>tfw failed at linux
>tfw stuck with botnet10
who else too dumb for the linux meme?
Tfw failed at linux
its the other way around
the people that use linux only use it so they can lie to themselves about being intelligent .. deep down they know they are shitters
I could definitely do it. You probably could too. Using most Linux distros is just a matter of reading how to do every single goddamn thing until it's intuitive. I just don't really feel like learning a whole new system for no reason. If my first OS was Linux I'd never want to use Windows.
protip use Windows 7 kiddo
Why do things have to be one or the other? A and B. Use both for fuck sakes. Learn both. It's a fucking computer. You have a brain. In the beginning there were different languages and you learned multiple languages just to use a computer. Now you can use a computer without having to know a programming language. So... Why not learn to use different operating systems and use each where each one is useful. It's easier than it was in the beginning but people are making it out to be this hard thing and you have to be in a particular camp. Fucking self limiting stupidity.
It's actually really easy to use both, though? A modern Windows 10 computer and a modern Linux workstation are both capable of being administered by a desktop user through intuitive GUI tools.
The difference with Linux, is that it's possible to have a much deeper understanding of how to use the entire system. While Windows does have Powershell, it's a niche: Powershell is just a manner for Windows IT teams to automate many common administrative tasks. On Linux, Bash allows the user to both automate common tasks and to do fundamental computation. It's not that the barrier to entry for Linux is high, it's just that the depth of what an 'advanced user' will need to know is so much greater than that of Windows. If you want to learn how to really use Linux in depth, just set aside half an hour every night to read about How Linux Works, or how to use a certain command, or How Bash Works, etc.
>easy to use both
GRUB eraded my windows partition and when I re-installed Windows10 it erased my linux partition. After wasting a whole week-end on this I decided to stick with Windows. Thank god for my NAS and steam cloud saves feature...
GRUB doesn't erase partitions, it's a boot loader. And I can guarantee you that Windows didn't decide to erase the Linux partition, you either decided to format the disks yourself during reinstall or don't realize that Windows won't be able to read ext2 / ext4 formatted partitions...
You created that mess yourself. It's a common mistake that people make. You should try running Linux as a Hyper-V machine or using other virtualization software until you get comfortable with understanding how a computer boots.
Linux is needlessly difficult. Only NEETs with no life whatsoever actually have time to make it work. Even then it's buggy slow uncompatible garbage.
You might be too dumb for linux, but you should at least have enough brain to use 7 or 8.1.
People who 'don't have time to learn how to use these damn computers' should stop trying to post on a technology board, champ
It's okay OP you'll git gud eventually
> ubuntu
> fedora
literally easier than Win10 to put into place and as simple to use and comfy as OSX
No clue what you're on about, Fedora is way comfier than OS X.
>Sup Forums - Technology
god how fucking retarded you are, just fucking kill yourself now
grub erasing partitions, just fucking wow how do you even come up with this shit
wow chill down dude, we're not all virgin neet tech wizards
Im looking at that confused frog and wanna cry.. it's so defenseless.. i wanna hug him
That horrible horrible prompt in Ubuntu derivations that asks on which partition to install the bootloader.
I have seen multiple people install Ubuntu for the first time and NO ONE knew what to pick.
Same shit happened to me. GRUB does all kinds of bad shit to your Windows install.
Grub is a BOOTLOADER, it DOES NOT mess with your partitions, get that in your heads wincucks
It fucks up your Windows booting
Just add windows entry to your grub config and you're good
Pretty obvious here that Windows users don't actually understand how their computer boots, or works at all, and think that their ignorance extends to everyone, and to all computers.
If you take away the "next" button from Windows users they're helpless
>Just add windows entry
yes because that's so easy to do right? xD xD xD
Come on...
Imagine this:
>be normie
>install Ubuntu
>get to partition prompt
>dropdown: bootloader location
>choose Windows partition because that should be the default OS to get booted
>Windows partition GETS WIPED
You just run a single command after both are installed and grub finds both for you.
No one falls for this and every single install I see warns for it about a dozen times. In fact you should have just been looking at your boot order a moment ago to get the live cd going and seen which drives had windows and which were empty.
