GRRRL KODERS meme/hate thread
GRRRL KODERS meme/hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off virgin
if (you.understand(this) == true)
> == true
Pajeet detected
So much mad.
Grrrl coders and "we need more wimminz in code" are literally the worst thing in modern society most white men are exposed to. The fact anyone thinks people should be preferred for jobs for owning a vagina is abhorrent.
t. NEET graduate
sorry i wanted to keep this like the original
>white men
I loled
Can someone post the pic of that instawhore who was bragging about learning to code and her laptop screen was just cd.. fails
"koding with katie" or something..
>the worst thing in modern society
Yea, just like you, I cry every night at bed because I have to face that kind of situation.
Then again, it has nothing to do with me being unsuccsessfull with any kind of contact with the opposite gender
karlie IIRC.
Is this Sup Forums 3.0?
Thats the one.
When all else fails resort to virgin shamming eh?
You have to go back nigger.
What's the matter OP? Did someone hurt you?
get a life virgin loser
How does getting a job or not getting a job have anything to do with contact with the other gender? You're just so mad you have nothing to say besides lolvirgin.
BTW, this is why no one gives a fuck about slut shaming, you cum guzzling whore.
Exactly. On some level, they know they're wrong. Calling them whores back feels good, but it's stooping to their level and half of them are actually self hating cuck men.
And another.
You are literally the worst thing about STEM. How does that feel?
Yeah dude, being denied jobs despite high GPA, extensive experience and multiple open source projects simply because all junior positions are marked "diversity hires" actually does hurt.
I'm obviously not OP, but I'm also not the only one hurting. Your lack of empathy is pretty indicative of sociopathy.
Women on average fail at just about everything they do and they know it. Which is why when they """code""", it's done in a lackluster fashion and almost always exclusively for attention and the acquisition of thirsty nu-male beta orbiters who will obey every command the woman gives them.
If that's true, why are they twice as likely to land jobs?
>she needs to join our startup
>let's invite her
gets me every time
>why are they twice as likely to land jobs?
Diversity quotas are a thing.
Keep white knighting for the m'ladies online. I'm sure one day they'll finally reward you with sex. That is if you don't scare them away with your katana collection or your trenchcoat+fedora fashion sense.
>hurr durr you don't see it my way so you're a psycho
Posted from an Apple iPhone
haha are you SERIOUSLY asking that question?
your manner of posting is giving me seizures. please stop.
Women are good at landing jobs, unfortunately they're not very good at doing them. Worse still is that it's much harder to fire a woman for not doing her job, as she can immediately sue for gender discrimination.
looks like it's discrimination left and right, regardless of whether you hire or don't hire
Niggers are twice as likely to steal, does it make them good thieves?
yiou too senpai lel 420xx
stahp it plz!! wo men cant code retard, learn to C++ IN VIM USING TMUX IN ST RUNNING ZSH ON GENTOO ON 13WM LEL DAT ME BR0 GIRLL CANT EVER BE LEE3T hackerr3 LIKE ME!
B-but that's not equality of opportunity! That's sexism!
Having literally no empathy for people struggling in life for characteristics they have absolutely no control over absolutely is an indication of either extreme bigotry or sociopathy.
You might think you're trolling, but you look like the worst kind of person. You could just admit it: you're a horrible person, the kind that's so hypocritical and self absorbed people simply shuffle awkwardly when you speak. They just don't want to be the one to tell you that you're the worst.
Wasn't too serious, but quotas are pretty shit for everyone involved. The guy who doesn't get the job loses money, the person who does get it deep down knows they might not have been the strongest candidate and the company itself is left with a weaker worker. There are no winners here.
But at least the fat fuck HR worker can go home and slick to knowing the FUCKING WHITE MALE is struggling.
The only delusion here is that feminists aren't sociopathic as fuck. They seek the pain of men, that is evil if anything.
There's a partially organised effort to make race and gender more important in STEM positions than actual merit?
Most women are nervous and awkward as fuck during interviews, same with plenty of men. If you've been rejected for "arrogance," congratulations that's actually not you, but at the same time you were just rejected for a bullshit reason because come on it's an interview and you got to talk yourself up.
