Is it autistic to convert .mp3's into .flac's?
Is it autistic to convert .mp3's into .flac's?
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That transcode would literally worsen the sound quality you fucking retard
No, it's just plain stupidity.
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.
I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.
>audiophucks will actually take this to heart
It's pretty much the same as shooting yourself in the foot.
What's the best cool, dry space on my computer?
>time making mp3 worse
do it
disk is cheap
convert your whole mp3 collection to flac, now you'll be using a REAL format for your music
No, but it is stupid and pointless
It's like resizing a small 128x128 image into 1920x1080... It's gonna be bigger, but the quality is lost forever
Guys. I've got a great idea. Maybe someone should create a player that converts .mp3s to .flacs in real time and plays that. We could save tons of space on phones with low storage space.
is this real or just broscience
it's total idiocy
I convert all my photos to .tiff and spare time program exclusively in common lisp
get on my level
It will not affect sound quality in any way, however decoding FLAC is less taxing on the CPU than MP3. If you plan on putting them on some portable device for listening to music and have the disk space for it, it can be worth it.
>Even having to ask
Is it autistic to convert flac to mp3 if you have a modern cpu and a 1Tb hd?
Not as autistic as watching anime.
Less autistic than playing video gamez
No, it's just fucking retarded.
In your head user. Not only is it cool and dry its apparently completely empty too.
100% of weebs are autistic. only 50% of gamers are.
mp3 -> flac wouldn't worsen the quality, dumbass. It would sound the exact same as the original mp3.
ya'll niggaz posting in a autists thread
>tfw you actually fell for this the first time
Audiopedophiles btfo
I download mp3s from YouTube and then convert them to flac for better quality. I'm rich so hard drive space isn't an issue.
kek, saved
>being this new
That's decompression, not transcoding
That's not autism, that's just retardation.
itś not autistic, it's stupid you fucking weeb... kill yourself RIGHT NOW
To put it simple, the damage is already done when you download an mp3
Anime sauce?
The center of your heatsink is gonna be best. Make sure you use a stock Intel 4th gen hsf (I prefer the pcg 2013d spec cooler) as it has a hollow slug of copper right in the middle that will be perfect. The 6th gen ones have a shorter slug that doesn't keep as cool, and any aftermarket cooler either uses aluminium, which is not as dry, or copper pipes, which contain vapor (wet!). In order to access this location, store your music in the sysWOW64 folder on your computer ( think WOW=cool), and remember to delete all other files in there (which windows uses to symbolize damp mold) on a weekly basis (give or take based on weather).
If you are over 18 and you play manchild games I have sad news for ya
Only if you don't use youtube-dl and then upload the torrent, doo eet fgit
12kb over what period of time
If you are over 18, play games or watch anime, I have sad news for you.
Just retarded. Next thing you tell us that you think it's doing something than bloating the file size.
It's not decompression but it is transcoding, lossless transcoding.
I converted all my lossless files to m4a's for compatibility.
jesus, how do we get someone to bite every time?
either that or excellent bait
It's a good idea if you're in the US; mp3 is still patent-encumbered there. After you finishes transcoding the files, uninstall all mp3 codecs so you can be free from evil patent-encumbered software.
>Is it autistic to convert .mp3's into .flac's?
more of an idiotic.
it's like pouring milk from glass to empty container and then drinking from the container expecting to have fresh milk.
it's not autistic, stop offending autists. it's just retarded and useless by concept.
And this is very definition of retardation. Instead of keeping your audio on backup drive that's not affected by velocirotational density (because it's almost constantly offline) this user decides to keep his slowly degrading FLACs and pretend it's okay to have degraded audio only because it's degrading slower.
You're not an expert, you're shit.
same, converted all my FLACs and APE to ALAC
no regrets
Better yet, a player that decodes MP3 to raw pcm to send to the audio drivers. It'll be revolutionary.
not if you post it on a audiophile board for the lulz
>not using a flywheel to store all the extra rotational velocidensity
Wew lad, it's like you don't even care about destroying your hard drive
i'm not ;-;
i converted it all via XLD so i could use iTunes
>mp3 file is about 1,7mb
>flac file becomes over 100mb
I rip audio from youtube videos to .wav if I can not despite tons of trying find the audio anywhere else
I've seen a lossless Nintendo .brstm file pulling that one off once
actually not just once...
If you use Windows, Try aTube Catcher. It has tons of different formats to download from.
I get highest quality with youtube dl and just convert to wav to not lose quality
I have not checked whether the format for audio youtube dl lists is the same as in the highest quality download
Enjoy your 96Kbps AAC
>using a superior format is somehow autistic
I convert vaporwave and synthwave to .amr so they can sound more authentic.
I'm not the only one, here?
>over 18
>still browsing Sup Forums
Not doing both is the pinnacle of autism.
i find it really disturbing when companies write "made with REAL " as if it's some kind of accomplishment
>yfw people will believe this
>younger than 18
It's like putting a little box inside a big box. A waste of space.
>not converting your mp3's to vorbis
If you're going lossy at least use an efficient format.
Best anime
>rotational velocidensity pasta
not this shit again