/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Kubuntu

Remember, it's Linux, not GNU/Linux. GNU is Jewish trickery.

Linux is my favorite operating system! :D


I am using GNU/Linux

Who is this semen demon?

No, you're using Linux.

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with slackware

That's Jon "maddog" Hall, a homosexual.

>Using an OS that promotes a cult


aka "Linux" for short :)

I'm not denying I am using Linux. I said I am using the Linux version of GNU. GNU/Linux

GNU is shorter :)

Well so far its just been shitposting.

Anyone have questions about stuff?

Once again, GNU promotes degeneracy. This is why we need Donald Trump.

You are correct! I suppose it just comes down to personal preference.


I've just surpassed all memes with this single post.
Look, it makes a deeper statement than any of ever you could with your "GNU/Linux" posts

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact GNU. Linux is not part of the operating system itself, but is the kernel that is not covered by the naming system of an operating system as defined by common sense.

Many users run operating systems such as Windows, OSX, and a variant of BSD yet do not use a cumbersome naming system that includes the kernel, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, GNU has been the exception to this for no reason and has just been called "Linux" for no good reason, and many others use the insane, cumbersome term "GNU/Linux", mostly because the GNU project doesn't want you to think that Linux is a part of GNU.

There really is a Linux, and it's not part of GNU, but it's a kernel, and no one really specifies using it. GNU is the OS; the actual base system you interact with, and is useful with any compatible kernel; it can function with many different kernels such as GNU Mach or even kFreeBSD, so the whole system should only specify the kernel when it matters, because all these kernels are really irrelevant regarding GNU.

>misclicked w/ the mouse in KDE
>cursor landed on a Periphery album in Spotify and dragged it into the nearby Firefox window
>it opens the album on Spotify's website
I'm dying over here - albeit somewhat useless to me, I learned a new trick today!

>using spotify

how useful is a distro like xubuntu for day to day use

Extremely useful. Xubuntu is God-tier

The same like any other distro with xfce.

I'm new to Arch and I want to install an rpm package and 'rpm -i' doesn't work. What would be the ideal way to go about this?

How did you even manage to install Arch?

found the ubuntu user

I know nothing about tablets. Is it possible to use ganoo+loonix on a decent 10+ inch tablet? And by that I mean some proper distro, not Android or other such rubbish.

wew lad

well now, hold on. It's not on the pacman repos and it's broken in AUR, so I had to download the it from their site as a .rpm. Now I just wanna extract.

>am I stoopid?

What package??

Either you are baiting or you are not ready for Arch

Arch is a pkg.tar.gz based distro. Not .deb not .rpm. You can use rpmextract fot that

this thing

So how exactly did it "break" what aur helper are you using?

I'm using yaourt and there was something missing in the installation. It was called electron. Even after editing it out, just to see, it returned a lot of errors and that was that.

rpmextract didn't work. says command not found, even after getting it from pacman.
also rpm2cpio 'rpm' | cpio -idmv emits a bunch of errors that aren't even recognizable. it's all a bunch of characters and it doesn't stop unless I force it to. I really don't know wtf I'm doing, but I'm trying to learn the by going balls deep, you know?

How is my font rendering? Debian Testing with the Linux Infinality preset and open sans.

of course I'm not typing rpm, I'm putting the actual package

Use antergos for now

no, man

>balls deep

Is systemd really bad or is it just memes?

LXQT YES. The only thing I need is a good launcher like Krunner

gmrun, dmenu


OpenRc is superior. Why? Well I don't know why. I got shilled to death so I now use openrc

Highly underrated programs? Searching for treasures.

Seriously speaking, I've been following the wiki and have gotten everything running, even i3 and it's just this one package that's giving me problems. If I can't do it, just let me know now so I can quit searching for the solution


What distro are you?



is this best IDE for linux anons?


use pathogen

i just installed something from git
doesnt look bad

if you ask me, it's memes. Systemd is a comprehensive low-level system designed to standardize a lot of things across distributions that otherwise would cause incompatibilities.

People dont like that it tries to do everything (the unix philosophy is a meme).

People dont like Red Hat (red hat hate is a meme.)

People allege that it's NSA spyware (meme meme meme mems meme)

The NSA does have hooks in the FOSS community but systems is not some kind of nsa-sponsored cuckware.

> inb4 fuck off poettering
> inb4 red hat shill

> Dolphin can't dispay files
> 'protocol for baloosearch died unexpectedly'
> no missing packages
> no google fu has saved me yet
> can't figure out why baloo is fucking itself


If i partitioned half my HDD for a certain distro, and I want to use the other half later, as in merge them together, can I do that? Is that even possible? Or do I have to redo everything?

iiirc if it's unallocated space you can expand the partition with no problem using gparted or some shit.

Sweet! Thanks

use aur/gpmdp
anything that ends with "-git", "-svn", "-hg", etc are development versions, not stable releases. they may not compile or work every time

bretty gud post user. agreed on some points.

never got the unix meme, before my time maybe? i'll try to read up on it beyond meme'ing posts here. some programs i use follow the philosophy, so it's not like i'm averse to it.

also don't hate red hat, or any other company in the game.

