Windows 10 Anniversary Update Sticky Notes

They destroyed and botnetified the Sticky Notes. Now it's a garbage "universal app". Fucking pajeets!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Unites States
nice try though

That's not how the botnet works. It's everywhere.


>change colour
>call it a theme

>using 800x600 resolution...
>not killing yourself

>not using 800x600 resolution
it's like you want a bigger work space or something turbonerd

explain yourself

Not my screenshot. I don't even use winblows 10 :^)

You just wanted an excuse to draw arrows didn't you?

I didn't ask for this

it's a VM retard

who the fuck uses this shit anyway

Hey look, he completed the autism test. Positive results.

lmao i have all this gay shit disabled in policy editor

I do. Reliable, even in case of power failure.

Fuck I had a shit ton of stickers with random notes and they where all gone after the update.

and probably they "sync" in all your devices

I never used Sticky Notes before, but this looks 100% identical to me. What changed?


This one still works without syncing (evernote integration has been fucked for years)

But I already have it.

bro youre memeing too hard right now

I ain't even mad anymore, Debian is so comfy and easier to use and manage.

It can join the rest of their bloated slow native apps.

If you really hate it that much, why do you still use it?

Everything must be stored in the cloud. Everything. You will be assimilated.

Local storage is deprecated, assimilate!
