Do you encrypt your disks?

Do you encrypt your disks?
Do you have hidden OS on your computer?

No and no.


t. Criminal/Pedophile

Yes, even flash drives and my phone.

Telling anyone defeats the purpose.
Let the metagame commence.

How would you encrypt a laptop with RSA?

This is why privacy advocates are fucked.

People want to use encryption for weird shit and it completely ruins the main reason for encryption.

If you are not stealing or dealing with sensitive data then what the fuck are you encrypting for? To hide your tranny porn and cartoons? no one cares about that and it doesn't make you any more important.

Saying that you don't need privacy because you have nothing to hide is just as absurd as saying that you don't need freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.

People have been using forms of encryption/ciphers/etc for a very long time to protect their privacy.

I don't want thieves to look at my financial records.

Sometimes. I probably should. My work laptop is encrypted, so why not just encrypt everything?

> I'm not doing anything illegal
> therefore the government has the right to rifle through my personal information and know everything about me


If you are not stealing or dealing with sensitive data then what the fuck are you locking your house for? To hide your tech products and food? no one cares about that and it doesn't make you any more important.

A real crypto nerd's imagination: You implement and memorize a duress code to tell them (after they've hit you with the wrench a couple of times, to make sure they believe you) which bricks the whole thing forever.

I have an encrypted drive (somewhere in my dreams), so far I haven't lost anything thanks to my weekly backup (which I update maybe once per year).

It's not like anyone in this shithole of a 3rd world country gives a fuck about my pirated software or music (everyone does that here).

The only time when I actually had to protect anything from anyone was when my stupid nephew tried to see my browser history.

I legit make efforts to hide my porn. I have 3 short webms in some random folder in my hard drive. They are two blowjob vids, best bjs I've ever seen, and one 16 second thing of some big booty asian lady IN MISSIONARY.

I don't know why I find it so crucial to my life to hide these three vids...I don't have them encrypted or anything but they're in nested folders around random config files with strange file names.

Anyway yeah thread thred thread thread mhhmmmm thread. I don't think he's dead but I do believe that code will be for us to use in the future. While everyone is holding their breath, Snowden will swoop in under with some sleuth technician sleight of hand and he will help crown someone somewhere.

Anyway, maybe he has a sense of humor too and it's just a joke a la dragon tattoo where they would show her keys prior to every read email.

You could actually do that if you're encrypting an OS. Use a mini Linux hidden partiton to boot too which overwrites the disk.

No, entirely. Just certain files.

Protip: A competent interrogator will back up the data before trying your passwords. I know the FBI does this.

All you've done is bought yourself some time.
Which might be useful, but chances are it won't be.

The best solution is one that causes an interrogator to not even attempt torturing you. For rational reasons like they know for certain that you don't know the code, or they know for certain that any information you give them will not help.

Note that they have to be certain, any uncertainty is just an excuse to torture you anyway just in case you break.

Pajeet, fuck you so much. Fuck you. Get the fuck out of the internet. Noone needs to read your stupid unnecessary posts.

Fucking kids. Get off the fucking internet.

Then they roll back their 1:1 copy of the drive and beat you even harder. They are going to get the right code one way or another.

Can always anhero before being taken alive if the information is that sensitive.

Yes, and no, in that order.

I do not have anything illegal - law enforcement is not in my threat model, so if compelled to disclose encryption keys, I would disclose them (but NEVER signing keys) - but I do have some private and confidential things. It would also prevent data disclosure in most theft or loss scenarios. These are important and realistic concerns, and encryption solves that problem completely.

Encrypting the storage ensures that when media dies (and perhaps needs to be RMAed), I do not have to worry about not being able to securely zeroise it or being unable to return it because of the cleartext on it - just zeroise the keys and everything's fine.

>back up the data
>1:1 copies
No, they would need to back up keys, which are unlocked by 10-word randomly-chosen passphrases. That is going to be very hard, because they are stored inside secure memory on the microcontroller on the custom-developed hardware token, which has a number of physical security features (that would pass FIPS 140-2 Level 4, if anyone was testing to that anymore) designed to make intrusion and decapping extremely hard to do without being destructive to the data.

That is how you do it right. Is that strictly necessary? It's one of the things I've worked on, so of course I have a few lying around.

They still have the data, know for sure that you're trying to hide something, and have you, the one who knows how to access it.

They'll either get you to grant them access to the data or let you rot in some dungeon, your choice.

I do because if my laptop or portable hdd gets lost I don't need to worry about exposing my data. It's in fact a very good reason to encrypt laptops but desktop should be left unlocked if a dindu steals your desktop you can track it down if you have the right services running.

>Saying that you don't need privacy because you have nothing to hide is just as absurd as saying that you don't need freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.
It's as much like saying that as saying that I don't plan on hunting so I don't need a gun license is like saying that.

It's more like saying that the government isn't tyrannical right now, so I don't need the right to own weapons.

>"his hard drive is full of seemingly random/useless data, but the WASD keys are ground down to a nub"
>"it's useless! we'll never know if he has a hidden partition or not!"

I encrypt my mobile devices, so laptop and phone. So if they're stolen or I lose them whomever finds them can't steal personal data.

I don't bother encrypting my desktop

I wonder, is it possible to get a USB storage device with a button on it that clears the contents of the device or otherwise makes them inaccessible?

Yea, LUKS for life.
No need for a hidden OS. Debian Jessie satisfies all of my needs.

Truth hurt?

I'd do it today, just because I am paranoid and don't believe law enforcement should have instant access to my data, even though I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Serving a probation sentence for Internet crimes btw. I don't own a computer.

You could literally snap it with your hands

Haha hulk smash :^)

T. Nigger dick bennimax cuck analysis

>using the smiley with a carat nose