What's the best Linux music player? I tried amarok and I couldn't get it to play any music.
What's the best Linux music player? I tried amarok and I couldn't get it to play any music
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I use mpv as my default for playing individual files and banshee for playlists.
Quod Libet
It even comes with Ex Falso as a bonus.
Audacious or Clementine
All GUI options are shit.
Quod libet is great if you like original winamp style music players
>I tried amarok and I couldn't get it to play any music.
Well double clicking on the files didn't play them, how are you supposed to do it?
deadbeef is pretty nice if you want light
clementine is alright
Tbh i ditched amarok when it went 2.0
Clementine and gmusicbrowser (MPlayer) are now my players
DeaDBeef. Don't even bother with anything else.
I want to suggest MPD + ncmpcpp but if you couldn't get amarok to work you're hopeless.
Well it started working after I restarted it so that's nice I guess
g music browser. the only thing comparable to fb2k
I like audacious, it's simple and it can use winamp skins.
>GNU/Linux will never have a music player as good as foobar
you retarded faggot?
it goes
>Linux will never have a music player as good as AIMP
>Linux doesn't have AIMP
Dave grohl dot e x e
>Windows will never have a music player as good as deadbeef, amarok, clementine, gmusicbrowser, audacious, quod libet, or mpd
fubarover9000 is a fucking botnet player that relies on addons originally found on shady as fuck Russian sites to do fucking ANYTHING beyond be a bare bones shit player. Enjoy being monitored by Russian hackers, Windows users.
Just emulate foobar with wine, you won't get anything better than that.
"Rhythmbox" is the best music player for Linux. And it's better than more of WinPlayers.
>first player he lists is a much shittier foobar2k clone
Clementine. Hands down the best features and usability.
I wonder the same, qt players are oftentimes ugly
Clementine is the best, but it currently suffers from epic CPU usage for no reason on my machines (it's not the settings, the bug is old and timeless, when you search it online, you get year old and new results), so it's for no use really.
Quod Libet has everything you need, but it's UI is a complete disaster. You cannot even save EQ presets, which is the most annoying thing evurrr. However it werx.
Amarok looks like it was made for autists with a hang to wolve tshirts. Nothing against that, but meh, looks more than mediocre and isn't even able to organize music easily.
Gnome Music doesn't works, it's stuck at the intro screen.
Rhythmbox massively lacks features.
I don't trust deadbeef because that's basically just 3735928559 and why would I want to listen to just one single number that isn't even dubs?
I am extremely saddened by my current clementine situation. I can't even fix it, even after a reinstall the issue remains, no matter which repo I use. No matter what settings I choose (it's not the hiro bar generation). If some user has some ideas, I'd be glad to hear them.
I once searched for open source music players on sourceforge and got hundreds of results, so no idea which one is the best.
There are ones written in Java, Python, C and whatnot.
Foobar is ugly
Rhythmbox is clumsy
It doesn't clone the fucking botnet, which was my point. Seriously, do Microsoft dick-suckers have any intelligence at all?
>Foobar is ugly
You can easily configure it's appearance. There are also hundreds of theme mods available if you're lazy.
You gotta love how no two people in this thread recommend the same.
Linux at its best I guess.
Foobar2000 in Wine.
>being retarded
>You notice how no one on /o/ suggests the same car, why isn't there just one car for everyone, what the fuck man
>why isn't there just one of every single thing on this planet, choice is confusing, waaaaaaaaaa
Seriously, do Microsoft dick-suckers have any intelligence at all?
I personally use cmus.
I use it with a dropdown terminal and uses notifications to show album art and song title and stuff.
when I press play, I start the player and the music and then I just add some bindings so I get a notifications when something happens
Audacious, Clementine, and deadbeef are being recommended a lot familia
How is cmus compared to ncmpcpp
I had high hopes for tomahaw
it looks amazing
but its seriously gimped when it comes to local media playback
if I had spotify premium account it might be different I guess
but I always felt ok with just downloading my music and playing locally
Linux doesn't play MP3, only WAV and OGG.
>choice is confusing
Well obviously it is, or why would there be a thread about this?
OP doesn't want to choose for himself, he wants you guys to choose.
It's cool that all of you found a program that fits your needs, but if it was about that, then you can't really recommend anything, as long as you don't know the requirements the OP has for a music player.
ncmpcpp is more bloated.
Definitely more eye candy, but I don't personally like it.
