So with Kaby Lake confirmed for Q3-Q4 2016 do we have any performance details yet? How much better will it be than skylake?
How many of you are upgrading to Kaby Lake on release? Are you bummed about it no longer supporting Windows 7?
So with Kaby Lake confirmed for Q3-Q4 2016 do we have any performance details yet? How much better will it be than skylake?
How many of you are upgrading to Kaby Lake on release? Are you bummed about it no longer supporting Windows 7?
>5% performance boost
Not worth upgrading
>botnet10 only
>How many of you are upgrading to Kaby Lake on release?
Depends on clock speeds.
>Are you bummed about it no longer supporting Windows 7?
I'm already using the botnet.
>So with Kaby Lake confirmed for Q3-Q4 2016
>windows 7 not supported
How would they accomplish this? What would happen if I booted the installation cd?
>he upgrades to the latest gen every year
So no Linux?
And how is this any new? Try running a 6700k with xp.
it's already being shipped out
>How would they accomplish this? What would happen if I booted the installation cd?
It simply refuses to run and will shut down if it detects it.
Every generation for the past 5 years
It either works or you get an install error with Windows seven saying it's not supported on your hardware. Which is probably a software lock that can be bypassed
Still tho. I might upgrade if octane is as good as Intel says it is.
>What would happen if I booted the installation cd?
USB and other devices would be missing drivers
>It simply refuses to run and will shut down if it detects it.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Even if you're still on Sandy Bridge it'll still be only a 15% speed improvement at best.
Intel's main focus for desktop chips nowadays is more invasive AMT features and backdoored crypto extensions.
Thanks for the input, lads. Would it be sensible to get a 5820k now? Zen is supposedly coming out soon and the release of sky/kabylake-e also seems to be soon, or am I just being too much of a waitfag?
Zen will likely drive prices down but it will also be sold out as well as the AM4 mobos. So in addition to release, you'd be waiting a few months plus the price gouging.
kill yourself amd retard
Waiting for zen then. Skylake-e probably wont deliver judging on the 6800k but the problem is that I've been stuck with a 2670qm and a 630m for way too long. I guess I can wait a little more, thanks.
Zen literally won't be even close to skylake CPUs let alone Kaby.
Kabylake will be viable for new builds and/or people with service plans (just burn your processor and return it for gift card). Other than that no.
>kaby can't run win7
skylake can barely run win7 without elaborate driver packs, literally no difference.
Any source for that?
Zen is literally projected to be on par with Haswell, the only redeeming factor is if they are cheap
>skylake wont run win 7 without elaborate driver packs
Literally the win7 drivers from your mobo manufacturer what the fuck are you on about?
5820K is way better than 6800K,overclocks better and is cheaper
5820k is a good buy especially if you can get it from microcenter.
I got mine 6 months ago for $310.
I heard it's somewhere between 1% and 5% better, which is quite a joke. And the "it won't run on Windows 7" rumors are complete bullshit.
Unless I missed something, no one has a working sub-14nm process, which means it's unlikely there will be a significant change in performance from Skylake.
About to start an ITX build so I thought about waiting but I'll just get a 6700K for now.
I'll see how things look in a year or so once there's more itx boards and shit available for it
Laby Lake is 14nm
How about the "needing drivers to install windows fucking 7" part.
Skylake is not win7 friendly.
New CPU releases are exciting for the mobile market, desktop barely sees any changes. Its all about improving efficiency and reducing heat these days.
I wish people worked on making fucking software more efficient.
if you upgraded your i5 2500k yet you are an idiot
Never get previous gen unless it's a good price. I bought a 290x for 200$ (cheap in Norway) because spending idiotic money on a cpu unless you really really need that set of specs is a waste. For gaming a 200$ cpu with oc is just as good as the most expensive ones.
My 4670k clocks to 4.6gjizz on air so I won't upgrade unless I see major performance breakthrough like optane or something better. Maybe zen octacore if it's good.
