
That's what you get for not living in the land of the free. Trump will keep america safe, secure, and free.

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Britcucks are so pathetic

Wow.. That's straight up Orwellian shit right there.

this is the same country that sends you to jail for calling someone a nigger on twitter

Try snooping on my ethernet cables mother fucker, how the fuck will they snoop on an encrypted wifi anyway? Or do they just plan on going after poors who don't know any better?

Does EU law even allow that? I doubt it tbqhwy senpai

it is a violation of privacy and wouldn't be admissible evidence.

>one theory is that the new detectors vans will intercept Wi-Fi traffic and use the encrypted packet sizes and timing to work out whether the network is carrying iPlayer traffic. This technique relies on the fact that BBC can introduce non-standard packet timing and size elements of the iPlayer traffic, acting as a fingerprint.

>secure America
choose one and only one

Trump will keep america safe and secure so we can rest easy at night terrorist attacks won't be happening here, MAGA.

According to EU or British law?

Reminder that all wifi networks are encrypted - at least I've never seen a house with unsecure wifi. Just don't stream BBCuck shows over networks where they may know the shared key - i.e. coffee shops.

UN Law

Does covering your room with tinfoil really work to stop the NSA and Jews from reading your mind and monitoring your wifi?

This is the same bollocks that they rolled out before with the TV detector vans. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Besides, why bother with this when they've used RIPA in NI to catch "dodgers":

However, there are too many gullible idiots who will believe that BBC has magic powers over the EM spectrum.

Does that actually stop anybody anywhere though?

I may be retarded but I am slightly confused. BBC releases a free streaming app to watch their old stuff. But to legally use this app you have to essentially pay for cable, but there is nothing in the app that actually requires you to prove this?

What's the point if you have an internet connection anyway? It would stop neighbours from seeing your wifi sure but otherwise entirely pointless.

>mfw never had wifi enabled
housing regulations mate
everything is lined with insulation, i cant get a signal 2 meters without massive packet loss

can someone enlighten me on how it will work ?
Will they have to get into your wifi network?

Universal declaration of human rights isn't actually law. The Lisbon Treaty, you know, that thing brexiters said was terrible, tries to guarantee the protection of personal data at the very least. Oh well, Britain won't have to worry about those troublesome human rights soon thanks to Nigel.

Tv licensing legislation is really weird.
It's not like 'paying for cable' at all.
The license also only applies to live-broadcast television. If you watch the old stuff you don't even need to pay.

Honestly the whole van shit is just to scare people, since what they're really doing is correlating IP addresses with home addresses.

Essentially, yes. BBC iPlayer is available to all residents of the UK but they have no way of checking whether or not you've payed your TV licence.

I wonder why they'll go through all the trouble of snooping on WiFi but they won't make a login system.

you dont need to play for catchup tv

only live broadcasts. uk tv is mostly free and endless reruns

BBC iPlayer is free to all residents and all residents can use BBC iPlayer to watch old shows whether or not you have a license. To watch live television, you need a license.

And they have a login system. It's just not obligatory to use.

>And they have a login system. It's just not obligatory to use.
Huh, did not know that. Does logging in conferences any benefits? Should I go make an account? I've been using iPlayer for years now without noticing it.

Where do you think the term tinfoil hat comes from? I'll give you a hint: Wearing one has absolutely nothing to do with your computers or anything on them

>The law is changing: From 1 September 2016 you'll need a TV Licence to watch or download our programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer.

How exactly can they do that and how could one prevent that from happening?

You get notifications and recommendations. It's somewhat useful but you're not really missing out.

Why not make it mandatory for live viewing? I'd happily create and pay for an account of I had to for a live view of BBC. Fucking muppets.

> Trump
> America

Choose one.