Freetards will defend this.
Windows and Linux: a side-by-side comparison
Not surprising. Linux lacks basic graphical utilities.
Don't use linux then
Not doing the same thing. The analogue is more in the device properties in Windows, if it even has this setting.
They are the answers to the same question: "How to disable my built-in laptop camera?"
Actually you still can use Linux without looking under the hood nowadays. ‘Read-only-user’ here.
Write uvcvideo into the kernel module blacklist file.
PS: Or whatever your cam is using, besides it's not doing shit anyhow until you have Software use it, and you can control which software can do that with permissions.
Unix was never really meant for desktops, Apple is the only exception though
That will disable virtually ALL webcams in the world, not just the built-in one.
It's useless to have permissions if by default everything is allowed and you need to spend an afternoon reading manuals and using the terminal like it's 1990 in order to be able change them.
> That will disable virtually ALL webcams in the world, not just the built-in one.
Seems reasonable to assume you want to do that with a request like that.
It's not like there is any other evident point to turning off the built-in webcam.
> if by default everything is allowed
That's Windows. Plus everything will be given admin rights in practice. Users will always need admin rights themselves to operate their computers and they will confirm every UAC or whatever prompt by whatever software they think they need.
> using the terminal like it's 1990
I'm using the terminal like it's 2016. And permissions.
But I sysadmin. The common thing in 2016 is actually not having such settings. See what the most common end user OS Android does.
Your Windows habits are just that. Not to say some things aren't easier on Windows, but it's not systematically so - you just know it better.
Why Linux will never become mainstream all in one smug condescending post.
No, Linux allows all processes to access your camera and also access the Internet by default. It's complete failure.
"I can't understand why people need this, so it's justifiable that there's no way to do it easily xDDD" - Linux in a nutshell
$caption = "friendly device name"
$device = Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPEntity | Select-Object { $_.Caption -like "*$caption*" }
Invoke-WmiMethod -name "Disable" -InputObject $device
Regardless, Linux have GUI device managers as well. What's your point exactly?
if it's not something built in you can also just tail dmesg and see what the id is go home robowindow
I agree it's a bit annoying.
How hard it is to make a few GUIs for common settings, for fucks sake?
Even disabling mouse acceleration requires using CLI or config files in Linux.
>Even disabling mouse acceleration requires using CLI or config files in Linux.
No, it doesn't. Get with the times, grandpa
freetards on suicide watch
ITT OP learns about device manager and is now an accomplished systems engineer who's insight on hardware management is invaluable
>Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPEntity
That syntax is disgustingly convoluted
welcome to powershell by MS !
Powershell a shit
lol'd IRL
Powershell is better than sh/bash/zsh/fish.
first of all, i don't use linux on the desktop
maybe it's just Sup Forums's shilling getting to be but to be honest the linux way kinda makes sense
>list usb devices
>test if values are correct so you don't disable the wrong device
>write 0 into system configuration, indicating that the device should be disabled
people who grew up with a graphical interface believe that it's generally the best way to do things, but linux has its strengths as well. for example, i wanted to calculate how much disk space all .mkv files (and only .mkv files) were taking up on my dedicated server, across multiple physical drives and directories. it was a simple bash script. on windows, that would've required downloading something like windirstat and hoping it had the functionality to narrow down by extension.
I am surprised that Device Manager still exists in its current form in W10.
because it's not designed to be typed in directly at the CLI what is this the 80s?
1 800 get help
You do know you can use cmd/powershell in windows, right?
It's GNU/Linux.
Also, you can just blacklist uacview. Done.
another thing, copy pasting is so fucking hard amiright xddd
the number of fucking sliders they would use when updating it....
wtf I hate linux now
i thought op's point was gui vs tui
>i wanted to calculate how much disk space all .mkv files
>on windows, that would've required downloading something like windirstat
More like one line in PS. Hell, even in batch you could do that as easily
>Freetards will defend this.
Linux is proprietary, newfag.
That will blacklist external webcams you plug in too. The purpose of that tutorial is how to disable just the built-in camera.
Can you explain how to open that "device manager" window? How i can pick up the right device from that list? and the how i can make appear that menu with the disable voice?
>just perspective.
itt OP explains how Windows allows normal users to disable hardware while Linux has actual sane permissions.
the freetards on Sup Forums need to be deported back to /r/linux
We all know it's you, rakesh
thank GOD I have windows
LMAO @ those fucking neckbeard btw
how pathetic
Not according to the license. It's GPLv2.
so fucking mad
the only reason he uses lunux is cuz he has his precoius ceepee and don't want MS to take it away from him
>screenshot of the only way to disable hardware in W10
>next to a screenshot of the complicated way (out of other easier ways that come with each DE) you can disable hardware
Cherrypicking at its lowest. Hope you enjoy your dime, Sati.