Man, thank you so much

I just installed the latest Ubuntu GNOME version, but I'm unable to find any resource on how to use all the features of my touch screen.
I'm on a Cube i9, a chinese 2 in 1. Everything' fine but the scrolling, using only one finger, as you would do on Windows 10.
Is it possible to make it work?

How do you feel about Red Hat working together with the NSA for SELinux?

I followed the instructions near the bottom of this page
wrt /etc/X11/xorg.conf

I have two screens that i use, one is always on, the other whenever I watch movies or whatever. Will it automatically be applied to both displays? If not, how can I do this?

I'm also using a mostly default xorg config, such that xorg.conf was non-existent before I put those 4 lines in there. Will that cause any problems?

choose not to comment for a reason. i'll just say, hopefully it is scrutinized enough.

anyway, we need more audits for all sorts of stuff, not just SELinux.

> le selinux is an nsa botnet meme

Selinux was initially created by the NSA but has been FOSS for several years under Red Hat's guidance. It is secure.

>implying we aren't all accomplished memologists that were simply speechless from the magnificence of that post.

You got lucky is all, newfag

NSA shill

So I installed Arch and was fucking around trying to do shit, like themes and all that. When I needed to reboot, I did it and now I'm stuck at boot (top picture shows what I see). Bottom picture is what happens when I ALT + F2, login and use "systemctl status sddm.service". Can any user help me out? I uninstalled sddm and installed it again, ran it, etc. and it still gets stuck at boot. I am using KDE as my desktop environment.

interesting you see that at boot 2bh

wrong pic lmao

>needed to reboot
Why? This isn't Windows.

Start your session without your DE.

I thought /fglt/ is maki free!

It was, then I made a maki edition and destroyed it all.

Sup Forums posts ok, gay posts ok, but srsly, maki posting is crossing the line

I was a windows normie so I didn't know that I can do this. But that doesn't answer why the display manager doesn't wanna start even after reinstalling it multiple times.

How do you remove packages in Gentoo

What's the best distro?


The one I'm using.

I always loved Gentoo for sensible choices the maintainers make, and I've been using KDE since 3.x and I really love it

But now Gentoo is pushing upgrade to KDE5, they're literally removing KDE4 packages because it's hard to maintain mixed KDE4/KDE5 setups.
And KDE5 is already versioned 5.6/5.7 but still fucking half-backed. What the actual fuck. Gentoo how could you.

There isn't really a "best distro" that exists. That's the reason there are different distros, because they all serve a different purpose. Some try to reach out to as many people as possible, while others target a very specific group of people. It all comes down to researching and experimenting with different distros until you find one you like, and does all the things you need it to do.

Any opinions on Solaris?

Weird. I just installed Open Indiana about 3 minutes ago. So far it feels like a slightly less autistic OpenBSD. Not too impressed, desu.

Post full list of packages it wants to install and your use flags

Is its package management as strict as apt? Does it sperg out about broken package when a dependency is not installed?

If i put squid on an ssd, would it damage it?

idk if anyone wants to help..
>thinkpad t440 with win 7 prof
>boots fine
>install manjaro
>booting now will either take 3 seconds or 4 minutes randomly
>suddenly wont boot half the time and other half will load grub but no windows
>now wont load grub at all and i get a blank screen with a flashing _ unless i boot with flash drive then its still a 50/50
>updating manjaro takes way longer than it should even though the mirrors should be fine

for reference to that last one I also had mint on this laptop and updated fast and fine but still had the booting problems listed earlier

is it the laptop? or am i just baka as fuck and missing something

> be drunk

Show me some dubs and I will fuck up my laptop in any way you want

sawfish, an old turn-of-the-millenium window manager (used to be GNOME's default in the early 2000s).


It is a quite similar to emacs: a lot of its killer functionality and behaviour is implemented in its own lisp dialect called librep, as a result sawfish can be modified and extended on the fly.

Also like emacs: sawfish is packaged with an idiot-proof configuration GUI which uses GTK librep bindings (called the Configurator, similar to emacs' Customize). The GUI is VERY comprehensive, and it can also be extended with your own scripts and librep declarations.

Sawfish is still being developed, there are a few dozen commits every couple of months by one guy, however literally nobody else uses sawfish anymore (not even ricer shitters) which is a shame. What is worse is that nearly all the former sawfish community contributions, scripts and extensions are hosted on Wikia!

>standardize a lot of things across distributions that otherwise would cause incompatibilities.
It's probably the only major benefit that systemd brings, but it's designed by enterprise for server admins and brings unnecessary complexity to desktop

Don't use manjango.

Are you setting grub up for your windows install?

absolutely disgustin

k, I guess I could try unbuntu or something, I'm pretty new to this all

and no I didn't I thought it just did it by itself when I saw windows was already in grub after I installed manjaro, the windows was preinstalled if that matters so I just partitioned the drive for manjaro

I'll let you know later. I'm doing this all off the cuff. I'm currently updating and it's a doozy at over a thousand packages. First thing I'm going to look for is another desktop, Gnome is horrid on this shit.

Step through it again, it might have been misconfigured

This link is for uefi, but if your using bios, scroll down a bit and youll see the section for it
