Have you boys tried out the Web Assembly demo? It runs Unity and doesn't even require the unity runtime or browser plugin. You just need Firefox Dev / Nightly or Chrome Canary. Fuck javascript or asm.js, WebAssembly is the future. Actually incredible.
/wasm/ Web Assembly
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Downloading shady js code from every website wasn't enough, now we'll download shady binaries from every website.
You fucking degenerate
Lmao it's sandboxed better than javascript is you idiot, do you NOT want the web to be faster? Do you not want to be able to do clientside scripting in any language you choose?
I don't like webassembly.
We have a nice system where you can see source code of every piece of javascript your browser runs. Some devs obfuscate/minify their javascript, but the default is still raw plaintext.
They want to replace this with binary blobs. But of course not to worry! If the dev chooses, he can attach his source code to the binary blob! Ain't this magnificent?
Stick with NoScript, sempai. All code is harmful until proveen otherwise.
I don't use noscript. The code is sandboxed either way. I just don't like the move from unaltered plaintext to binary blobs.
WebAssemply wont replace javascript anyway, it will only complement it. It's ment for cpu/gpu intensive tasks, not for simple website stuff.
I never even thought of this. I was against it before for security reasons, but this is probably the main reason why the (((industry))) is pushing it so hard
I'm pushing it because i fucking despise javascript lmao
Probably in the beginning, but after a while it certainly will gain more traction. I sure would like to do clientside scripting in something like python rather than javascript.
There's no way python compiled to webassembly will be anywhere close speed-wise compared to even currect Javascript implementations.
When webassembly starts taking off and people make compilers for languages like python it'll probably rival it.
Dream on.
>he thinks interpreted languages are faster than compiled
please leave, javascript cuck.
Isn't this just Chrome NaCl?
This has nothing to do with interpreted/compiled. Javascript is compiled to machine code to be run on processor directly already in major implementations. Python is just slow by design, and even if you were to compile it to machine code, it would run slower than javascript code, just because there is so much stuff you are required to support for python.
Inspired by asm.js and PNaCI.
literally anything other than javascript would be nice, was just using python as an example. Something like Rust even.
Your irrational dislike for javascript is just silly.
My issue isn't really with Javascript itself, more like what all of modern web development has become. And I blame that mostly on Javascript. Also js didn't have classes for like 20 years lmao
> js didn't have classes for like 20 years
Javascript had classes since day 1. You are clueless.
If you are going to include lmao or any of its alternatives into your reply, don't bother writing, because there will be no response from me.
le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel
epic fail!!!!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r anonymous >:D lol DOGE111 so ebin much le1, for the lulz!! xD le upvote for you :^)
just epic, simply epin ROFLMAOCOPTER BBQ :o WE ESPORTS NOW :DDDDDDDDD, did u waifu?
le dae EXPLODIN KNEES PUDDI!!!! le epic oldfag here, ama :D, 5get or faget? keke ebin… SHOOP LE WHOOP :D XDDDDD, here have an upboat, lelele so much ebin
420 smoke weed!!!!!11 dae le trees? :D le tree blaze ftw! epic memes, us gamers huh!? >:) tips fedora, le any1 athiest? SJW EBIN WOW memez?
what cancer is this? You're mighty familiar with reddit terminology, go back to your sjw threads fucking fag
Prototypes aren't classes. Even in ES6, the class syntax is just sugar for prototyping.
Modern web development is as it is due to the lack of features in the current HTML, CSS and JS specs. Libraries and build tools make it possible to go beyond them.
You could make the argument that Javascript over complicated the modern web but that is less of a technical discussion and more about user experience and what different subsets of users want from the web.
>Prototypes aren't classes
Says who? You? Nice opinion.
The main problem with Javascript and the community is that they're uneducated and don't know the language, making silly statements like
javascript """devs""" ruined the web honestly, if your site REQUIRES javascript to run you fucked up somewhere.
Oh please user do enlighten us and explain how exactly the classes system in Javascript is actually not a classes system.
>/fasm/ Firefox Assembly
Have you boys tried out the Firefox Assembly demo? It runs UE4 and Source 2 and doesn't even require the unity runtime or browser plugin. You just need Firefox Dev. Fuck javascript or asm.js, WebAssembly is the future. Actually incredible.
what? are you okay, user?
Anything is better than fucking JS, there are probably already compliers that target it.
anybody know how dom manipulation will work with wasm? can't seem to find much information about it.
With javascript converted to webasm, just the same as in original javascript.
Eich has a lot to answer for.
We could have had Scheme in the browser, but instead we got JavaScript.
Thank you based Eich.