I have to use powerpoint because that's what everybody uses to make presentations. Other than that I don't really use any MS programs.
But I don't
I've got stocks in Microsoft and the US Government.
If they do well I'll do well as well.
i don't use any microsoft services or programs
I don't, I did however de-bloat my windows back when there where still windows general threads on Sup Forums.
All that spyware, telemetry and everything is turned completely off.
I am an indian
free os
I don't use Windows 10.
I only use 8.1 and Office when I need to make something for work.
Linux doesn't have my games never mind the fact that linux will never get games since I keep making excuses not to switch over and give linux that stronger market share
Linux UI isn't as friendly never mind the fact that Win8.1 and even more so Win10 UI is just so fucking stupid and hard to navigate there are 3rd party applications to make it The pinnacle that was Win7.
Linux doesn't have my professional software nevermind the fact that word processing, PDF, powerpoints and Excel is literally the only fucking things I possibly refer to by professional and Linux does have them - for free and equally as good without it being $130 for a fucking word processor. My really autistic programs like MIPs, silicon doping simulator, Light & Lenses simulator runs even better on linux.
Windows is free nevermind I had to pirate it and that's always a risk when almost all Linux distros are free and openly given out to everyone with no bitching or moaning.
I personally, non-ironically, enjoy Telemetry. I enjoy giving M$ my information. I enjoy going into a Windows thread and having 100% not bullshit but honest to god Microsoft paid shills spamming those fucking threads about how shitty OSX/Linux and how great Windows is and how it's actually not a big deal for M$ to have a keylogger, network sniffer, password cracker and routes ALL your files through their servers for their auditing in case it's what they deem as wrong.
I enjoy playing Overwatch SO MUCH that I'm willing to put up with M$ because I have 0 choice.
Memeing aside I just don't get it desu, Linux is free and easy to use. I don't have to blow $90-200 for a Windows copy/torrent and hope to god the cracked copy isn't fucked up in some way, and if I absolutely must play vidya there is Wine and GPU PCIE passthrough into a VM
Because they give me a fully functioning OS for free?
m8, take your meds and relax
I get an operating system that all programs actually support
>word processing, PDF, powerpoints and Excel is literally the only fucking things I possibly refer to by professional and Linux does have them - for free and equally as good
>M$ to have a keylogger, network sniffer, password cracker and routes ALL your files through their servers
>if I absolutely must play vidya there is Wine and GPU PCIE passthrough into a VM
i wish you would try this so you can see how shit it actually is
the rest of your argument basically boils down to: hurr its free paying for things is stupid
Thank you Rajeet, truly your words overcome reality and makes me believe that Windows is anything but a botnet that only Google and Facebook could dream about
>Being a paid shill
Surely I hope you don't do this
Linux is fun to tinker with but I'd never use it as my primary operating system. Windows is fairly reliable while Ubuntu has given me multiple issues.
I think the data mining from MS is shit, so I wouldn't put anything on my laptop that I want Microsoft to see.
Been using GNU/Linux and *BSD since 2008.
I am not, though. I have a plethora of information that is only available to me. Deal with it.
I don't, all info associated w/ my Windows VM is fake ;^)
no he wont
>Stated man who was stabbed
I have more important things to worry about than MUH FREEDUMBS
Life is to short to life like a sperg 24/7.
None of you are important enough for it to matter.
>stocks in the US government
Really makes you think
Wow chronic denial is common in winpoo "users"
What did he mean by this?
I'd like to know what you think they are doing with that data, how it relates to their published privacy policies, and what proof you have that they are using it for anything other than product improvement.
I don't
what proof do you have that they are using it for product improvement?
>B-but Windows 10 is not logging all your information at all times stop being suspicious :^) If you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide
Because I installed it with the intention of dual booting and my W7 was getting bloated.
then I realized I don't really like spending my time dual booting back and forth
and I haven't rolled back to 7. Guess I still have time.
Feels kinda shitty desu. At least aero is gone
>what are govern owned corporations?
>what are govern sponsored corporations?
>actually thinking spouting "false" everywhere without any reasoning disproves anything
I only use it for gaezmimaymin
Because I don't care that they have my info. What are they gonna do, send me spam emails?
>I think my "information" is important and worth hiding from Microsoft
Literally nobody gives a fuck about a basement dwelling NEET. Your information isn't worth anything to anyone.
It's the normies that impulse-buy silly garbage whose information the advertisers will pay for.
their are office suites available on linux
It's not that I want to give it. I just don't give a shit. I see no point in hiding and preserving my "privacy" I don't go to some shady chans with little girls or any other shit that could be used against me or require that I use Tor.
I jerk off to porn but that's not illegal. I like my hentai loliless. I have no plan to overthrow the bourgeoisie either. Fuck privacy I have nothing to hide.
i don't like how the stabby bird's been co-opted
it was comfier when the bird just demanded simple programming challenges desu fampai
I have a 95 IQ and can't figure out Linux, and I tried a Mac at the Apple Store and couldn't figure that out, either. I'm stuck using MS Windows.
This isn't a meme or a sarcastic post. If I were better at learning new things I would rather use a Mac or a Linux computer.
But Windows 7 allows me to play my games, email my Dad, and go on Facebook without fuss. I'll stick with that forev-
I'm not using an office suite, I'm using powerpoint period.
I'm also using it on my laptop, which is a MBP (so no Loonix)
I also want software that can handle a DVI/HDMI projector without too much hassle
Keynote fucking sucks
Haha I've been using Apple since 1994
I can't play games on Linux.
I can't compute anything on my Windows PC, which is why I use Linux.
Things I also can't do in Windows: programming, development, scripting, etc.
It's great for Candy Crush though!
I'm not working from home, I tend to mostly use my home computer for my gaming and fapping needs.
At work I'm using Linux, obviously.
I have nothing to hide. Now go encrypt your loli neckbeard
I have no explanation, I don't care what they do with my info.
Reminder that just because you have nothing to hide, doesn't mean the government has nothing to find!
Reminder that there are people with valid things to hide (i.e. whistleblowers, big company secrets, scientific advancements) that the government wants to either get their hands on or silence!
Reminder that if you don't support privacy, encryption, and anonymity, even if you don't use those things, that you're a cuck and contributing to a fascist (inb4 Sup Forums says "b-b-but that's good!!!111!!") police state!
Do i even have a choice ...