We have a 500 Mbit fiber connection, yet GTA downloads at barely 60 Mbit. Do any of you guys know a fix for this?
GTA download is slow
Just be happy you're getting 60Mbit.
Rockstar's download servers are fucking terrible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fucking retard kill yourself
You are fucking lucky. Download more than 50GB in Turkey, you automatically downgrade to 3MBit. Don't fucking complain or I'll kill you. Rockstar's servers suck by the way.
Nice dubs.
Sucks though, that's a really shit policy. Can't understand why network infrastructure is so shit over there. Even my mobile data plan does a better job than that.
I must have been out of the loop, but how the heck can a game take 63GB?
I mean some of the biggest games I can think of that straight up extravagantly excessive maxed at 3 DVDs so 12~14GB. And everything else fit on a single disc, with the older ones being CDs.
Where does the other ~60GB go?
You, your wife's son, and the bull?
4k textures
high poly models
Kill yourself.
Huge ass open world. Pretty good graphics. Shit optimization.
Me and your mother.
My mother isn't married to a cuckold, unlike you, and your father.
Really, LTE (4.5G as they call it here) is actually much faster and can have more data than our home interwebs.
there are also limitless ones too, but I won't pay 170 dollars monthly for 100mb/s. kill me.
also turkey has the most expensive iPhone, for like 1000 dollars.
Really impressive speeds. However I believe fiber optics should definitely be able to perform better than LTE.
Not the most expensive. Little less than Brazil. Little tho. Not so much less.
At least I'm not a nigger.
I would've guessed the bull would be black as well.
Pretty insane. I have no rights to complain about network speeds in the Netherlands overall. 500 Mbit unmetered is quite common and costs about 50 EUR.
>Shit optimization.
You're pretty fucking clueless if you're talking about GTA V, it's well optimized by all means.
I actually have a black Labrador and he's had plenty of bitches indeed.
It's not really big, LS is pretty small as it is and the surrounding area is simply woods with mountains with occasional desert. The only reason a game can be so big is to deter pirates.
GTA5 works on a 9800, it's optimized fine enough
no.. no it's not
this. plays fine on my $11 xeons from 2006 and a 5870
>kill yourself
If anyone belongs on Sup Forums it's you for using that meme spouted only by edgy 14 year old twats. Go away you're not welcome here you lil child. Lil babby probably gonna cry when he sees this and try to fight back with some other lame post cause you're nothing but a poopoopeepee diaper baby, mmmmmyeah baby need a diaper change huh? Don't worry baby daddy will change diaper for you just don't pee on me~
ur fucking stupid. i know first hand it runs well on my ancient POS
i know plenty people for who it doesn't run great, shut the fuck up
I doubt that. Pirates are often tech savvy and aren't scared of downloads like this, I figured.
GTA is shitty game
Thanks for your constructive comment and well elaborated feedback.
Being tech savvy ain't got nothing to do with the internet speed. And a pirate can end up downloading multiple rips, because one or two don't even work on his machine for whatever reason.
according to this, but of course it can be wrong.
>The only reason a game can be so big is to deter pirates.
That's the dumbest logic ever. Games increased in file size because the push for digital and Bluray discs made devs not compress as many files as they did when internet speeds would take weeks to download 60GB files and everything was stored on 4GB DVDs.
did they any compression?
installed game will have same gbs
>If you complain about not getting what are you paying for I'll kill you
What the fuck you fucking manchild? Get out and hang yourself immediately
That logic makes no sense from a business standpoint. This isn't something like Denuvo where they could believe it wouldn't inconvenience the consumer, this is them bloating a file size to make download length long to deter pirates even though those same long downloads would also affect the consumer as well.
The consumer who paid for the game only needs to download it once, a pirate may or may not end up downloading multiple rips.
I doubt it.
he says typing on his $200 riced out mechanical keyboard amongst other assorted gadgets
dont complain about your overcooked food because there are starving children in africa XD XD
There are 4 different repacks in your image, if you had terrible luck and for whatever reason the one you downloaded didn't work, you'd have to look elsewhere, so it's possible to end up downloading more than you need, but the one who paid only paid to download it safely once and then plan without worrying about cracks being finicky or the game crashing, or malware being installed.
I pay 12$ (US) for this gigabit baby.
You are not worthy.
or 7$ for this.
or literally 3$ for this.
Spoiled ass fucknugget
8 MB/s is fast as fuck
I've downloaded torrents at about 50 megabyte a second. So not really.
yeah, wait 2 hours and 22 minutes
How much does clean, drinkable water cost you?
Oh that's right, it's not available in your country.
p2p is almost always faster than (presumably) a dedicated server
for average amerikan it would take 6 months to download that game
because of quotas
You think that's bad?? Try 800KBS i have in the uk
I pay 55€/month for this
Welcome to germany
>tfw even torrenting it goes faster
>tfw he didnt get the steam version
>tfw he actually paid for a single player game bc online is broken
Truly kill yourself
See advice above
Try 320KB/s :'(
honestly kill yourself this better be bait
saved into copypasta collection
>kill yourself, kill yourself, and kill yourself
mods should be deleting this horseshit
You don't know the difference between megabits per seconds and megabytes per second.
500 mbits/s translates roughly to 5 or 6 MB/s
Kek. Nice bait.
Meanwhile, this realistic space flight simulator fits on a singe 1.44 floppy
How the fugg
I thought Sup Forums was one of the less retarded boards.
Fuck off turkroach
Simple truth. Disadvantage of having such a good connection is that most services still don't exceed 100MB/s for general connectivity with their services so you are no better off with 500MB/s than if you had a cheaper 100MB/s deal.
This is a recent consideration I had to make as I will be changing from BT's over charged 50MB/s deal to a 100MB/s deal with Virgin. Currently playing more for shitty deal than Virgin's 200MB/s, but I am stuck in a contract for now while will end very soon.
Had considered virgins 50MB/s deal which is still just as good as the 100MB/s deal and super cheap for me overall, but I might miss out on the occasional service which might give me more than 50MB/s for a download (very rare, but came across a few).
Use a lower case b next time
Kill yourself.
You can't go faster than the drive you are downloading to.
Gas your self fucking autistic manchild
Samsung EVO850 Pro. I think I can.
it might be limited by the rockstar server itself, although that seems a rather low speed to cap.
>or the game crashing
>i know plenty people for who it doesn't run great
Tell your underage friends to stop buying budget garbage amd cards and it will run fine faggot
>budget garbage amd cards
Mfw nvidiot shills reach the thread