I use cmus as a radio station: I request songs (add them to the queue) and then just play a random song in my library.
>using legitimate methods to get the best music player to run on my chosen OS is retarded
Sorry I won't use your gtkrap memeplayer of the month, pajeet.
>Using gui muisic players
>being this retarded
I always get annoyed when I see scaled bloated interfaces like this one. It fucks with my autism at just the right pace.
Are you browsing Sup Forums from lynx right now? Hope you're not using xorg either because you wouldn't be enough of a 1337 hacker, user.
No because I am not autistic.
Using gui music players is stupid
You can disable images in firefox too
Rhythmbox is clumsy? Are you joking? For big music collections it's the best, because it's simple and fast.
Just install relevant decoders.
ncmpcpp/mpd is what I use, mostly because it's tagging and searching are really good. Plus, I like mpd for it's streaming and remote control features.
sometimes I just wish that the old guard would just die off already
like we cant make progress with linux if 1/3 of users will be reporting that they use terminal music player and vim and browser...
sure there are important console tools
but mp3 player? dont they see how aspie it all looks?
Why would you waste resources on a gui of a music player?
No, we need them. We need more users from the new kind, so that the old guard can still be upset but the new stuff still becomes pushed.
Spotify, dumbass
Spotify has no music.
You are free to disagree
Amarok is ok you need gstreamer backend in phonon and gstreamer-libav package to play evrything
And you have Downs syndrome
Enjoy your privacy.
Tell it to him.
Thanks, I do enjoy not being American or paranoid.
I don't see what one has to do with the other.
I don't use a cli music player because it makes me seem like a hacker.
I use one because it works for me.
If there was an advantage to having a graphical interface, I would use that.
Eg, I use a graphical text editor, because the majority of the time, I don't edit text, I read it.
And for that, I find mouse navigation more helpful.
Same goes with a browser, I find that it is easier to read and navigate with a mouse, so adding that is worth the extra resources.
If you find music faster by a graphical interface, then use one.
You can even use a mix if you want:
I don't care what you use.
You have 4131 music files on your computer.
>gee user, how'd you know, I'm enjoying me privacy
Musicbee in wine desu.
No thanks
Care to explain, friend?
>Gui music player
du -a ~/.music | grep -E 'mp3|flac' | wc -l
Amarok 1.3 or clementine
god damn
Seriously? Lurk more, scrub
Why does everyone argue which is best, you can have more than one on a computer. I have a few, and they have different uses. If I want simple when I click on a audio file, Audacious. If I want advanced, Clementine, and If I want Terminal, Cmus.
because often there are best solutions
and because you are aspie does not mean most of us are too
a good player would not make you feel the need to keep alternatives
It took me a while to get mpd+ncmpcpp set up when I was a complete noob, so I used cmus, which worked well enough.
If you want to still work with mpd,
did you ever find an advantage over cmus?
For me, it is like using emacs over vi when vi is all I need
Haha, well I use Emacs myself! But Ive found it relatively easy to scrobble to Last.fm with mpd, as well as rice the ncmpcpp interface. It obviously is just a matter of what works for you. If you like cmus, by all means stick with it!
I guess copying my cmus scripts is just as much of a trouble to copy the config files, but I could use cmus without any configurations.
Nope, that's only the files I have imported to Spotify. Try again, though.
i like clementine
never used another music player since i discovered it.
amarok is the best. try harder.
nice taste, user.
Clementine for the fuckton of functions and format support.
Audacious + winamp skin for comfy player.
Moc/cmus for console based glory.
Deadbeef for windows newfags.
ncmpcpp for memeplayer.
mpd with cantata has been great for me
it's pretty much clementine for mpd with an imo slightly nicer library browser. supporting podcasts is a very nice bonus
>using du-to-grep for finding files
find ~/.music -name \*.mp3 -or -name \*.flac
Also, why use a hidden directory for music?
vlc and motp
>I tried amarok and I couldn't get it to play any music.
You're probably missing some gstreamer package or something.
I like Amarok because I have a gigantic music library and Amarok lets me store the metadata in my awesome MySQL database instead of a pussy PostgreSQL or whatever other music players use.
gmusicbrowser master race
Audacious, no gnome or kde dependencies, just open music directory and play. If you don't use album art, ncmpcpp.
Day 4 and I still can't get this shit to work.
Emms mode for emacs.