How do you manage your tabs? I need ideas.
Try to post stuff that either has not been posted or stuff that adds information. No confirmation posts please.
This is related to browser tabs.

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like a faggot

I just realised that Safari has Tree styled tabs too. It truly is the best browser.

tab mix plus

>Try to post stuff that either has not been posted or stuff that adds information. No confirmation posts please.
Seconding this.

I use a wonderful system known as "Only having the shit you are currently using open, as anything else is clutter"

mah nigga

I shrink tabs to favicons when there are too many (with a custom CSS), and press RMB+scroll down for a list of open tabs if I can't find the needed tab on first glance.
CSS: pastebin.com/40hu8Pz9

this tbqh senpai


Like this.

> 429 Too many requ...

I use OneTab when mine start to get unmanageable.

Found the autist.

This but also a reading list for things you still want to check out at some point.

I close them.

Palemoon's tab groups extension.

This is what I use Onetab for. It's great for people like me who haven't bothered using bookmarks for 10 years.

I never get round to checking stuff out, I end up with 20+ tabs open. I hit onetab and it's all saved for later.

Except its now worse than IE for adopting web standards

First post best post.

This shit will change your life

You mean adopting Google's standards? Since both Chrome and Safari are based on webkit, only Google has made an altered version of webkit and aren't using the new changes in the latest webkit builds, but just continued working on their own version.

I agree, user-kun!

What about bookmarks? Is there a better management for them?

Tab group

I tried tab group but a crash would mean losing a lot of links. Happened once, and it`s not that great.

tab mix plus has a session manager, you can backup and restore easily