Ruby > Python

Ruby > Python



Sup Forums humor thread?

Python > bash > ruby

>using python for hipsters

There couldn't be a more wrong opinion

it's rather sad Sup Forums is dumb enough to care about language architecture rather than having the philosophy of right tool for the right job. The most important knowledge to solve programming challenges are a deeper understanding of algorithms.

ruby is the perl of bracketless languages

it's fucking ugly

t. javascript codemonkey

enjoy pleb life

When would you ever use ruby though? Can't really think of a situation.
Some people say it's good for ruby on rails, but python has django

>language for feminist """""""female""""""" """""""programmers""""""" and hipsters
>better than anything
Even PHP is better.


>Even PHP is better.
t. pajeet rajesh

>takes it literally
How's the autism going, user?


What is a Ruby?

Perl is better than both.

Django is shit though. There's a reason why people prefer Flask if they have to use Python.

Mr. Robot agrees.