Using my laptop on battery power for the first time while I wait for the oven to preheat for pizza

Using my laptop on battery power for the first time while I wait for the oven to preheat for pizza.

It's a weird feeling, like I'm actually taking my laptop's virginity

no one cares, go blog somewhere else.


thanks for the idea, Sup Forums is loving this thread

Saged this post btw so don't get upset

nice wallpaper jordan


Who were you quoting?

>not using 24-hour clock

>/jp/ memes in Sup Forums

Thanks, I use 24 hour on most of my devices but until you posted this never considered it on my superbar. Changed.

>Windows 10
>Not using Edge on Windows 10
>Not using the dark theme


Share your wallpaper faggot

I haven't looked to see if there's a properly sized one yet but this is what I found posted here on Sup Forums

hi jordan what is your opinion re: ritsu ty

Having seen scrots of all the girls together before watching the anime I assumed Ritsu was a bad girl, that she thought she was better than everyone. After watching Season ! I think she is not a bad person but she is not my favorite girl at all.

what anime are you planning to watch next?

None lol

who is better ritsu or mio

Mio, but only because her boobs are bigger.

Ritsu also shows weakness when she thinks she has a suitor.

its a sign that you should watch more

ok ty