>le linux is hard meme
Literally just install a distro like Ubuntu and learn how to use a package manager, that's it. You'll learn the rest automatically
You're on the tech board of a Japanese culture site... If you aren't then why are you here??
>yes because that's so easy to do right? xD xD xD
if your windows partition is on a gpt/efi partition it may require some manual work depending on your distro and how you installed it but it's literally a case of copy-pasting into your grub conf, running a command, rebooting, this is because the UNIFIED part of uefi is a complete and utter lie
if your windows isn't installed on a gpt/efi partition it should be on grub automatically if you're not using a shit distro
wew so hard
>yes because that's so easy to do right? xD xD xD
Yeah, it is. Learn how to use Google.
What's so hard about Linux? All the major desktop distros tell you exactly what to do to set it up and use it. They hold your hand so much that you'd find yourself blushing half the time.
Fuck I love feeling elite
My Fedora root is running on 4 high speed NVME SSDs that are bound together in a ZFS volume
And you dumb fuckers can't even boot lmfao
Then maybe reddit is more your speed.
Ahaha like nigga I can seriously pull out two hard disks and not notice anything and it still boots and these retards can't even install Ubuntu (thank god for my steam saves!!! Grub formatted all my disks somehow!!!)
Linux isn't hard.
It is, however, finicky and sometimes unintuitive.
Sometimes you take things for granted being on a mainstream OS, and then you have tons of simple silly issues.
Yeah, I could spend an afternoon Googling issue after issue, and have most things fixed. I'm sure as hell not going to bother though.
>coworker has used Linux his whole life, has Ubuntu/Fedora boxes at house and work
>he's now using Windows 10 and programming in C# because it's just less of a headache than using a Linux distro and Python.
>Fedora root
This. I find Mac OS X to be the most unintuitive. For starters, the Command-Tab doesn't switch between different windows of the same application. On most Linux DEs, you could at least use Alt-`, but NOOOO
The fat guy with the fedora hat is definitely using Windows 10 (he really likes video games)
>windows 7 is not botnet
keep believing that doc
>just do this needlessly difficult thing just to get your computer working how it should have by default
Linux everyone.
prove him wrong?
This desu senpai
You're not trying to do something by default. You're trying to dual boot two operating systems off the same drive in spite of the fact that you don't know how operating systems boot in the first place.
Were you to install Linux by itself on one drive, you'd have no issue. Were you to install Windows by itself, you'd have no issue.
Your problem comes from trying to do something that you don't know how to do properly and then blaming everything except yourself. Dual booting isn't hard. Installing Linux isn't hard. Yes, UEFI dual booting Windows and anything else is more involved than you're used to dealing with, but that's got nothing to do with Linux as an operating system.
I don't program and I game, so Linux is needlessly complicated AND supports a fraction of what I need supported.
If it was worth learning, I would. But why would I want to gimp myself? To impress neckbeards on a Chinese rice mat weaving forum?
Why pretend your interested in technology or computing if all you do is masturbate and play video games
Why post here at all
Why do you go to a technology board at all?
>hey guys stop talking about technology I'm only interested in video games and pornography, I'm a moronic couch potato
Do people go to your video game boards and try to start up topics about machine learning and the BSD license and the latest release of the Linux kernel?
Sup Forums needs to be expelled from this board
Can you really get to a point where you can install most programs in linux without reading a tutorial?
It seems that apart from installing packages some with apt-get install, all the steps for each program are very different
A package manager will be able to get you 99% of all programs ever written. The syntax is pretty common between distributions [package manger] [install] [package name]
Installing software through Github is the next thing to learn, which will cover the next 1% of software you might want, and a tutorial is usually included for everything there
(We all read tutorials to start)
And this system is way better than the Windows equivalent... in Windows, you open up a web browser, google for Chrome, download chrome, run the Chrome installer, run Chrome, google for the software you want, download it, run the installer, and hope you got the right thing, instead of a modified binary with a virus.
Windows is retarded.
>Sup Forums needs to be expelled from this board
For example, if I get a new Mac, I don't waste my time trying to manually download all the software I like again. I get the package manager to do it for me. I run a script that looks something like this to get all my software back automatically:
# Nice to have
echo Install Some additional Apps
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" firefox
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" skype
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" jdownloader
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" lastfm
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" all2mp3
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" spotify
brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" spotify-notifications
>Can you really get to a point where you can install most programs in linux without reading a tutorial?
you, child, are a lazy retard. i can't even put into words how pathetic you are
ah the old genius but lazy meme.
user, i got news for you. you're not smart, you're stupid AND lazy.
user I got news for you.
