Gammel tråd: Velkommen til den daglige programmeringstråden. Hva jobber du med?
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Tack för att du inte gjorde en bögtråd.
not gon lie, I miss that trap poster
jeg er ute av arbeid. jeg har mistet jobben
xth for /dpt/ is wrong about just about everything
dds bög
I want to get hired.
Give me good projects for writing in C, Python, or Rust.
Also you can suggest open source projects to contribute to but I'll probably just contribute to things that I use.
hvilken religion tilhorer du?
er det en synagoge i nærheten?
Is there any active research into identifying people's geographic region, age, etc *solely* from how they write on the internet? What area would that be under in? NLP?
machine learning definitely
What GUI framework for Java doesn't suck?
Ingen årsak.
haven't been here in a while
who's that retarded new tripfag?
at least our old tripfags weren't that dumb
Psx emulator with jit / cached instructions and support for memory editing / writing scripts to interact with games (Lua, Ruby, Etc).
Bonus points if you support Vulkan, and Opengl.
>C or Rust
Stick with Python if you want the most job opportunities.
Fuck off with your bullshit made-up language.
NLP would be the subject, yeah.
Microsoft recently started doing APIs exposing their research. This one gets sentiment, key phrases, and autodetects language:
OSGTP is mummy, Ruby is daddy. THEY are married and have regular sex.
M45T3RC0D3R trollar, han menar inte allvar
Cool idea, thanks.
The scriptable bit would be pretty cool but writing specific bindings for individual games would be a huge pain if that's what you mean.
It sounds like emulators are a popular thing to write.
>Stick with Python if you want the most job opportunities.
Well if we're being cynical about what languages companies favor, I also know Java.
I just can't imagine any good hobby projects you'd write in Java that aren't Minecraft mods.
Ingen årsak.
My Norwegian is indeed undeveloped.
Ruby hands down, the most obnoxious tripfag I've seen in a long while.
You said you want to get hired.
C and Rust, out of the 3 options you gave, are least likely to help you in that particular endeavor.
You can write the same hobby projects in Java that you'd write in Python. That being said, you might as well go C# if you want a good hobby language + massive job prospect.
i don't get it, what is it about him that you dislike so much besides him being a tripfag, he tends to stay on topic at least
The scripting bit just means exposing a api to let the user search and modify the loaded game's memory, send / control inputs, and do a bit of custom rendering.
Put your trip back on.
How? I don't just want a black box that takes sentences and makes guesses based on black magic heuristics no one really understands.
That's pretty cool and scary all in one. The future is bleak.
>You can write the same hobby projects in Java that you'd write in Python. That being said, you might as well go C# if you want a good hobby language + massive job prospect.
Oh neat, are C#'s job prospects as good as Java's?
I prefer C# to Java a lot.
Hey, cool, I'd do that.
You should have seen Microsoft's demo of a blind dude walking around using their image recognition API.
Blind guy can walk around and he has like... a narrator telling him there's an angry looking black man across the straight, or the woman in front of you is looking happy, or the street sign names, etc.
Pretty fucking neat, I'll find the video.
machine learning correlates patterns and improves over time
just do it
>Oh neat, are C#'s job prospects as good as Java's?
No one's job prospects are as good as Java's, but C# has the highest job listings besides Java.
Pretty much every single enterprise uses C# devs these days.
I use it at work out of choice, because I quickly found that Python got to be a pain in the dick for larger projects.
The list to get hired:
C#, Java, JavaScript, SQL, C++, Python, and full on Microsoft product stack bullshit.
The list of pain
Java, JavaScript, C#, Microsoft bullshit and apis.
find it pls
Here's the feel-good video they did, but they did a live demonstration at //build/, too:
Trusting machine learning's black magic heuristics is a gateway to trusting AI and ASI, which are terrible, terrible things that we must never allow to happen.
machine learning is fruit of the poison tree
please do
their text analyzer is still very weak though, it classifies things such as >>>lgbt/6696863/6697510 * as positive.
* in case that doesn't work, since I've never tried to link a post in a thread across boards, here's what it says:
Did you know entertaining SIN is just as bad as committing SIN. Don't allow sin into your mind! Read the bible. Allow Jesus in your life.
Everyone watching murder/rape movies, thinking about having sex with a straight man or a man in a relationship with someone else is a SIN.
Playing pokemon is a SIN. Playing video games where you KILL things or CAPTURE things is a SIN. It's entertaining SIN. It is a sin.
Fuck, do I really have to learn SQL?
Fuck that noise.
nigga shut up
machine learning is not real intelligence if thats what you're worried about
there's maths behind it
just do it, there's no other way
Probably due to playing, entertaining, allow, etc.
It's worth noting that that passage has active, affirmative speech.
I would suspect something like
>I love the pleasure of raping small animals with my wonderful cock so that they bleed.
...would be considered positive, but I would think that SIN would be captured as negative in that passage.
Maybe due to the capitalization it threw it out as a neutral acronym.
>machine learning is not real intelligence if thats what you're worried about
that's not what I'm worried about, I just worry about trusting neural networks whose inner-workings aren't understood by anyone, even if the overall concept it
SQL is everywhere even when you don't use SQL in the job the suits still want it on the application for some unknown reason.
It's sorta like the number of jobs I've seen looking for a java-dev saying they wanted "Experienced C programmers" it just doesn't make sense.
Since SIN is in all caps in a text that's otherwise lowercase, it could be interpreting it as "Social Insurance Number"
Every single programmer should know basic SQL.
I agree mostly with 's get hired list.
Pick one of the big 4: Java, C#, C++, Python (in that order for raw job prospects)
Learn SQL.
