Linux on Windows Exposes a New Attack Surface

Linux is malware and should be removed from Windows already.

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I think with the Linux subsystem you still have to download and install it separately. I'd be more worried about the malware that already exists for Winders personally.

Agreed remove linux from microshaft wangblows It's too much for wincucks to handle

And that's why you should dual boot, in case if you have virus in one, you can easily recover it using the other one

>in case you have a virus in one
yes, we know which one will always get the viruses while the other will work until your hardware dies

This isn't about using the two consciously. This is about the Linux that is bundled with Windows 10 by default and may be an attack vector even if you don't know what Linux is.

So microsoft implemented and maintains their own linux kernel, and people realize this is a security hole?

Obviously this is true, but the linux community consist of a lot of people who looks at and fixes those bugs, so microsoft could add those fixes to their fork or implementation or whatever.

I think he posted this because he wanted to spread FUD with the hope that they would remove the linux stuff, because he fears people won't switch to linux because of this.


When your malware has malware

this is why I only use windows for gaming
and I have all my personal data on arch linux. get good newfags

>"just dual boot"
>windows 10 overwrites the mbr

That article is dumb as fuck. "Increasing attack surface" is not a goddamn vulnerability. At worst, it's simply yet another way for attackers to *maybe* bypass some of windows' already incredibly weak inter-process protections. And sure, it's possible that running Linux applications under the compatibility subsystem will make the *Linux* applications less secure, but it certainly wouldn't make them any less secure than they already would have been while running under Windows. It may also be true that it increases the attack surface due to requiring a large kernel-level component, but that's no different from all the shitty third-party drivers that most Windows users have been running for years already.

TL;DR: Adding another kernel component to Windows won't change much in terms of Windows' already poor security model.

dude ur dumb you can easily restore it just use youtube. it's the normies fault they couldn't restore it hahahaha

Finally, I also ought to add that the Linux Subsystem is incredibly buggy and will probably not be able to run most non-trivial tasks given to it. At the moment, it's basically just a nicer way to run vim, git and grep under windows.

>Not just using GPU passthrough instead of dual booting

>not just using linux

Google tried to warn us about it.


That's what (s)he said.

>mac windows linux
>one is a computer brand
>somehow "mac" aka osx, a unix based os is worse than windows

whoever made this picture is a fucking retard

in the meme mind, os x = ios

fuck off mactard.

i don't even have a mac lol

Some of the linux blades should be broken or missing to make that accurate.

Only if the windows knife is dull, with the point broken off, and there's a camera with a microphone on the handle.

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

OSX is a cut down BSD with even less freedom than Windows

Good thing it isn't even bundles with Win 10 by default then.

You have to manually install it after making yourself a "Developer"

I feel like nobody here has even tried it. It was a pain in the ass to install, honestly. Plus, anybody who has used it will know that, as it is, it's only good for basic command line tools.

Its bugs and lack of compatibility will dissuade anyone from running webservers or critical software on it long before its questionable security will.

>linux supports wine, providing the closed-source windows API well enough to play modern games
>windows adds support for the open-source Linux ABI, and it can't even build the golang compiler rom source

Pain in the ass? When I tried it months ago you just enable the feature in Windows then run bash in a command prompt and it did everything else for you.

WTF now my phone has viriz

I've been using Ubuntu but its too bloated for me. I looked online for others. Is Archlinux a good base?

Also I dual boot windows 10.

Arch packages are just as bloated as Ubuntu ones.
In fact even more so because they don't split development headers into separate packages like Debian / Ubuntu

Dual boot fags are the worst to be honest.
They install linux, use the terminal to browse their filesystem once, thinking they now know how to use linux, and never again boot into it. Then they come into these threads thinking they're any better than dirty windowsfags.

Spoiler alert, all of that windows malware you've installed likely has access to your super sekrit linux partition.

allow me interject


Microsoft already uses bsd tcp/IP stack

》even remotely secure

Used to*, until windows 8.1

>Arch packages are just as bloated as Ubuntu ones.
Examlples include screenfetch, virtualbox, geany, engrampa and the list goes on. The suggested packages in Arch are automatically installed in Ubuntu
>In fact even more so because they don't split development headers into separate packages like Debian / Ubuntu
And that didn't come of any use at all.

The only people that pretend to know what they are talking about are the people that didn't use Arch in their VM for more than a week

"Debunking Arch myths" is the new form of hipster, I assume

Debian and Ubuntu's repo structure is pretty retarded as well

>have a virus in Linux
>it writes over other partitions and drives
>have a virus in Windows
>ain't nothing you can do but reformat
>everything's already been sent to Igor's private server anyway

lol. The best one I've encountered is that uninstalling ruby used to uninstall GRUB. Or, an even better one was when *installing* some 32-bit libraries caused the AFS driver to be uninstalled.

> userland vulnerabilities

they're two separate projects so fuck off ubuntard

Igor doesnt fucking want your malware

Debian has the same issues, newfriend. Try removing GNOME games

canonical just decides arbitrarily to snapshot testing/unstable to meet their artificial "release schedule" aka product calendar and try to "improve" random shit outside of the community and then bribe said community with free food, ferry rides and shwag

The first time I used linux was in 2006 (Ubuntu) and about a year later I installed Debian. I tried removing OpenOffice and didn't look at synaptic properly and BAM entire gnome desktop was gone and I was left with a TTY.

Pretty good learning experience.

>Pretty good learning experience.

obviously it wasn't fag

It was because I was forced to learn to fix it from CLI having little clue what I was doing.

FWIW I use Windows now for the past few years and wouldn't wish GNU flavoured desktop Linux upon my worst enemy.

>FWIW I use Windows now for the past few years and wouldn't wish GNU flavoured desktop Linux upon my worst enemy.

no one cares

>requires you to run malware or a virus on your computer to be at risk

You did enough to reply though.

Is that how desperate you are for attention?

try'n to help this nigga

what no it couldnt because they are both different operating systems.
stop projecting

>I tried removing OpenOffice and didn't look at synaptic properly and BAM entire gnome desktop was gone and I was left with a TTY.
The Debian experience™ in a nutshell

windows doesn't even have support for linux file system, although they can be installed third party

> apt-get install gnome

the Debian experience

it's designed with users in mind

And then it blurts out that some tarded ancient dependency is bad because you have a nonfree driver and the whole system turns into a fucking pretzel

>nonfree drivers break shit


good luck filing linux bug reports with your shit hardware

>Arch werks
>Opensuse werks
>Fedora werks
>Debian shits itself if you look at it wrong
Yup, clearly an issue with """"'""""'shit hardware""""'""""'

Those are metapackages, they're like a list of programs to install together but they're safe to remove, they're generally removed when you uninstall a component that was installed by the metapackage but the other components installed by it are not removed.

daily breakage/eternal beta/rh testbed, dev distro
>debian stable breaks

you're so vague i wonder if you even use linux

Did you try to set this shit up?

submit your Sup Forums hardware to lkml bug discussion and prepare your anus

>it's acceptable to run outdated and insecure libraries for the sake of muh gaymes

>debian should change their development model to accommodate evil hardware companies


>muh grafix
>muh wifi
>muh memes


since windows isn't going to let you compile the latest kernel whenever its updated with the exact modules you use on your system, thus invalidating one of the critical advantages foss software has over proprietary software: the nimbleness and speed of fixes and patches to the inevitability of vulnerabilities

This is the only reason I used FDE on my linux system.