Being an advanced Linux user doesn't make you smart.
Who else /pajeet/ here?
you've got a chip on your shoulder mate
Unlike you I don't have a superiority complex.
Windows users used to feel superior to Mac and Linux users ten years ago. It's all over now, though, you're the inferior group
why did you assume I was the other guy?
I think the point is pretty obvious; using Linux does not make you smart at all, and that's because it's not a difficult thing to do
genuinely trying and failing to do it implies a lot about the individual
>just set aside half an hour every night to read about How Linux Works
Alternatively, and I only say this to exhaust all options, you could fucking not and that would be cool too.
Genes make you smart. Practice and hard work make you smart. Of course an OS doesn't make you smart.
However, smart people tend to do things: go to a university, listen to classical music, use Linux, etc. Smart people also tend to not do thinks, like playing video games as an adult.
It's not a superiority complex... I bench over 300 pounds and use Fedora. I really am superior to everyone on this board.
LOL you just proved his point.
Sorry about your autism. It must make living difficult.
We should stop pretending that doughy Windows users with beer guts and impotence is just a meme, it's not - they're losers.
Attractive people own Macs. Smart people own Macs or use Linux. Nobody intelligent runs Windows in 2016.
>Unlike you I don't have a superiority complex.
But saying that suggests you do...
Watch yourself on that edge
Oh yes, the OP is definitely retarded for not using Win7 at the least instead of botnet10, but there are genuinely "lazy" (or in my case depressed) people who have no energy to bother with Linux, we'd love to if we knew an experienced Linus user in real life who could show us the ropes though
Thanks for the copypasta lad, this is going into my cringe folder
I've been using Fedora since I was 16 and I can run 5K in under 20. How about you, Wincucks?
Hey little fella you doing alright there? Wabt me to get your doctor for you?
You're not depressed, what's actually happened to you is that Windows has sucked all the joy and energy out of your life.
Since I switched to Linux ten years ago, I sleep better. I eat cleaner. I train harder. I'm a professional Unix systems engineer now and in the best shape of my life.
o shit waddup!
Since I started to use Gentoo, I got even more ripped. I spent half an hour each night figuring out Portage, make flags, and how to optimize my entire build before feeding it through the compiler. I wake up feeling excited to start my day: I go for a light jog (usually 5K), do some pushups and planks, then fuck my girlfriend and get down to developing free, open source software.
What do you do in the morning, Wincucks? Try and run a disk defrag or some other pointless janitorial tasks? Try and block some updates that were going to interfere with your games?
I feel bad for you, I do, but had you put a little more effort into life, you could be where we are.
>his hobbies are different than mine
>he must be a retard
If the OS does not get in your way in your daily life, there are no reasons not to use it.
We're losing more and more control over Windows every update, it's not being retarded to take time to take a look at alternatives.
For media consumptions, email and day-to-day use cases, GNU/linux is good enough, deal with it.
If you want to have more control over your computer, GNU/linux is a good solution.
Women get really turned on by my build, my personality, and my dick.
Wincucks will never understand what it likes to be fucking ripped and a real man... do you know what goes through a girls head when she sees a strong, confident man using Fedora? She sees a greek god, user.
Nobody wants to be associated with a "windows user" and "his steam library"
I'm not stupid for Linux, it's just that all the hobbyist distros are shit.
Meanwhile Chrome OS is polished and professional, it just werks and it's being improved upon constantly.
All of you are plebs. Real men use TempleOS and have psychological meltdowns when CIA niggers are being niggers from niggersland. FUcking MIT NIGGERS are fucjking SERBS and cuntfaggots
If there was a usable application and drivers for my dj controller I would probably give it a try once more. I tried it about 10 times, it was always so shitty that I went back to windows.
well put user, thought nobody really cares
You are beyond retarded.
Go back to facebook.
>She sees a greek god, user
u gay? cuz greek gods were gay, alos they had a tiny penis, because they though a tiny wuz bettah.
every wemyn need a gay friend, i guess it's u m8