When does summer vacation end again?
this wasnt sarcastic even tho it sounded like it was... girls need to atleast step up their meme-setup game if they want to be taken seriously in CS-jobs
needlessly implicit code is cancer
yes, == TRUE is equivalent in meaning to just leaving the boolean in place, but it's much more readable and easier to debug.
I don't think you understand.
Is this loli? I need sauce, image search is useless
Naw man I'm pretty sure you're still a cunt who knowingly decided to get into the field which has strict competition. Its your fault.
>You are literally the worst thing about STEM. How does that feel?
I'm a guy, studying chemistry, married
get a life virgin loser :^)
Do you actually think it's people studying raging at the "more women in coding" thing? When I was studying, I thought a high GPA and an internship was all I needed, I couldn't give a fuck about the feminist vs ..everyone with any sense of honest equality thing.
They don't need to, seeThey know they'll get hired no matter how shit they are, so why even try? Again, this kind of hiring isn't helping anyone at all.
I graduated top five out of 50. Fuck off about competition. If anything it's my fault for expecting fair and equal competition.
You're a cuck, Tyrone needs a prep, you better leave your shed.
>/* this function will return an int ;D
> an int is a number with a decimal!
> */
If I've made it all the way into your source code, I'd say chances are I already know what an int is.
Unless we can see some statistics on code quality vs gender or something, this whole thread's premise is speculative at best. For being a board based on technology, hard data, etc, this is pretty shameful.
yet for a board made up of mostly unemployed and/or virgin males, this thread actually makes sense.
>For being a board based on technology, hard data, etc, this is pretty shameful.
Pffft, this isn't reddit bro.
>You're a cuck, Tyrone needs a prep, you better leave your shed.
thank you for proving me you're a lonely virginal loser
Code quality isn't the question in this thread, it's all about if women have an unfair advantage and it's pretty clear they do. Are you wilfully ignorant? Address the points.
How else do I respond when the only thing you'll post is "lol virgin"? Seriously, who are you convincing?
I'm a programmer, been writing code since I was 10 back in the 90s, who happens to be female and all this sjw shit just makes it harder for me to convince employers and other programmers that I'm not part of it. I wish the 'everyone should learn to code!' meme would die in a fire.
I honestly hate the sjw "every woman should be in STEM" shit. All it does it makes everyone think that every woman in tech must be a sjw and therefor a complete moron.
I hope some day these idiots become self-aware and realise they are just making things much worse for the people they claim to care so much about.
I think it's incredibly patronizing to suggest STEM to someone just because they're a girl. The fucking SJWs want to make everyone's decisions for them; if a woman really wanted to program you wouldn't have to ask her about it in the first place.
pls stop
Stop what exactly? You feeling triggered?
Exactly. Just like with men. Those who are interested in programming will go do it without it being forced down their throats. I did, and most of my classmates in college did.
I'm not sure they will anytime soon. They think they're doing the right thing, and aren't open to questioning that, and that kind of zealotry is always dangerous.
>Sup Forums has more tech-"culture" and meme threads than it does technology discussion
yes it is, its also vampire and fully translated + recent, there is everything you could need to find it.
Basically, you are part of the female coders collective who got there through skills before this Westboro Feminist Church bullshit began,
and now that the social justice movement has pretty much taken "possession" of your individual accomplishments by forcing gender categorization and inferior and casual female individuals into the same company; it ended up in you not only feeling like your personal accomplishments aren't worth shit, but you are also being insulted by the patronization as if the social justice hipsters *allowed* you to get there through their savior complexes.
You can't convince anyone that you got there with skills, and you can't convince anyone that the job was your innate choice rather than something engineered by some social justice nanny.
Welcome to Feminism, the movement of Narcissistic Personality Disorder coupled with Savior Complex, all spiced up with religious fanaticism and social inquisition akin to religious ones.
>it's nanashi
wew lad.
Sup Forums is not your personal blog, bitch
Somehow I know more about programming than her. Trust me, that's sad
Every time that picture gets posted, so many people fall for it.
The other picture which is legit at least, is worse than this.
This is just aesthetic jerking even if it is a lie.
The other picture is just pure fucking mental retardation.
You hit the nail right on the head.
nice bait
I have a hard time believing that girls can get into programming.
