still have to sit the fuck down and read a couple books but you can do it quickly and it's not gonna make your head hurt if you tasted real programming

meteor is gr8

Embedded systems are not very complicated.

>Embedded systems are not very complicated.

It depends. Some are babby tier (like a dispender machine), others have extremely exacting requirements (like 0 bugs, or the plane goes down). Guess where the real money is.

the enjoyment in web dev comes from the creative/creating process, rapid problem solving (you will have no time to optimize, do something that's good enough)

you put out working products every other day, that's satisfying in and of itself

you can feel good if you kinda did a good job

in wed dev you stop worrying about programming, inefficiency, just get it done

>when done right

I used to be a contractor writing software for the monitoring systems in planes. It was the biggest fucking clusterfuck I had ever had to work with.


>It was the biggest fucking clusterfuck I had ever had to work with.

C++ or Ada? I'm curious.

i know how to do it in haskell. give me a job please

It was C but it was using some proprietary compiler that was an absolutely piece of shit riddled with bugs so every now and then you had to look into the machine code and fix the crap the compiler spewed out yourself.

>It was C but it was using some proprietary compiler that was an absolutely piece of shit

I don't envy you

>It was C

So it was probably written by EEs without a proper software engineering background. The stuff of nightmares.

I work in web dev primarily using Java and working on the back end
It's not all just hipster systems running on node

how many people use Java for back end web dev though? it's usually php, python, ruby

you either work for a huge internet corporation with insane traffic or they're idiots who can't do basic math

The second, but they have goals to serve millions at once, it's all quite delusional, I'm looking to get out and hopefully into desktop or something

I feel your pain. In my phd I was writing neat elegant algorithms profiled to perfection. A program starts with a blank file.

Then I entered the job market.

Even with a simple API server you start by "yo generate a fuck ton of random files". Understanding why all that stuff if there seems to be a blank art, cargo cult programming as far as the eye can see.

IoC containers layered upon abstractions which happen to layered upon twelve more abstractions, then the root object doing the work is secretly generated by another IoC container. No documentation.

The secret in webprogramming is to have absolutely no fucking standards. That's why a simple textual page with maybe one image weighs north of a megabyte.

This user gets it.

Make it werk, then go home and mine fuckyoucoins or whatever.

They make $110k in SF

110k in SF is like minimum wage in Berlin.

Oh you gave me the feels user.

I remember that I used to remember that I cared once.


>Most Expensive City In America

that's really a double edged sword.. you have a super easy language like PHP that basically ran the web in its hay day.. everyone and their moms was spaghetti coding PHP.

Now everything is spaghetti code. I've had to merge a 'coppermine' php gallery with some shitty php forum software.

OOP wasn't even a thing in web dev back then. Singular files with includes thousands of lines in including other thousand line files.

It's fucking torture if you get the wrong project.

What says, in essence the next level of lazytyping like we had in the times of SMS. Except with SMS we had a valid excuse because typing on a numpad was hell.

t. loser neckbeard

>Singular files with includes thousands of lines in including other thousand line files.

you just include your thousands of lines, hook it to a few variables, and move on

What's the whole word?

good on ya cunt.

Because it's actually non-trivial to figure out Node, Babel, Meteor, Gulp, Grunt, Npm, Yeoman React, Angular and 5000 other dependencies to get a hello world app running.

Clever move from JS dev community making entry level stuff intentionally complex as fuck and somehow managing to making it 'trendy' at the same time


OP is butthurt because NEETs don't make $80k for doing jack shit.

oz detected

cunt found

>anything but scala

stay pleb

fuck yaz

>tfw working as a data analyst and getting shit pay
>tfw I gave good enough python to become a django dev from what Sup Forums is saying
>tfw the pay seems good but worried about the tech bubble bursting and being left in a field with zero jobs

What do?

>somehow managing to making it 'trendy'
The web industry has no choice but to use JS.

Who else uses JS though?

Move from bubble to bubble, it's not like technical superiority is in charge.

>EU salaries

Remember that we get almost everything you pay for free and high quality. Month long paid vacation, free quality education from kindergarten to the best universities, complete healthcare that isn't tied to employer, high pensions you can actually live off of. And there's awesome public transportation.

> The web industry has no choice but to use JS.
They can still make decisions on what to use server side though. These 'trendy' devs are so preoccupied with rewriting everything in JS they don't stop to consider if it's actually a good idea.

>taxes are 50%

>They can still make decisions on what to use server side though.
But they must have a bunch of JS devs who weigh in on the decision. PHP isn't better than JS.

When you're over 65 and not working all you get in the US is like $600 a month. Unless you tax yourself. Same with all the other things, and if you get sick in the US you're fucked.

I make 110k in a low CoL area. I think that's probably better.

> meme
> pleb
> roleplay
> generalized cancer

Enjoy it while it lasts. From 45 to 90+ which is more than half of your conscious life, it's not gonna be all fun to live in a barbarian society.

My 256 MB RAM server failing to do a node install for a basic website tells otherwise..

Even worse with the 50% they let you have you have to pay taxes from 20-50% for everything you use your money on.
Taxes in europe are nothing short of straight up robbery so every politician
can get his 200k €(tax free) pension per year.


>Even worse with the 50% they let you have
I wish it was 50%

$80k is really huge for Berlin I guess

at least it's not nearly as annoying as the fucking cuck and reddit shit, thankfully they seem to be dying off now

there are countries in the EU with lower taxes than US for both personal and business income, like literally 10-20% and in some you don't pay VAT for cars, electronics, rent and shit like that which you can claim to use for business purposes

you faggots need to learn how to live ffs

t. cuck

>web development
Nice one mate I really laughed do you have more like these?

>$80k is average for a software developer
>earn $12k gross in eastern europe


Canary islands?


A high earner in New York state is more taxed than in Germany. I bet it's even worse in communist California.

Probably Estonia, Lithuania, Czech, etc.

Switzerland, the best place on Earth.

Switzerland is for rich tax dodgers, it's too expensive for an average programmer to "move to".



And those countries have 3rd world pay and no industry where programmers are needed
t. Someone who lives close to the border
to the czech republic

>no industry where programmers are needed
first of all, that's complete bullshit

also, at some point you should be thinking about employing people and running your own business but that's a different conversation

>3rd world pay
why would you get third world pay for doing the same work you're doing now ?

the border is in your head

You hate money or something famalam pie?

Uh. Will the proliferation of JavaScript frameworks never end??

It is supposed to make life easier ... as long as you download 2000 js files and install who knows how many plugins.

This has gotten out of control.

>the border is in your head

t. refugee

If I study webdev 4 hours a day, how long will it take for me to be proficient enough to get some money?

>not wanting to become a tax refugee

why the fuck do you not want to become a resident of a neighboring state, open a small business, negotiate with employers from that position and maybe even hire two people and a secretary to do all the fucking work for you? you have nothing to lose doing this when you're young