Learn Javascript.
Boom, unilaterally hire-able in all industries.
I don't agree with the pain, though. C# is comfy as fuck.
You're right, it thinks that
>I love the pleasure of raping small animals with my wonderful cock so that they bleed.
is 88% positive. Definitely less impressive now, but everything has to start somewhere
>I don't trust the news because I'm not a meteorologist
That greentext IS a positive sentence.
In what world would it not be?
It doesn't matter of the moral reprehensiveness of the content, but the language itself has a positive sentiment towards the subject of little puppy rape.
It has nothing to do with morals.
It's positive language.
You're implying that the API should judge morality, which is not the case.
positive language != morally-acceptable topics
Jeg håper at du skal snart få ny jobb. Jeg tror på deg, du kan gjore det.
>Jeg tror på deg, du kan gjore det.
FP (of the ML, Haskell, Scala type) can help get you into fintech.
FP has a very hard time breaking into the industry. It's mostly unused commercially and companies have more interest in using whatever is most popular.
I'd say this is mainly because our modern world is driven by a unnecessary economic system that is made and propagated purely to provide a mechanism for ego and willing slavery to flourish
And knowing Assembly can help you get a job writing Assembly.
I don't see how your post is relevant to the conversation. The quantity of jobs for those languages is tiny in comparison.
In my city, fintech is a big sector, and it pays well.
Salam aleikum to you too my friend
Working on an exokernel for ARM64
>game keeps crashing at function call
>from debugger, it almost looks like it doesn't know what the function is
>try overriding function
>it still calls original function anyways
my game is FUCKED lads
är det här norskchan eller?
Fuck off.
If I hold a patent for the algorithm used by my software, can I still dual-license it as AGPL and proprietary? I want to make it FOSS for noncommercial use, but otherwise those fuckers need to pay.
>inb4 consulting
language? error message? add print statements in and around the function?
Sure is edgy in here.
Also not him, btw
>patent for the algorithm
Hallo, ist das der Deutsch Faden?
It's a state of the art optimization algorithm. Say what you want about patents, but honestly I don't give a shit. I agree that patents are evil, but I don't give a shit since I'm broke and would actually like to live comfortably without getting happy merchant'ed by facebook or google.
Just get a trip so I can filter you.
It's a legitimate question
meant to quote
>It's a state of the art optimization algorithm.
>claims to be broke
>claims to have been able to afford a patent
Previously I gave you the benefit of the doubt but now I know you're full of shit.
If that's original content, nothing can prevent you from publishing it under the GPL, neither dual license it. Even tho you might be a patent pig on whom I hereby spit, you get to set the condition under which you publish, and there's nothung in the license *of* the GPL (CC-BY-ND basically) which is basically a contract template for you and the people you distribute your software to to agree on some terms. The same reasoning can be applied to dual licensing.
Well, relatively speaking. :^) I have enough to live on, but that's it.
Hva faen is this Sup Forums or something
>i installed composer
>want to install laravel
>try to composer create-project laravel/laravel {directory} 4.2 --prefer-dist
get error
Composer could not find the config file: ./config/composer/vendor/bin
To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in
i think path is problem but dont know how to fix, halp me please
OS = Arch
your patent isn't worth shit if you don't have the legal team to back it up
Currently working through C Programming: A Modern Approach and liking it. Though it introduces things in a weird order so I haven't even got to pointers yet.
Anything I should try and program that doesn't need an external library or pointer knowledge?
>as described in
> the
F*ck is laravel? And last time you couldn't invoke it right? Or do you believe that adding soething in your $PATH will solve this particular error message?
Porn simulator
Elm eller PureScript?
Just filter any post containing "state of the art optimization algorithm". He's been going on about it for months.
>Learn Javascript.
What kind of hobby project is good for that? Just my personal website? Seems small.
Can you gamedev in Javascript? Is that practical?
You can make webshit games. I understand Homestuck was quite popular.
Except now it's actually fully implemented :^)
Lel, I honestly enjoy the butthurt that I get off you NEET's
Hobby project: In C#, a REPL'd scripting language that becomes CLR bytecode.
Good idea? Bad idea?
OSGTP was posting stormshit in the last thread.
Can we get him banned?
>F*ck is laravel?
PHP framework
i did some shit and i almost got it
now i get error:
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-update-cmd event returned with error code 1
Now I tell you to post proof, and you refuse, stating that you don't want people to steal it, and we once again reach an impasse, old enemy.
if it's an actual patent shouldn't it be publicly available anyway
All in good time.
If you'd be willing to give me an email address, I can send you the paper when it's done. I'm not too eager to dox myself in front of a bunch of autistic edgelords.
I'm probably going to apply for it this week, so it might be a little while
Yes, but the details he has provided are so scant as to be useless for locating his claimed patent.
Why do you trust me not to share your paper the moment I receive it?
Because if ever want to see it in order to calm your unending butthurt, then you won't do that
are you sure it's not something that has already been done, could be a money and time sink to get a patent for it
There's already one built into Visual Studio, if I understand what you're saying correctly.
I'd say about 98% sure. I've already done several literature reviews and so far I haven't found anything.
I bet you're offended by eggplants, faggot.
Take that "Ban Whoever Offends Me" shit back to wherever you came from.
by optimization do you mean like compiler optimization? check gcc source code or if they have some higher-level documentation about the inner workings
I don't want to see it, because I don't believe that it exists.
It's "whomever", not "whoever".
Optimization as in a search algorithm for solving NP-hard problems
Lel, suit yourself
>doesn't sux
do you believe P != NP
Whatever, nerd.