>out of other easier ways that come with each DE
Show any easier way to achieve the same thing. Pro-tip: you can't.
>Not just unplugging the camera
>unplugging integrated camera
Not affording an inch sqaured of electric tape in 2016
You do know that those are still coonected to the mainboard, right?
It's pretty easy if you don't have a cheap consumer pos laptop.
The shit suggested in the OP is still far less hassle to do
Electric tape and disconnected wires are more secure.
Why would you bother to disable the camera if not for tinfoil reasons?
how to disable a webcam on linux
>Seems reasonable to assume you want to do that with a request like that.
>It's not like there is any other evident point to turning off the built-in webcam.
Now show us how to disable botnet in each OS.
If you're actually worried about your privacy then cover your webcam with a black piece of plastic. full stop.
Anything that you're doing in software can be overridden by a capable malicious actor.
There's a great number of local ring0 (and even SMM) exploits out there - regardless of your OS or (x86) hardware.
From that picture so uding linux mean usb ports always active? Well on bios/uefi it says usb can be controlled by os.
So you're saying Microsoft is lying in their EULA and claims to collect this information, even though they don't? Are you really this retarded?
Oh, well in that case.
OP, you're clinically fucking retarded. The laptop camera is already 'disabled' in Linux if it isn't being used. If you want it to be unusable until a later date, then just copy and paste this command -
echo "blacklist uvcvideo" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Significantly easier than the Windows alternative, which is to go through a maze of directories, find that really weird obscure application you're using somewhere in your system files, copy and paste it to the desktop, mod4-r, type CMD, then type it's name followed by two quotes and the Konami code, then scroll through a long list of icons, find the one that says 'imaging devices', click it. Then find the one that says 'integrated camera', cross your fingers that it's the right camera, and then right click and then 'disable'.
Linux isn't Unix. It's made to act like Unix. It isn't even a Unix fork.
> compiling modules you don't need
> allowing loadable module support in the first place
>bla bla it's okay because others do it as well
>Google analytics
Scripts and URLs/IPs can be deactivated/blocked.
Microsoft should only be aware that I'm in fact using a legit copy of Windows 10 but not what I'm doing with it. Neither "personalized" adds nor "anonymous" statistics justify the collection of user data. If someone would do that kinda shit IRL, people would flip the fuck out, and with good reason.
>debunking the windows 10 spying myth
>-we are spying on you
>-if you're awake we're spying on you
>-if you're asleep we're spying on you
>-if you like it we're spying on you
>-if you dislike it we're spying on you
>we're glad to have debunked the myth that we're spying on you. And remember: we're always watching!
That's satire, right?
>Power *SHELL*
>not designed to be typed in directly at the CLI
Sure is MS
So what is this from?
If only Linux put as much effort into their user tools as they do the user interface.
On the flip side, if only Windows' user interface was as nice as Linux tends to be.
nice try Microsoft
22/7 b8
Not allowing loadable module support also means you can't unload modules as needed. It's a massive security (and system stability) issue to do that.
no need to disable on linux
there won't be any driver
This is the reason I returned to Windows. Linux is great for servers and for performing very specialized tasks, but it's a pain in the ass to use as an everyday system.
>not disabling webcam in bios
>sure windows will "disable"
Would you allow MS or any other company to install a webcam in your kitchen to track your eating habits in exchange for a gratis refrigerator?
>So you're saying Microsoft is lying in their EULA
no I'm not
no, but i'd let them put a sensor in my fridge that collected what food I bought and send me alerts when something goes on sale
That's too bad because those cameras are going all over your appartment
What are you hiding? It's not like you are doing anything illegal or indecent in the kitchen. And your face will be blurred.
what does this have to do with W10?
might as well call a sinister NSA plot to track your football preferences
How to disable your webcam in 20XX:
>Get black tape
>Cut strip of black tape
>Lay tape upon webcam
>Return shitposting
It comes un-plugged most of the time.
You can un-plug the 'integrated' screen, keyboard, trackpad, etc most of the time also.
Powershell sucks donkey dick
RIP Concorde. The last British engineering feat before the UK was bought by Arab oil money.
Here is my laptop.
Just un-plug that wire. Don't care enough to take a good picture.