I just installed a Linux distribution for the first time (xubuntu) and the font on my icons is already fucked up. This would not happen on Windows or OSX.
Is linux really just a meme?
I just installed a Linux distribution for the first time (xubuntu) and the font on my icons is already fucked up. This would not happen on Windows or OSX.
Is linux really just a meme?
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Disable font shadows on desktop, no biggie, never personally seen it on an any installation of mine.
sudo apt-get autoremove *
>feature breaks
>just remove it bro you don't need it anyways
linux fags will defend this
truly pathetic
>crappy half-baked feature the nobody uses or cares about
>hurr durr the whole OS is shit you guyz
Should of installed gentoo.
Literally how do you remove it?
>An OS with some good features and a lot of shit poorly made features
really shows how little the developers cared about the OS
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
That's not stock xubuntu. You probably fucked up.
You're right, it wouldn't. Those icon fonts look stupid. Stuff like that happens a lot with Linux. Is it worth it? Why did you switch?
Werks on my machine.
there's a computer lab at my university that uses xubuntu
as a result, I don't like xubuntu
typical autistic linux user
truly pathetic
It's your computer, didn't happen to me.
First dat in Sup Forums?
XFCE is just shit. Get a different desktop environment like Gnome or KDE.
the bleach is on me today
jokes on you faggot, this is my 2nd day
I installed an icon theme but it was like this even before.
Get fucked baby.
Guys what's wrong with xubuntu? Did I choose a bad distro?
shoulda gone pure ubuntu
Xubuntu is okay, change your theme and this is a known issue and it's fixable. Look up online
oh what the fuck I just closed my laptop and opened it again and now my mouse cursor is fucking invisible.
Never install a distro that ends in buntu.
This is a known bug with Numix on Xubuntu. There's a package you can rollback or just wait for a fix.
...oh yea. FAGGOT!
This happens to me too, I just reboot. This is pissing me off and making me consider a new distro.
i use lubuntu
haven't had any problems
*knocks 3x3 times on my wooden desk*
Go to tty and come back from it
Cntrl Alt F1. Cntrl Alt F7
>Replying to a bot
Is there no overview of my workspaces in xubuntu by default? What's the best tool for that? I want similar functionality to OSX
There's nothing in XFCE lad, this is what you get for going with Unix philosophy
>overview of my workspaces
what's that white goo hanging from your chin lad
Which theme?
Sup Forums is not for tech support you drooling retard.
numix but what difference does it make?
>windows feature breaks
2nd dat* boi
niger what
thanks guy, actual solution to thread here OP
not that you were actually looking for one
Their 16.04 is buggy, next few months the joke will shift to a different distro
>windows has (often crippling) problem(s)
>"well haha no big deal, ain't perfect right? just gotta fix it, no problem"
>linux has problem(s)
>"what a fucking piece of shit, linux is such a meme, i'm never using this EVER again"
Why is there such a double standard? People just seem to take Window's (many) issues for granted and fix them without complaint, but when Linux has an issue, they denounce the entire range of operating systems and vow never to use them ever again. Also, they expect Linux to function -exactly- like Windows, and thus get angry when they have to go about doing things a bit differently (such as fixing issues or installing software).
then fucking google how to fix it or report it in the bug tracker
bitching on Sup Forums won't help
People also assume that everything that's ever included in a distro is developed by one person. There may be a great filesystem or stable SSH or good power efficiency but if an icon doesn't work then the whole thing must be poorly made. There are so many things to develop there and the parts that really matter are well made. You don't lose your files or fry your motherboard or get sudden downtime for server use because it's carefully planned to be great. The graphical side might be better if some of the graphics designer hipsters used Linux instead of Apple.
Wow you actually got online already? Better than my linux experience so far.
It took forever to get drivers on my ubuntu install, and the wireless network still periodically just disconnects.
Windows doesn't have basic shit go wrong like Linux. If your keyboard and mouse and internet just werk you are already doing great because that shit didn't even work for me properly without messing around. Actually my Firefox still doesn't work properly, every time I shutdown the browser it resets all the settings and everything. I tried to swap the OS language to Japanese and half the shit was in Japanese and half of it wasn't, not that I can't read english but what the fuck.
Yeah I've had this same thing happen to me twice now, usually when I'm messing around with themes and icons. I just reboot my computer and it fixes itself
>choosing ubuntu
>choosing xfce
>wondering about any issues
kill yourself
None, but it looks nice.
You broke it.
Those icons aren't there when you first install it.
It wouldn't happen on Windows/OSX because you wouldn't be able to break it, but you also wouldn't be able to improve it.
Use KDE Neon instead of anything else.
thats not xubuntu
Remove Compton.
Wtf did you even do?
Just did a fresh xubuntu install and the front and icons dont look anything like that. OP must be legitimately retarded
Remember, according to linuxfags, all bugs in Linux are merely bloat that should have been disabled and removed in the first.
Just keep removing everything till you're left with nothing but a command prompt.
posts like this are like linux repellent.
guys fuck off. it's a bug in the gtk theme. ubuntu should fix it soon
stuoid Sup Forums doesn't know about what they're talking about. fucking niggers.
Welcome to linux.
Buggy unsupported garbage.
read 2 posts about you you moron
Meanwhile on Windows you can't remove broken features.
sudo rm --no-preserve-root -rf /
>recommends even worse DEs in its place
>t. Lennart Poettering
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /desktop-icons/center-text -n -t bool -s false
you're welcome
So after having problems with Ubuntu Gnome here and there, I installed Ubuntu Mate.
I'm kinda disappointed. It doesn't register my super key, haven't found a way to start a program with my keyboard and the green is ugly as fuck.
Maybe I should try to install Debian again?
Oh look, another linux bug, what a fucking surprise.
Jesus you poorfags have to put up with so much shit just to save $100 using a free OS.
Why won't XFCE just die already? It's as old as WIN95
Xfce is still lighter and more customizable than other DEs, while not compromising too much on features and ease of use. It's the right balance for my usage.
Also, Linux is older than WIN95.
I know what you're talking about, yet with every update I don't see any new stuff added to XFCE. (maybe that's why it's lightweight).
LXDE is ok
Why do you want it to die? Nobody forces you too use it. What actually does need to die is GNOME since it has a lot of bad influence on other projects.
>using a DE
Install gentoo (seriously), all your problems will be solved.
If you can't figure it out, buy a mac. Macs are designed for people who can't figure out computers.
(Windows is designed for Microsoft)
Download the server iso and install xfce4. You can thank me later.