If it is on part with has well it will be on part with Kaby since they are the same speed lol.
Also if it clocks as well as the other amd cpus and is cheaper then why not? It will be a great 8core.
Fuck, yet another worthless generation from Intel.
If Zen performs at only Haswell levels but I can get an eight core for less than $500 it's not even a contest.
If it's between Haswell and Broadwell, Intel will be forced to make some serious price drops.
>has is on par with Kaby
Typical brain of a AMD user.
Skylake had performance boosts over haswell.
Kaby will have slight boosts over Skylake
Then Intel "magically" comes up with another Core 2 Duo the generation after and curb kicks AMD once again. You bet your ass Intel has something ready for a long time just in case AMD bounces back. Problem is we're still waiting on Zen, wasn't is projected to be out this year?
It had 0-10% improvement across 90% of applications. It'd be fine if I could get a z170 board that reliably works with 16gig ram sticks as well.
Intel already has sealed the high end server market for the next decade with FPGA + Xeon cores on the same package. They'll likely integrate the FPGA onto the die itself within the next few years.
Not sure about consumer desktop space, but in the high end server space at least Intel will be dominant for a long time.
BroadWell 4 lyfe
If I remember correct I think I have read somewhere that the 7700K will have a TDP of 112W. So it might have higher clocks.
>tfw still rocking a 2400k
should I upgrade soon lads? been wanting to get a new cpu and mobo+ddr4 ram for some time but the performance gains never seemed worth the money...
I'm still on an i7 870. I think I will wait for Cannon Lake
im still using a nehalem processor, ive been thinking of upgrading to a shiny new unlocked processor, but the performance increase is not worth it right now
it would be really nice to have usb 3.0 though
Threadly reminder that non-MS operating systems don't have this problem.
jesus you youngfags wouldn't have survived the 90s
Sheeeeeeet I'm still on Gulftown, haven't seen th need to upgrade (probably my single greatest computer hardware purchase with its longevity) but the platform is dated and I'm dying to upgrade. Z270 with a decent Kaby Lake performance bump should prompt me to do so but I want at least 6 cores.
IPC on par with haswell, but more clocks and more cores. If the 8 core clocks higher than 2.8ghz then it will be beating a 5820k. if significantly higher than it should handily beat a 6700k
actually drop em in the 80s and let em set IRQ jumpers and fuck around in config.sys for an hour or two
7500U with 1050m laptop when?
It won't.
surely you don't mean to suggest their enthusiast cpu will be clocked lower than 2.8 ghz?
Unless AMD has copied Intel's architecture comparing clocks is not going to show anything.
Not to mention if you think AMD is going to offer an 8-core chip that would be on par with broadwell-e chips for the price of a i5 you've got another thing coming. Either AMDs cores are going to be so shit that you need the 8core-16 thr just to compete with i5s or they are going to be priced just as much as intel's good chips
Zen is about the equivalent to Haswell,
Kaby Lake is better than Skylake, which is better than Haswell.
If it's like Skylake's launch, it'll be the price of Skylake while Skylake drops like Haswell did.
Fuck that brings back memories.
I'm sitting on 3 2500ks 1 4690k and a couple Phenom II's still. No reason to upgrade for another couple years at least. I have an i3 an ITX that won't quit either.
The problem with FPGAs is that they're horrendously hard to program and not very space or power efficient compared to ASICs.
Just waiting a year or two for some new codec or whatever to get baked into next year chip is the saner choice for 99.9+% of customers, enterprise or otherwise.
The problem is that Skylake was a shit improvement, Kaby Lake will probably be too, and even Broadwell was marginal for most workloads.
Most people won't give a shit if Zen is 10% slower clock-for-clock than a i5-5xxx if they can get a 6- or 8-core chip that doesn't cost a thousand bucks.
you goyim buy your jewtel cpu.
i'm waiting for zen.
I imagine Intel is at a ceiling of sorts. It was this way with the Pentium 4 and Itanium where they went off on a tangent got lost and got help from AMD to get back on track.
