>want to order pizza online
>order website doesn't render anything unless I run a nonfree javascript app
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve
Want to order pizza online
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N-no bully pls...
Go to your local open source grocery store. Buy ingredients. Use your favorite open source recipe to produce a pizza, submit a pull request updating the recipe if you find an issue or see room for improvement.
Unless you're a lazy entitled piece of shit who expects things to be brought to them while catering to your ridiculous niche needs.
>open source
B-but please avoid using the term "open source" as a substitute for "free software." Those terms refer to a different set of views based on different values. The free software movement campaigns for your freedom in your computing, as a matter of justice. The open source non-movement does not campaign for anything in this way.
When referring to the open source views, it's correct to use that name, but please do not use that term when talking about us, our software, or our views—that leads people to suppose our views are similar to theirs.
Open Source actually makes money, the free software "movement" is just a bunch of neckbeards in Boston complaining.
F-freedom is n-not just f-for neckbeards, a-user-kun...
Really glad I see this copypasta practically every time I go on Sup Forums. Makes it way funnier seeing it like once week.
S-starvation is n-not funny!
I want to have trap-kun suck my dick while I use proprietary software
>Fucked up the pasta
>use nonfree javascript to order pizza
>not only did the botnet change my order from pizza to pasta but they fucked up the pasta
>tfw the pizza place is working with the botnet to make my life miserable
>occasionally order Pizza because of the free discounts you get on the internet
>have to put in a fake name, email, and phone number
>feel awkward having to interact with either the failure at life or prissy teen girl that is at the counter
such is life
This copypasta again?
We all want you to starve, not just the botnet.
>open source recipes with proprietary ingredients
B-bullying is against the r-rules, a-user-kun...
Why are you stuttering?
It's the little fluid druid
I c-can't help it w-when I get b-bullied...
George Washington isn't a neckbeard
D-don't call me that!
No you little penis machinist
S-stop bullying me, i-it's n-not f-funny!
P-Pls no bully ;w;
That looks like a giant asshole next to the baby