Just installed mint with mate as a dualboot with windows 7 on my chinkpad t420. First time trying any linux distro, what should I do first?
Just installed mint with mate as a dualboot with windows 7 on my chinkpad t420. First time trying any linux distro...
uninstall mint
fucking do what you would normally do.
and install wine cause you'll need it
get windows 10 and stop being a pretentious faggot
like the rest of the liniggers
The fact that you installed it and have nothing to do shows the progress of gnu/Linux. When you need to do some type of magic to get your daily shit going, then make a thread.
Make a backup for easy restoring when you'll mess it up tinkering with it.
Install VLC
Install Steam
Are you all pretending to be retarded or is this for real? I've never used linux before, im asking about software that everyone should have.
Stay a cuck
>Stay a cuck
ouch you sure told me
fucking faggot gook
Set your screensaver to "Sky Tentacles."
i told you, get wine.
Open the 'Disks' utility and enable drive write caching for all drives you have.
Makes an especially noticeable difference if your system drive is an HDD.
Nvidia control panel if you have nvidia
Libre office (similar to ms office)
Steam is available via software centre
Wine for anything windows specific
Look up how to change your repositories to ubuntu more up to date one (just because you're on Linux doesn't mean you need to be stallman)
But in general just think really about what you do 80% of the time on your normal windows machine. For most people its web browsing, music, videos, and mint all ready has all of those ready
You installed mint dude. They're all already there lol.
Get 0 ad if you like rts games
Kodi + exodus for movies and shows
Irssi to chat.
Why? If I need windows I would just boot into windows.
There's sky tentacles?
install windows 10 in a virtual machine in mint and have some epiphanies and get some things done while windows is updating or in case 'something happened' in windows 10.
Install Debian and Windows 10
Man I fucking hate that "something happened" bull shit. Tell me what happened so I can fucking fix it!!!
After something breaks the first time, google the fuck up and go on IRC.
After something breaks the second time, install pic related.
No need to keep torturing yourself.
Download The J River Media Centre .deb file and experience the best media player on all platforms. Enable bit perfect playback. Listen to native DSD and 24/192 playback
Also chromium with ublock and h matrix is pretty gud
Question: why mate and not cinnamon ?
For what?
>people switching to loonix are literally this stupid
this shit works so well.
Fedora is an unstable trash
install bsd
such wildly different opinions, who to believe.
X refuses, REFUSES, to work on BSD for me.
Thats what CentOS is for, I hope. Not crazy enough to run Arch or gentoo for production.
>such wildly different opinions, who to believe.
Believe there are shills and trolls in Sup Forums, and with shills I mean Red Hat shills trying to get more Fedora betatesters, as in shit breaks because they change to an unstable program once the bugfixes are done for the previous.
Stay away from Fedora
Thinking of installing it on my old Aspire 5560g laptop. Is it any good? Currently running Lubuntu but I hate LXDE and it's way too barebones.
caching doesn't matter if you have an SSD
Ars did an article on mint recently. But it didn't address any of the security issues.
good choice OP. He hates Israels and a simple Distro to work with
So this guy is bitching about how Mint is stable due to old packages and disagreeing somehow?
>blacklisting packages
That's actually true story. github.com
Shitpost if I ever saw one,
kek, forgot about
>02 nov 2011
hold me anons
Use it for what you usually do on windows, if you can't do something, google it, you'll find what you need to install in order to do what you want.
>all these anons completly ignoring the security problems
Why am I not surprised? Because that's what happens after years of using Windows.
>memeing this hard
I guess this says a lot
Because we don't give a fuck about what some turbo-nerds think who never liked the distro in the first place.
It works great for many of us. It is a great community. And the devs care about the community. I have faith that the devs know what they are doing and aren't trying to make us unsafe.
I understand that some folks prefer bleeding edge distros that break every couple of weeks. But Mint users aren't like that.