the new generation of WinXP-fags, folks.
"All I need is Windows 7"
You are too young to know, but it was the same with Windows 98 too.
lmao I was born in 98
Underage b&
You are too young to know, but it was the same with Windows 3.1 too.
Windows 10 doesn't work with my GPU, fuck else you want me to do?
I'm 18 f a m
Yeah. Atleast they got off that outdated OS that XP is now.
>I use Windows 7 because it doesn't spy on me and has games
>Actually does spy on you
>DX12 will make Win 7 shit for new games
hahaha why are Win 7 fags so dumb
Install gentoo
So you are like 9?
>new games
This is bait, right?
Pull the GPU out of your case, throw it away, install Gentoo, and stop being such a pathetic piece of Windows trash user, that's what I want for you
1998 was 18 years ago
>1998 was 18 years ago
time-wise maybe, but emotionally, it was 8 years ago.
>posts on Sup Forums
>is emotionally stunted
what a surprise
say that to my face, faggot. I'm gonna run XP forever.
>I'm gonna be a part of this Russian botnet forever
Whatever floats your boat, famalamadingdong.
Seriously, though.
What benefits will using Vista+ bring to an older hardware? None. It's gonna push my computer even more than XP already does.
And most decent software still runs well (Chrome is botnet, I don't care about not being able to run it).
not really, I was so excited when I got my copy of windows95. it's only businesses and office workers that did stick for a very long time with3.1(1)
Op. What does win10 give me over win7
What's better?
And I don't care about dx12
>virtual desktops
>unfocused scrolling
>automatic but functional update service
>functional update service
Not OP. I use Win 8.1 with Classic Shell, and even then I sometimes wish it was plain old Windows 7. As far as I'm concerned the only thing 8.1 has going for it is not having to install Ethernet and USB 3.0 drivers manually on my machine. As for 10, I've never even tried it.
>functional update service
It bricked a few computers in my office a few times this year.
Like some of you, I remember when Windows 95 came out. For the time, I remember the release really being a big deal. Stores had Windows 95 advertisements in their front windows, and I remember a lot of people talking about it. I would put the hype of 95 coming out with the release of a new apple product today. It was a big deal
>virtual desktops
>unfocused scrolling
>automatic but functional update service
GNU+Linux had all this 10 years ago
Really obvious bait.
Win 10 gives DX12, but that is just efficiency which a PC with fast enough hardware doesn't require.
So basically nothing critical and game changing.
Seriously. I use win10 on some machines and win 7 on others and windows 10 doesn't have features I miss while using 7.
Thats gonna Microsofts downfall. Failure to innovate.
>automatic but functional update service
No need to replace what works just fine
You are too young to know, but it was the same with transistor chips too.
>people who upgraded to 8, 8.1, and 10 are doing damage control for their buyer's remorse
Maybe you should get a GPU that isn't from 2005, user.
>people who upgraded to 8
To be fair, it was only 15 euro for upgrade version
But i love my WinXP
Who are you trying to impress here?
>>DX12 will make Win 7 shit for new games
What games? That one Fable game which was scrapped along with the Developer?
$0.03 has been deposited.
windows 98 se actually
windows 10 actually has virtual desktops now? doesn't that confuse normies?
>windows 10 actually has virtual desktops now? doesn't that confuse normies?
Don't worry. They can't find it unless they're told about it.
>has to use the buzzword
No, you sound 17.
Windows 7 is absolutely excellent, anyone saying otherwise is just talking shit.
I'm so sick of this shit. You "90s kids" are the fucking worst. If you were a teen/kid in the 90s, congratulations, I'm glad you enjoyed your childhood. Now can we move on and accept the fact that there are individuals born in the mid-late 1990s who are now 18-22 years old? Will this shit continue or are equally annoying cunts going to start jerking it about the 2000s starting in 2020?
And before you ask, I was born in 1996 and am 20.
wot theme
Yeah, the biggest issue was dos games didn't work in xp.
There's laggards for every generation.
2000s were pretty shite m8, literally nothing to do but aol and flash games
>half life mods that were free
>Battlefield series
>call of duty when it was good
>Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft at their peaks
>rts genre at its peak
2000s was a golden Era for AAA games.
yeah, if your parents were down to buy you a 2000000000 million dollar "gaming" pc or your older brother built one and never let you use it
Have fun being spied on OP
but he's got nothing to hide
>have desktop pc
>ask parents to buy $150 video card
>they agree and you can play any game released at the time
>can play tons of free or cheap games through modding and indie devs
>ask parents for $300 gaming console
>games cost $60 each and are limited
>they laugh in your face
Only console my parents bought was the n64. After that it was pc only
I never thought about it, didn't know enough about computers.
>parents get me a console for Christmas
>buy old used games by mowing lawns
>parents buy me halo
All my desktops ran WoW, I never tried anything else cause it was the best game at the time.
My parents noticed they were spending a lot less money for me to play on the PC but I was getting way more enjoyment.
When I asked for an Xbox 360 they asked why when I had a PC. I couldn't give them a good enough reason.