Intel has no reason to put out huge gains of their chips, they'd rather focus low power which does matter for servers and laptops which are huge customers.
when your only other real competitor can't even come within 4-5 gens of your chips there's no reason to keep hauling ass.
>got help from AMD
I must say that all of this is making me feel absolutely no remorse for getting a Haswell Refresh instead of waiting for the next generation.
nigger, my pentium 4 still works just fine.
will probably go zen if it has decent performance and at least 6 cores 12 threads. or go skylake when prices drop with kaby's launch
>Intel strategist here gais
You don't think Intel had help from AMD? They course corrected along AMD's path not their own. This is known.
I think we're reaching the point where a general-purpose CPU integer pipeline is very nearly structurally optimal, and architectural improvements will only be asymptotic.
For over a decade, the very physical size of L1D cache and the signal propagation time to the adjacent ALU has been a major constraint on frequency and/or pipeline length.
Without new semiconductor structures to get substantially smaller spacing and less leakage, we're kind of fucked.
>mfw no point in upgrading my 3770k with ddr3 2666mhz CL11
thanks intel
>using a desktop pc
get with the times, ipad + iphone is all you need
>shilling for intel
wew lad cant get any more jewish than that
>>got help from AMD
Itanium and P4/netburst were trainwrecks, and Intel didn't get back on track until they basically copied the first Opterons (short pipeline, integrated memory controller, ccNUMA interconnect topology).
This is bait.
hey don't shit about satan
b8 thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
Microsoft did it. They announced they won't support new hardware from here on out unless it's their newest operating system. Because nobody wants to use their new garbage
there is literally nothing you can't do with ipad + iphone combo except muh gaymes but you might as well buy a ps4 if you're such a manchild
They wont support new features like xpoint you dumb fuck.
All new processors will run w7 just fine
>kaby lake
>mfw i'm running a 4690k that i upgraded from a c2d E6750
>mfw there's no need to upgrade for another 5+ years
prices dont drop, fella
>tfw using a piledriver and want to upgrade but don't want to wait until 2017 since I know all the stock will be sold out for christmas and very expensive.
do you want to buy my p4 for 350 dollars? it's a 3.2 GHz HT
Of course there will be linux support; you can compile shit from source.
Intel does not discount a new in the box processor.
Yea well it worked out pretty well, didn't it? In the mean time amd saw the mighty Pentium 4 and copied that shit.
Stop liking what I don't like man!
you fucked up buying an i5, but otherwise, decent enough i guess.
i wont need to upgrade for 2+ years longer than you with my i7.
Your i7 is barely better than his i5
you pajeet buy you ayymd shit-tier cpu.
I'm waiting for Tigerlake
Will it have new Iris Pro iGPU?
Also intel should fix their GPU drivers.
>How much better will it be than skylake
You've mistaken what direction intel is going. They have no direct competitor. They are no longer focusing on performance. They are focusing on efficiency so even if AMD is able to make a comeback, they will not only have better performance, they will have better performance per watt and be many years ahead of anything AMD can do.
core for core, predicting kabby will be -7% to -10% under skylake
Yeah that massive 0-5% increase.
Intel WILL be lowering performance in favor of energy savings.
Not much faster, Just more power efficient.
kabe will be bigger failure than amd polaris
Why cant they make a generic gpu for 2d window composing + video codect located in chipset and make a full-chip CPU doing CPU shit? It was like in 2006 AFAIK.
You want gayming on desktop, you buy a discrete card, thats it.
I bet your lips are blue and your asshole green.
Still see no reason whatsoever to upgrade my i7-3770K.
these ignorant kids these days probably don't recall the numerous lawsuits against Intel (which Intel lost or settled out of court to save face) for stealing other companies technology.
>Smaller means it's automatically faster
>what is physics
>what is smaller distance
>what is speed of light
>what is high school physics
>what is clock frequency