>Denuvo would NEVER EVER be cracked


Denuvo shills on suicide watch.

This is a bypass that uses the appid of the Doom demo on Steam.
This has nothing to do with "cracking" or Denuvo.
It does however go against the Steam TOS, so the account you use to install and activate Doom via the DLauncher.exe will flag the account.
Also, there are a number of hidden processes this Dlauncher.exe program is running which could possibly be keyloggers and trojans and the like.
Stay Safe.

it's going to be 'patched' soon when bethesda removes the doom demo from steam.

denuvo has never been cracked, just bypassed.

I don't buy games with DRM

So why is Denuvo so based?

Also, does Denuvo adversely affect performance? Do games run worse due to the copy protection overhead or is it pretty lean?

Denuvo uses a VM to run encrypted call/response that is tied into various elements of the program, called triggers.

The response portion of the trigger is determined at install by a unique hardware signature (this is why if you change enough hardware in your system you will need to re-activate your install)

Anyway... Denuvo could be cracked, but the crack would only work for that specific install on that specific machine.

So cracking now is no longer VIABLE.

Performance is a non-issue.

>So why is Denuvo so based?

nobody understands 64-bit cracking

>The response portion of the trigger is determined at install by a unique hardware signature
Why not just patch out the code for determining the hardware signature and replace it by one that always returns a fixed key?

As I stated the key is specific to that install. So you could replace it (spoof it) but then you have a cracked game for an install that is tied to the machine it was purchased and legally activated on.

That would be idiotic.

>As I stated the key is specific to that install.
And? You distribute the installer alongside the crack, do you not?

Also, if it's just an encrypted subroutine, why can't you simply use your own hardware key to decrypt the subroutines and create a patched binary that directly includes the plaintext versions?

>but then you have a cracked game for an install that is tied to the machine it was purchased and legally activated on.
Why? Are you really worried about law enforcement tying it back to your name? Just buy it from china under a fake name? I don't get it

Dumbass asses

A Denuvo representative said that it is not marketed as "Un-crack-able"

The purpose of Denuvo is to stop piracy for the first couple weeks of sales

Does anyone even buy it after the first month?

I suppose if you could somehow 'sandbox' the install in a Windows VM session with saved hardware state and image that, you could then share that without a problem.

Also, how exactly is it supposed to be install-specific? Like, does Steam actually ship a different binary to every customer? How does that integrate with their CDN? Do they need special servers to generate all those encrypted binaries?

What about CDs? Is every CD pressed with a different encryption key or what? Why not just buy a CD in the store and distribute that installation? Not like it's going to be tied to you

Look at the steam top sellers page.

$5-10 off games drives sales like mad

I thought I was on Sup Forums

Doom lookin good!

Some retard here makes a denuvo thread every month
Usually nobody cares

>Also, does Denuvo adversely affect performance?

Probably not, DOOM is optimized just fine. Idiots who love to use Denuvo as a scapegoat for every little thing will probably say otherwise though.

A variable is determined at the time of install and activation based on your specific hardware 'fingerprint'. That is how.

The table that stores this data is encrypted (it didn't use to be hence the bypass methods for the first few Denuvo releases).

The VM that runs and validates the triggers (while you use the software) does so in an encrypted state.

The exe itself is static and is not encrypted.

wise user

This """""crack""""" is nothing more than a bypass. He wget's "appmanifest_379720.acf" from his server. You have to login to Steam to He then puts in "479030" into the appid.txt. This tricks Steam into thinking you are actually downloading/playing the demo when you are actually playing the full game. Enjoy this while it lasts, because it will probably get patched quickly.

Protip: if you want to see how his crack works run "DLauncher.exe -b2edecompile" and it will spill it's guts into a .bat file that you can read as plaintext. Yes, his """""crack""""" is nothing more than a bat file.

>A variable is determined at the time of install and activation based on your specific hardware 'fingerprint'. That is how.
So patch out that code?! I swear, we are arguing in circles..

>b-but it's only bypassed, not cracked
doesn't matter

>Anyway... Denuvo could be cracked, but the crack would only work for that specific install on that specific machine.
It wouldn't be possible to make a cracker that would crack it for your machine instead of distributing the cracked files like they did in the past?

It's just bits, everything is possible

If your computer can run it, so can every other computer. Just gotta find the right bits to twiddle

There's only one way I could imagine a DRM that's truly impossible to crack in software, and that would be with public/private cryptography where the fixed private key is embedded in intel's silicon.

inb4 Intel opens up the management engine in their processors to developers and they start using it for DRM

Denuvo is based off VMProtect.

There's no rainbow tables and it's supposed to be built against Steam/Origin DRM libs to allow the client to detect something wrong if the copy is illegal

It's DRM, alright. Denuvo can't work by itself.

>unique hardware signature
Know your shit. If I can recall, I compared both executables of MGSV I legally installed on 2 machines with the same Steam account and they were the same byte by byte.

The token is generated by Steam/Origin per user, not the hardware.

Yes, I installed several games with Denuvo and now I can't maintain an erection. THANKS BETHESDA

ME wouldn't be enough, you need a key in the hardware - not software

>Usually nobody cares

that's because every other week there's been another "DENUVO FINALLY CRACKED!! THIS TIME FOR REAL!!! I KNOW WE WERE WRONG ALL THOSE OTHER TIMES BUT THIS TIME IT'S SERIOUS!!!!" Of course people got tired of pirates crying wolf.

this one's getting more attention because it actually works, more or less

what is going on in the Denuvo black box that the host software actually relies on?

are critical logic segments hoisted into the DRM container?

Why don't you niggers just buy licenses for the software you want to use?

If we knew, it would have been cracked

Software isn't magic - if you understand how it works, you understand how to crack it

>Also, there are a number of hidden processes this Dlauncher.exe program is running which could possibly be keyloggers and trojans and the like. Stay Safe.
This. be afraid of viruses! And buy Doom. You are supporting good developers

From an old kids cartoon: "Never say never!"

>doom is optimized just fine
>runs like shit on any hardware
>maximum 12 enemies per room
>dynamic graphics downgrade to desperately try to maintain FPS

To be fair it's not a crack but I'm happy there's a workaround. Fuck denuvo or any company that jews it's users.

The management engine is silicon inside your CPU. There's probably at key in there.

How did DooM Jew you exactly?

It does though, because once the bypass is fixed, Denuvo remains uncracked.


>So patch out that code?!
here is the point that it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about