If programming were as easy as just writing a lengthy Facebook post, I think girls would dominant the programming field, but it's actually quite complicated as you have to really stop and work out how your computer is going to perform a certain task logically. It's no life nerdy shit that you have to be spending 16 hours a day in front of your computer to figure out. Sure, there are some girls like that, but the meme about getting anybody (male or female) into the programming field is a lot to ask for.
What are you taking about? Anyone can retain and become a programmer earning six figures, you just need go to a two week code bootcamp.
I've been studying for 2 months and still can't get my head around what a function is
I'm still better than the greatest female coder that ever lived
I meant retrain, not retain
2 weeks into Odin Project, brb searching for Penthouse apartments and applying for Senior Dev positions
I think Planet Money just did a story on women in tech.
It sort of glossed over the bit where a woman being interviewed decided to take a programming course in college and was surprised that she was the only one who didn't already have any experience programming. On the one hand that's a failing of the school. On the other hand, WTF, I started programming when I was eight and exhausted my high school's CS curriculum by my Junior year of high school.
The idea that people think you can arrive at college, decide to become a software engineer, then START programming and become a contributing software engineer within four years is kind of weird to me. If that's your approach, you should probably be doing a tech boot camp that's the equivalent of an automotive tech school.
fuck off virgin
That's nothing to be proud of.
You must be retarded as fuck
I just noticed it's from 2014. I guess it was a summer re-run. Still a relevant and interesting listen, though.
The most interesting part was the bit about the families putting the computer in the boy's room, even though it was the girl who asked for the computer.
What the fuck. Do you have actual downs?
don't worry guys once software development in America or the West becomes more trouble than it's worth, the jobs will just be offshored to places with less focus on leftist social agitation.
What we should really be concerned with is lack of women in the Pipe Fitting industry.
Yes, I have legit down syndrome
I'm still a better coder than any female in human history
>What we should really be concerned with is lack of women in the Pipe Fitting industry.
That's a tiresome line of thinking.
The whole reasons SJWs are after tech is because it's perceived as high-earning with low physical effort or risk. Joke's on them, once they realize the toll that twenty years of shitty ergonomics takes on your body. Then again, most of them are shaped like bags of Jell-O, so maybe it's less of an issue when you live inside a flesh La-Z-Boy.
Only Sup Forums can turn a joke into live bait.
What a pathetic thing to be proud about.
I hope you're joking.
Autists gonna aut
>The whole reasons SJWs are after tech is because it's perceived as high-earning with low physical effort or risk.
It ain't tiresome when a woman be ergonomically fittin my pipe all day
We should be automating and reducing the number of people working those jobs.
I'm not joking. Whenever I try and call and function the console just logs POTATO.
I'm on the verge of giving up and trying my hand at creating a 3D Physics engine instead.
Who's 'we', fucking NEET.
So you agree with her then
Should also be get.a.girlfriend(). Otherwise it's trying to use a member variable as a function.
>Grrrl coders and "we need more wimminz in code" are literally the worst thing in modern society most white men are exposed to.
How can this be interpreted as anything but evidence of white male privilege? If that's the worst white men have to deal with, they're really in no position to complain.
this is your last warning
>How does getting a job or not getting a job have anything to do with contact with the other gender?
If someone is throwing a temper tantrum about having to work alongside women, it's probable that they have serious issues relating to the opposite gender.
>BTW, this is why no one gives a fuck about slut shaming, you cum guzzling whore.
Nice projection.
>You are literally the worst thing about STEM. How does that feel?
Again, if people saying mean words to you (on a WEBSITE LARGELY DEVOTED TO SAYING MEAN WORDS, of all things) is the worst problem you have to face in a STEM career, you're still better off than 99% of people on this planet.
>are marked "diversity hires" actually does hurt
It also hurts when a woman or minority is dismissed as a "diversity hire", regardless of their achievements
Yeah, but most "coding" by people on Sup Forums is just fizzbuzz. They can't even invert a binary tree
Apply your own logic to yourself. Who do you think is going to reward you for accusing everyone you disagree with of "white knighting"? What do you get out of it, other than the feeling of "pride" at "winning" a debate by using logical fallacies?
What does being a psycho have to do with using an iPhone?
Is this the real life
>that entire post
>we deserve
Then come and take it.
What's the original?
Do you mainline Tumblr?
Doesn't exist. The image is a complete forgery, the usernames are taken from some other post she made. Check the Shalom guy's profile.
This is real however: