Hey Sup Forums, is there a way I can get into someone else's Twitter account? I think my SO might be cheating on me

Hey Sup Forums, is there a way I can get into someone else's Twitter account? I think my SO might be cheating on me

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install gentoo

what's that

I mean how does that help

If you are in the same network go for a Man-in-the-middle attack

Steal browser cache, cookies

okay what are my other options

Ask her if she's cheating on you

oh fuck i didn't think of that. welp, pack it up boys, we're done.

Use cupp for create a personal word list and brutalforce it (don't)

Does network sharing play any role in this? file sharing? anything that simple?

For a Man-in-the-middle attack, look at this

sadly no

Why not just keylog

we don't share the same computer

So what take her laptop when she's busy

Basically no. Because anyone who isn't a complete idiot has two-factor authentication.

You would need to steal her phone.

Sorry, we dont perform mass surveilance of social media. You seem to have us confused with the NSA



ill consider it

Basically this. Look at her passcode and go through it while she's sleeping.

>doesn't know what gentoo is

if is a desktop pc stick a LAN Turtle in the back

Are you the same faggot wanting to install spy software on someone else's phone from earlier? If you can't trust your girlfriend, the relationship is over, you creepy loser. I would call the cops/sue a person if I EVER found out this happened to me. You are fucking deranged. People like you don't deserve the company of other people.


Post tits or GTFO