When is it too late to learn programming?
When is it too late to learn programming?
If you haven't started programming before you're 10, it's too late
When you die
Spend 1000 hours on serious programming studies instead of watching TV or shitposting here or whatever, you will know how to program well before you know it
It's never to late to learn. But it might be too late for you to turn it into a career. Depending on your age.
whenever you start watching anime, it's too late
You can always learn how to program.
learning to make something with it though? Heh that's another story. In that case you'll never be as good as someone who started when they were young kids.
Programming languages are just sets of tools, like hammers, screw, saws, etc. You use those tools to build things. The more things you build the better you get at using your tools, and the more intricate things you can build.
Programming is the same way, you can master your tools but the lack of experience in building is gonna gimp you until you can catch up - if you ever catch up.
Around 8 years.
>tfw feel too stupid for real programming so I've been telling myself I'll learn at least some webdev shit for years now
I downloaded dozens of books, tried god knows how many sites with exercises and stuff but no matter what I give up in few days and go back to playing my manchild games and refreshing imageboards ;_;
Maybe programming just isn't for you.
I feel like I'm interested but being a neet game addict for a long time really fucked me up, I have no willpower.
are you me?
how do you look in a japanese middle school uniform?
Just learn enough Python to be able to do your own shit. You don't need to be a hacker NSA level programmer.
For example I got a bunch of simple scripts.
>check the integrity of backups and syncs them (basically my own sfv implementation).
>generate passwords and passgrids
>very simple cli todo program
>booru scrapper
and so on.
Think about something you do often that you could make easier or even automatic with a script. Then pickup a Python book and your google-fu and try to implement a solution.
What now?
>you'll never be as good as someone who started when they were young kids.
Your logic is shit. I bet you don't even code
we are all user
After 6:00 at night.
Stick to learning programming for an hour a day. Force yourself to complete that hour. Once you get more and more into it add in more hours etc. If you end up getting sidetracked for a few days don't let it deter you from trying again. Don't listen to all the put-downs and trolls you'll see in threads like this. People will tell you you're too old, programming isn't for you, you'll never be as good as someone who started younger, and other shit. Don't listen to it and just do what you want to do. Most of this board is fucking cancer btw
If you didn't dream in code when you were a teen it's too late
>be 5
>inherit Commodore 128
>don't know what the fuck I'm doing but constantly messing around on it
>following along the instruction manual and learning BASIC without even knowing what the fuck I'm doing
>read a lot of programming books and make retarded Windows applications and shit all the way through highschool
>pressured into majoring in biotech in college
>go all the way through masters
>hate it
>can't even find a job because they've all left the country
>turn NEET
>just now getting back into programming again
I figure my life's already over but maybe I can earn some NEET bucks on an app store or something
You remember the path thus do not have to remember the password. If anyone gets your grid it is useless to them without knowing the path. Pic related.
Huh, that's pretty neat actually.
it is never too late
use 2 hours a day and you will see
If you have to ask it's too late to be the best.
You can still capitalize on your potential if you start right now.
In what way is this better than a password manager?
How long is too late before turning it into a career?
In no way but I do use it for my master password and email account. The rest I do use a password manager.
Has anyone ever been so far to et cetera
Seriously, who would hire 70 year old retired grandmas and grandpas?
Realistically probably 30s
When you're dead.
It's never too late to start something.
Life teaches you this.
Stop doubting and just do it. I'm 36 and I'm learning. I don't give a fuck.
It's never too late, it can be too soon though, depending on if your 1st language is english (as the best books are mostly written in it) or not you shouldn't start before 13-16 (assuming you're not a genius). Many people who learn how to program too soon tend to make horrible mistakes and develop bad habids when it comes to writing code, if one is not able to understand books which discuss the principles of clean coding he or (in uncommon cases) she shouldn't start learning it.
Never - age meme is meme.
However, truly mastering programming (e.g. having comprehensive systems/kernel programming expertise) demands a ton of time, so you have to sacrifice a lot of leisure or family time at some point in your life. For most people, that's easier to do in their teens and twenties.
However, learning how to code well enough to solve many real-world problems can easily be done any time before geriatric cognitive decline.
Everything that could have ever be programmed has already been programmed. Go away.
It's already too late. It's okay though. Just do anything else.
>>Oh, you think learning programming is your ally. But you merely adopted the code; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see WYSIWYG editors until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!
it's like these people who are asking if duolingo is worth trying out learning a new language.
I mean, it's pertty simple learing basic phrases in a new programming language, like "good day" or "how are you?" in HTML for instance, but if you didn't start learning programming languages at a young age, you'll never learn how to program
>When is it too late to learn programming?
When you start asking if is too late
I'm 22 and considering getting into programming as a career.
Lock yourself out of steam, give away your passwords to a close friend or a family member, turn off the fucking internet (after you download some books or something), and tell someone you can be accountable not to let you back in until you reach some milestone
>if you didn't start learning programming languages at a young age, you'll never learn how to program
Such bullshit. Maybe you're just trolling, but that's still worth calling out. So many successful programmers are smart, interesting people that starting during or after college.
>>check the integrity of backups and syncs them (basically my own sfv implementation).
I dont know what this means, but now I wanna build something that md5sumchecks 2 files