Is there a logicalincrements-like website for buying televisions?

Is there a logicalincrements-like website for buying televisions?

Ive never owned a TV in my life nor have i ever paid attention to them.

My girlfriends moving in and is pretty much demanding i get one.

Anyone have recommendations? Ideally its a good mixture of cheap + pleasant to look at.

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they still have physical stores where you can go and look at them.
Then you take notes of what you have learned from that experience and order online based on those facts

buy the best Seiki/Hisense that fits your budget

Thanks ill look into those

>they still have physical stores where you can go and look at them.

Unfortunately they are useless because store lighting is very different from living-room lighting.
And stores crank up the saturation to the max for the "wow factor" so even a good screen looks like shitty saturated garbage.

>is demanding

same trap every guy I know has fallen for, they let pussy control them.

>people should just sit in my furnitureless studio apartment listening to me breathe heavily through my mouth while I benchmark various GPUs in succession

its not control so much as society just wants you to follow some basic bare-minimum guidelines for social interaction - for TVs, brand new site, awesome interface - for non pro calibration, the black test is revealing - calc for pixel density and viewing distance


i really can't think of any reason to refute you


get a 4k tv nigga it's for the bitches

based on the turrell image, you should get a projector instead. It doesn't exist when you don't use it, and it can be packed away in a box easily.

I've owned the ViewSonic PJD7820HD for two years and I love it. I'm sure better ones are out today.

>My girlfriends moving in and is pretty much demanding i get one.
don't do it op

it's a test

if you submit you fail

plus tvs are for plebs, just walk into any poor person's home

>letting your gf blaze away all day staring at a tv program filling her with you go girl propaganda
i don't see how this could go wrong

I have no tv because the shared antenna bill costs as much as my 100 Mbit/s Internet connection.
t. poor

OP not that I'm an expert on the subject, but Vizio has really great line of 4K TVs, I'd check them out

>watching tv instead of doing some productive things like walking outside or shitpostin on Sup Forums
such amerifag

look for panasonic plasma

are you from 2005, buddy? i think you got the wrong door, the hoverboard club is two blocks down

>shared antenna bill

can you stop posting fucking reddit your normie new summerfags, this is Sup Forums

reddit was some college python project that spawned digg, Sup Forums is the underbelly BBS that spawned Sup Forums so fuck off seriously, nothing wrong with reddit but mixing is both is gross as fuck

lurk more

you seem upset

One roof antenna per building. Yes, it basically is paid "free" terrestrial television.
t. commieblock dweller

Holy shit!
Like... Yes, we have (had) shared terrestrial antennas in Yugoslavia, but holy fuck, we just *had* it, nobody actually paid to use the damn thing.

Go buy some IPTV from rapidiptv or something...

My ISP has a neat free IPTV service with Livestreamer support, but I just don't need it.

can't you dig up a trinitron or something if you are going to use analog signal

why don't you get your own indoor antena

If she needs it, she should buy it. Don't start off like this, friend

>My girlfriends moving in and is pretty much demanding i get one.
surely if she is demanding one she will be bringing her own anyway, after all it's an essential item for her.

>demanding i get one.
Tell her to buy it her fucking self then

Get some shit TV from a garage sale. I paid $30 for some 720p TV with HDMI, it works good enough. Or make her pay for it.

yup, plasmas looked terrible in stores. i bought a panasonic plasma from comet (just before they went bust) but even with the bright lights in the store the lcds next to had that blue backlight bleed on dark scenes.

You have to go back.

Because the signal doesn't go well through reinforced concrete and my windows face the opposite direction to nearest tv tower. And the fact that I don't fucking need it.

You actually have to look at them. Because 2 tv's will have the same specs but one will have shit picture, but on the specs it wont say "shit picture" Generally Samsung and Lg look great, but other do too.

IMO go to BestBuy / Wall-mart look that them. Price check online, and buy somthing.

this is the internet. it's a link. grow the fuck up faggot

>studio apartment
What is the appeal of these piles of shit?
It's one big fucking room, there's no compartmentalization, no privacy.
Not to mention, it looks cold and sterile unless you fill it with shit, and then it looks like a hoarder lives there.

You like wallcarpets, aren't ya, Dmitri?

watching tv on smartphone or laptop?


>no privacy
You're not supposed to live in one with your mom

And with grillfriend too.

While it is true that they are better than any LCD ever made, they are unfortunately no longer produced.

This, OP. Tell her you don't watch TV and if she wants one she can bring her own damn TV and she's more than welcome to use YOUR apartment space to house it.

I like Samsung or LG TVs. Setup Plex and either get a smart TV with Plex onboard or a Roku. Don't get cable... force her to use Plex for everything.